Subject: The Shame of Saturn in Scorpio - A Soul-Centered Perspective.

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
August 19th 2015
Hi Friend,

First I want to thank Faith Thomas of Insight Astrology for sharing an excellent article by Jodie Lewin of Braveheart Astrology called “Saturn Direct in Scorpio - Shining A Light on Shame”, which was the inspiration for today’s newsletter.

Jodie talks about our collective and personal shame, which me to wonder about guilt. Guilt and shame are very closely connected, so it led me to contemplate the deeper energetics of Saturn in Scorpio.

Why would Saturn in Scorpio particularly be associated with shame and guilt? To help us understand more about this for our own personal journey of self exploration (which also involves deep personal transformation and healing) it may be helpful to take a Soul-Centered perspective.

First lets look at the planetary dynamics. According to Master Esoteric Astrologer Alan Oken, Saturn rules the ‘structure of mind’. Now let’s pause there for a moment and clarify what may be meant by ‘mind’ in this context. For the majority of people ‘mind’ means thinking, but this is not the view of mind taken in some spiritual traditions. For example in the buddhist tradition mind is considered to be your entire inner experience including thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc. Indeed any and all information that you are receiving through your five senses: sight, sound (to include thought), touch, taste, smell (sense perceptions). From this perspective, how you relate to your experience is your mind, and any predisposition you may have to favor one sense-perception over another, would be part of the ‘structure’ of your mind.

Also remember that we can think about planetary dynamics as having a lower fear-based vibration and a higher love-based expression. The great sage Ramana Maharshi once said,
“there are no levels of reality, only levels of experience for the experiencer”.

So when we speak of mind, we are really speaking about the way we, as individuals, experience our reality. Which makes perfect sense when we are speaking of Saturn. Saturn at the lower-fear-based level brings limitation. Containment. Bumping up against our own limitations, restrictions, fears. As we grow in our awareness we realize just how much of this limitation is actually created by, and held in place by, our own mind. As our capacity for consciousness increases, and we experience more of the higher love-based expression, our mind opens up. Saturn then brings authenticity: a capacity to be authentic in our self-expression as fully self-realized beings. With a more evolved consciousness, Saturn brings us the ultimate reality check: the reality of our own true nature.

Now let’s take a look at Scorpio. Esoterically the purpose of Scorpio is to transform darkness into light, and this is done through our own deep personal journey of healing and transformation. It is a sign deeply associated with desire, death and rebirth. At the lower fear-based level of Scorpio there can be a compulsive, grasping, quality and we may feel the need to ‘fight’ to get what we desire. There may be a sense that we will ‘die’ if our desires go unfulfilled. Yet in it's higher expression Scorpio is about the ‘death of desire’ as we realize our true nature as one of pure love. Esoterically it is said that the highest expression of Scorpio is to become an embodiment of love. This means knowing the difference between the purest Divine love, and any man-made ideas of love or possessive attachment.  Scorpio learns this distinction through the path of desire.

Esoterically it is in the sign of Scorpio that we finally experience personality-soul fusion and become fully Soul-Centered beings. At this point the ‘ego-personality’ is seen to be an illusion created by our own mind, and our experience of consciousness dissolves into oneness. We view reality from the perspective of unity consciousness, where there is no longer any duality or separation, and so there is seen to be nothing outside of ourselves to desire, grasp after, fight for, or to fight! The conflict and struggle of Scorpio comes to an end as one dissolves into Love.

So can we see where shame and guilt might come into the picture? On the deeply intense path of desire, which is the path of Scorpio, we may often find ourselves bumping up against the ‘7 deadly sins’. I explain more about this process in “Scorpio-Taurus: The Sacred Path of The Spiritual Warrior (Part 1)” and “Pluto, Mars and The Inner Journey of Scorpio”. The path of desire leads us into intense experience which has the potential to ultimately blossom into Divine passion and enlightenment, but this is very rare and more commonly it can lead us onto a path of self-destruction. This is why it is one of the most dangerous spiritual paths to walk. Along the way we may well be tempted into behavior which, at the ego-personality level, would certainly meet with the disapproval of our friends, parents, authority figures, and the society at large. Which may also lead us to experience shame and guilt, especially while our ego-personality is still attached to what other people think of us.

Visionary intuitive Anya Sophia Mann* has facilitated deep emotional release workshop retreats for over 20 years. She explains how many of us are carrying deep-seated shame and guilt that we internalized as small children, as we were ‘guilted’ or ‘shamed’ into accepting other people’s ideas of how we ought to be. Often by an 'authority' figure (Saturn) who had  'power' over (Scorpio) us. Much of this deep-seated shame and guilt operates at an unconscious level, driving our current behavior. In this case, it is not the current situation that is causing our shame or guilt, but rather it is re-activating old feelings from our past which are stored in our body as cellular memory. We access these deep feelings through our sense-perception (the polarity of Scorpio-Taurus). Saturn in Scorpio is about bringing this underlying (unconscious) ‘structure of mind’ (Saturn) into the light for healing and transformation (Scorpio).

Saturn is also associated with authority. The fact that prescriptive ideas of ‘how we ought to be’ are held in the collective ‘mind’ of society, and imposed upon it’s members, is a fear-based Saturnine theme. This includes the idea that the ‘masses’ need to be strictly controlled, limited, and regulated by rigid legislature lest anarchy should prevail. As part of the ‘socialization’ process (where we are conditioned into the behavior of the society) shame and guilt are often intentionally used by groups, organizations, corporations and societies as both formal and informal sanctions (mechanisms of social control) to keep members in line. As such guilt and shame become an inherent part of the ‘structure of society’, once again the domain of Saturn. With Saturn in Scorpio we can be shamed by society for having the experiences of our desires, and may feel forced to suppress them, thus denying ourselves an opportunity for self-exploration, spiritual truth and revelation.

Yet esoterically (and somewhat ironically) Saturn is also considered to be associated with liberation. How so? Because with evolved consciousness we realize that anything imprinted into our mind by others, is not an inherent part of who we really are. Anything learned (conditioned) can also be unlearned. The highest octave of Saturn brings us to this highest reality check! With Saturn in Scorpio there is the powerful opportunity to elevate this dynamic to it’s highest expression, by utilizing the self-discipline of Saturn to ‘regulate’ the passion (desire) of Scorpio so that the energy can be re-focused and transformed into tangible spiritual energy, which leads to higher consciousness, higher love and the highest 'passion', which is compassion.

From now until September 17th or 18th (depending upon where you are in the world) Saturn will be traveling from 28º Scorpio to 00º Sagittarius. Look to where these degrees of Scorpio fall in your natal chart to see where these Scorpio/Saturn dynamics might be coming to the light for healing in your own life. Which house does Saturn pass through, and are there any aspects to your natal planets which might add a touch of this shame/guilt energy to a pre-existing dynamic in your life? Where in your life might you be driven, consciously or unconsciously, by underlying shame or guilt? Where in your life do you ‘toe-the-line’ to avoid feeling shame, guilt or the associated feeling of humiliation? Once you can see where it might exist in your life, you can begin to untie the 'knots' of conditioning, and set yourself free. This is the transformation of Scorpio, and the liberation of Saturn.

Thank you again to Jodie Lewin for such a through-provoking article, and thanks again to Faith Thomas for sharing it!

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


*Learn more about Anya's work on her website For details of her deeper emotional release workshop retreats send her an email at
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Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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