Subject: Understanding Your Karma

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
April 22nd 2015
Hi Friend,

A few weeks ago we briefly mentioned the science of karma when we discussed 'sacred triangles' in our energetic field, and I was just thinking that maybe we need to take a few steps back and take a look at the basics of what karma actually is!

I've also included this short video with Buddhist master Thich Naht Hahn where he gives an excellent and simple overview of karma:

Karma is possibly one of the most misunderstood concepts in the West. It is an Eastern term that we have incorporated into our language with little or no understanding of it's original meaning. When we say "oh it must be my karma" we speak of karma as though it is a fate, destiny or even a curse that has been imposed on us by some higher power, but it's not quite like that.

In Buddhist traditions it is said that karma is one of the most complicated of phenomena to understand and can only truly be understood by Buddhas (enlightened beings) themselves! So we can forgive ourselves if we don't fully get it, and by the same token neither can we assume that we know what it really is.

From my studies of esoteric astrology and different spiritual traditions, I have a little understanding of karma which I'll share here, just bear in mind this is also very likely to be incomplete (since I'm neither a Buddha nor an enlightened being)!

Karma is said to be both cause and effect. I have listened to different teachers and some say that karma is the action, some say it is the result, and some say it is both since you cannot separate the action from the result! A bit like the well-known chicken and egg scenario: which came first? Without eggs there are no chickens, without chickens there are no eggs. In a sense that's karma, the chicken and the egg.

Yet karma also relates to our behavior on a day to day basis. In addition to our genetic predisposition (whether we are plant, animal, mineral or human) we also have our behavioral conditioning, based on the family and the society that we were born into. So we experience karma on different levels.

We each have our own individual karma, which is our behavioral tendencies carried over from past lives. If you were a Beethoven or a Mozart in a past life, there will be energetic traces in your energy field, so you will know what to do immediately the first time you sit in front of a piano.

We also have shared 'family' karma in the sense that our individual energetic patterns are in some way intertwined with the family we are born into, and then there is the collective 'karma' of society at all levels: our school or work, village, town, city, nation and ultimately the collective consciousness of humanity. All of these influence our actions, and therefore the results we experience. So it all affects our 'karma'.

In Soul Astrology, our Ascendant or Rising Sign indicates the light of our Soul that is wanting to shine through. Everything else in the chart is indicating some kind of karma, whether it be at individual, social or collective level.

Enjoy the video, then next week we'll take a look at how to interpret and understand karma from your natal chart.

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

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Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.