Subject: Wesak & The Three Spiritual Festivals

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
May 11th 2016
Hi Friend,

You can probably feel that is a very special and sacred time of the year. Every year, around this time, there is a great influx of light and love on the planet that brings in greater awareness, elevates human consciousness, and furthers our Earth Mother's journey towards becoming a sacred planet.

I'm talking about the three great spiritual festivals of Easter, Wesak, and the Festival of Goodwill or Humanity, that are celebrated around the times of the Full Moon. 

Here is a beautiful video about the second of these festivals (Wesak) and then we'll take a look at why there are apparent differences in the dates for Wesak...

If you searched the internet to try and find out when Wesak was you could end up feeling very confused indeed - especially this year! Why? Because different traditions have different ways of marking the festival... 

Mostly you will read that Wesak is held during the Full Moon in May, when the Sun is in Taurus, which for the most part will be correct... except this year. Because this year the Full Moon of Taurus Season (when the Sun is in Taurus and the Full Moon is in Scorpio) was on April 22nd (at least it was if like myself and most Western Astrologers you use a Tropical Zodiac).

In many buddhist traditions the Wesak(1) festival  will mostly be celebrated at the Full Moon on May 21st this month.  Yet this year the Full Moon in May happens when (according to the Tropical Zodiac) the Sun is in Gemini and the Full Moon is in Sagittarius. To complicate things even further some Wesak celebrations are happening on other dates, so why all the discrepancy?

The name "Wesak" or Vesak comes from the Sanskrit Vaisakha and is the festival celebrating the Buddha's birth, enlightenment and death. The name originates from the month of Vaisakha in the ancient Vedic calendar which corresponds to April or May in our Western (Gregorian) calendar. Although the main focus of the festival is the Full Moon, celebrations are often held throughout the whole month of May (which is why there are celebrations held on different dates).  In some Asian countries the date is based on the fourth month of the Tibetan or Chinese calendar, again with the focus being on the Full Moon, but celebrations being held for the whole month.

There will also be differences between Western Astrology (which uses a Tropical Zodiac) and Vedic Astrology (which uses a sidereal Zodiac). Using a sidereal zodiac the Sun is in Taurus on May 21st this year, and the Full Moon is in Scorpio. (We don't have the space to get into it here but for a clearer understanding of the differences between the Tropical and Sidereal Zodiac's read this article).

For many Esotericists Wesak was celebrated on April 22nd this year, because that was the Full Moon in Taurus Season (when the Sun was in Taurus and the Full Moon was in Scorpio. I thought it would be interesting to clarify the discrepancies around the dates, but it is important to not lose sight of the overall context. Irrespective of the actual dates, it is important to notice that there is an influx of light, and a build up of energy at this time.

In Asian countries the celebrations last for a month. According to the Tibetan Master, the three Great Spiritual Festivals last over a period of three months - or three Full Moons. This gives us some idea of the significance of this powerful time.

Three Great Spiritual Festivals

So let's briefly look at what is happening during these three spiritual festivals...

The first festival at Easter, is the festival of the Christ and is marked by the first Full Moon in Aries Season.

Wesak is the festival of the Buddha. It is celebrated around the time of the first Full Moon in Taurus Season.

The third festival is the festival of Goodwill of Humanity which takes place at the Full Moon in Gemini Season. This is the culmination point of the three festivals when the light is integrated into the consciousness of humanity and anchored on the planet.

Grand Fire Trine

Interestingly this year on May 21st in addition to the Sun in Gemini and Full Moon in Sagittarius (Western Astrology, Tropical Zodiac) we also have a Grand Fire Trine  - between Mercury in Aries, Jupiter in Leo, and Pluto in Sagittarius. 

Esoterically this brings the potential for a great influx of Cosmic Fire... as Mercury in Aries supports us in building the antakharana or rainbow bridge between lower and higher mind (Mercury is the esoteric or Soul Ruler of Aries); Jupiter in Leo brings an influx of Love-Wisdom for the purpose of Self-Realization; and Pluto in Sagittarius helping us to reach the highest wisdom of all, that which buddhists call 'the wisdom realizing 'emptiness' (the wisdom of the clear light mind).

These are powerful times and the potential for spiritual advancement is very great indeed!

Full Moon Meditation - May 21st/ 22nd (21:14 hrs UTC)

It is especially important to meditate in the hours building up to this Full Moon, in groups or alone, to increase your ability to perceive and receive these sacred energies, and to help anchor them into the planet.

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,



1. Wesak is the celebration of the Buddha's birth, enlightenment and 'death' when he is said to have passed into parinirvana (the niravana beyond death). In Theravdic buddhism this festival is known as Vesak, and it is also called Saka Dawa in Tibetan Buddhism.

Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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