Subject: What to do?

Life's Greatest Adventure!
April 24th 2013
Hi Friend,

Do you ever wonder what to do? During these challenging (and often stressful) times it can seem as though we can't do enough, yet doing what little we can (and being relaxed while we do it) is probably the most helpful thing we can ever do.

“The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing because you think you can only do a little.”
-Zig Ziglar

Focusing on what we CAN do, in any moment, is extremely powerful. Being relaxed and calm within yourself has a more powerful effect on those around you than you can imagine. If ALL you can do is relax and breathe, do it. With focus and presence. Don't underestimate the power of your relaxed, focused, attention.

"Keep Calm and Carry On"
It's no accident that old World-War Two slogan is enjoying a new lease of life, but how to keep calm? Being able to recognize when we are becoming emotionally charged, and then having the skill and presence to calm ourselves down, involves a highly advanced set of skills and it does not happen by accident. It can take years of practice, observing yourself in all situations, until you can catch yourself very early in the process of getting wound up. The sooner you realize you are getting angry, anxious or upset the sooner you can take steps to calm yourself before things get out of hand.

Full Moon in Scorpio - April 25th
We have been through some volatile times recently and as we lead up to the Full Moon in Scorpio on Thursday it is more important than ever to watch our body, speech, and mind. Soul Astrology isn't giving us a 'terminal diagnosis' that we are fated to play out, but is giving us a 'heads-up' to the undercurrents that are currently flowing through the body of humanity and, if we are aware of how these currents may interact with our own individual energy field, we can be better prepared. We learn this by continually observing our reactions and choosing better responses.

Are you Highly Energetically Aware?
If you are I strongly encourage you to join a Q & A telegathering this Friday (April 26th) on the topic of being Highly Energetically Aware (HEA). This is one of a choice of telegatherings offered by Visionary Intuitive Life Coach Anya Sophia Mann to support you in understanding and living the gifts of perceiving.

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


Soul Astrology Reports & Consultations with Ruth »
To support you on your journey...
Soul Sign / Life Purpose Written Report
This report gives an overview of your soul's essence and what is wanting to be expressed through the 'lens' of your personality in this lifetime.

What have you come here to do in this life, and how will you do it? 
read more
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Highly Energetically Aware
 Q & A
Friday, April 26th, 3pm ET
This Q & A is one of a choice of three telegatherings for coaches and people in all helping professions, and also for teachers and parents of highly sensitive children and teenagers. You can participate in just one, or join them all!
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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.