Subject: Uranus Part II - The Awakening of Intuition

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
November 5th 2014
Hi Friend,

Last week we briefly looked at the generational qualities of Uranus, of course we could have written a book on the deeper esoteric meaning of Uranus in each sign (maybe one day I will - watch this space!) but we don't have the space for that here!

With all the slow-moving planets there is always a generational 'soul group' transformation happening that ultimately is guiding the evolution of human consciousness. Yet there is also, always, a very personal awakening happening at the same time for it is the individuals within the soul-group that are driving the collective awakening through their own personal awakening. The personal meaning of the planets of transformation for you can be determined by looking at their placement in the houses of your natal chart.

Your natal chart is a symbol of your personal energy field - your mandala. So when we look at your natal chart we are looking at a symbol of your energy matrix: a pictoral representation of your real energy field. It is always important to remember that, so you remain aware that we are not looking at something outside of you.

When we talk about the 'houses' of your chart, we are talking about twelve areas of life where your energy may be expressed during the course of your lifetime, similar to a 'wheel of 'life'. So the twelve houses represent areas such as your sense of self and identity; your income and personal resources; mental processing, thinking and learning; your home and family; your creativity; your health, well-being and personal growth; your relationships and so on.

Now back to Uranus. There is a sudden, unexpected, quality to Uranian energy that is in the nature of a 'short, sharp, shock'. Yet there is also clarity and greater awareness. Spiritual teacher Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche suggests that when something startles us, we should pay attention and try to remain in that state of alertness as long as we can because we have just been catapulted into a different state of consciousness. It is a great opportunity for awakening that is to be welcomed!

So remembering that Uranus is the planet of intuition and awakening, we can now look to see where in your chart Uranus may be raising your consciousness, developing your intuition, and bringing you the necessary 'surprises' that cause you to 'wake up' in your life!

The Spiritual Meaning of Uranus Through The Houses:

Uranus in the First House
If you are have Uranus in your first house you are waking up to the reality of your own existence. To be aware of your own beingness, and the sacred nature of that. You may go through many identity crises at personality level, as you explore your own uniqueness and individuality, and bump up against society's ideas of how you ought to be, vs your own sense of who you really are. Ultimately you are waking up to your own existence.

Uranus in the Second House
If you have Uranus in the second house you are waking up to your own sense of value and self-worth. At personality level this is connected to finances, income and your own resources, which may be erratic as you explore your own unique ways of generating income. Ultimately you are waking up to your own innate and inherent value simply as a spiritual being.

Uranus in the Third House
If you have Uranus in the third house you are waking up to the scope of your own mind. At personality level you may process information, think, and learn, in unique, unusual, and highly individualistic ways. You can have flashes of insight which can seem like eccentricity and/or genius. Ultimately you are being awakened to the higher dimensions of mind, and your own ability to connect and commune with your higher self.

Uranus in the Fourth House
If you have Uranus in the fourth house you are waking up to the true meaning of home. Home is where the heart is, and Uranus in the 4th house initiates a heart awakening, because an open heart is the doorway to intuition. At personality level you may go through many sudden and unexpected changes of residence, and/or as a child perhaps your family moved home a lot. You may have times where you are challenged by sudden and unexpected 'uprooting' and moving. Ultimately you are being called upon to redefine home and to realize that, as a spiritual being, your only true 'home' is the one within your own heart, and you carry that wherever you go.

Uranus in the Fifth House
If you have Uranus in the 5th house you are waking up to your uniqueness as a creative being. At the personality level you may explore unique and highly individualistic forms of creative self-expression, as you seek to understand your own true nature. You may be tempted to take risks, and/or be attracted to adventurous or dangerous sports, as you explore just how far you can go in exercising your own power as a co-creative individual. Ultimately you are being called to the path of self-realization where you realize your own true nature as a spiritual being.

Uranus in the Sixth House
If you have Uranus in the sixth house you are waking up to the true meaning of health and well-being. In Esoteric Astrology the Tibetan Master tells us that all dis-ease results from separation. At the personality level you may experience suddenly becoming dependent upon others to care for you, or alternately you may find yourself suddenly caring for dependents. You may be attracted to radically unique and different forms of healthcare, and take a unique approach to your personal development. Ultimately you are being awakened to the truth of our interdependence and the holistic nature of reality.

Uranus in the Seventh House
If you have Uranus in the seventh house you are waking up to the nature of right relationship. On the personality level you may be attracted to unique and innovative people and/or they may be attracted to you. Ultimately you are awakening to the truth that we are all reflections of ourselves in each other, which begins the process of personality and soul fusion.

Uranus in the Eighth House
If you have Uranus in the eighth house you are waking up to the nature of spiritual energy as a resource. On a personal level you may experience sudden and unexpected gains and/or losses in terms of join finances and resources. Ultimately you are being awakened to the fact that you are your own best resource, and that all personal and group resources are ultimately spiritual resources.

Uranus in the Ninth House
If you have Uranus in the ninth house you are waking up to higher knowledge. On a personality level you may feel moved to rebel against conventional wisdom, you may attract unusual and innovative teachers with connections to higher knowledge paths and/or you may receive wisdom from contact with foreign lands and/or people. You may receive clear and sharp flashes if intuition that reveal wisdom to you. Ultimately you are being awakened to cosmic law and higher wisdom.

Uranus in the Tenth House
If you have Uranus in the tenth house you are waking up to the path of discipleship and spiritual ambition. On a personality level you may choose an unusual, unique or highly individualized career path. You may also experience sudden and unexpected changes in your career, status or worldly position. Ultimately you are being awakened to the truth that your true 'vocation', or purpose in the world, is to follow your spiritual path.

Uranus in the Eleventh House
If you have Uranus in the eleventh house you are waking up to the nature of group purpose and service to humanity. On a personality level you may find that you can gain or lose friends suddenly and that friendships can change form unexpectedly. You may enjoy unique, innovative and/or even eccentric friends. You may also enjoy being with groups of like-mined people who share your ideals and visions. Ultimately you are being awakened to the nature of group consciousness and group service to humanity.

Uranus in the Twelfth House
If you have Uranus in the twelfth house you are waking up to the nature of oneness, or unity consciousness. At the personality level the twelfth house can symbolize our unconscious mind. So you may experience sudden and unexpected events that cause you to wake up to your own unconscious behavior. You may experience people and situations that challenge your beliefs and assumptions and cause you to change your thinking. Ultimately you are being awakened to higher states of consciousness and ultimately, unity consciousness: the personal experience of oneness.

These are the natal positions of Uranus. Which means this was the position of Uranus on the day you were born, as shown in your natal chart, that forms part of your energetic signature.

That's all for now! Next week we'll look at transits of Uranus through your chart, and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

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Soul Path Astrologer and Coach Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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