Subject: The Foundations of Soul Astrology: Venus and The Law of Attraction

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The Journey of Your Soul IS Life's Greatest Adventure!
April 2019
Hi Friend,

Following last month's exploration of Mercury, this month we continue our deeper exploration of the Planets, with an in-depth study of Venus.

"Each planet supports us in our journey of awakening, by facilitating a shift from a conventional expression of our nature to a higher spiritual quality that is more in alignment with ultimate truth." 

In our evolutionary journey of self-development, once we become aware of our individual self in Mercury, the next thing that gets our attention, on an instinctive level, is the primal urge to seek and find a mate... and that's where Venus comes in. 

But in addition to our basic need to procreate and continue the existence of our species, our experience of Venus is also setting the stage for later spiritual realizations...


You can read about this month's sign, Aries and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology -  and watch the video of "Aries Rising The Aries Soul" HERE - enjoy! 

If you're new to Soul Astrology and want to catch up with this series you can begin with the first article in the current series HERE and then read each consecutive month up to the present day in the "Life's Greatest Adventure" ARCHIVE.

NEW: You can now get "The Foundations of Soul Astrology" series on Kindle (useful for those occasions when you don't have an internet connection) CLICK HERE for details OR if you prefer .PDF versions may be ordered HERE
Image: "Venus with a Mirror" by Titian - LQHELRTC3mR-wQ at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level, Public Domain,
The Foundations of Soul Astrology:
Venus and The Law of Attraction

In Western Astrology Venus is associated with love, beauty, our esthetic sense, our appreciation of art and music, and ... personal magnetic attraction. In other words, Venus in your chart will show you where the law of attraction is at work (or not) in your life.

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction, as we shall see, is one of the most basic, fundamental, and necessary natural laws yet it is not passive like water simple meandering downhill. The attracting power of Venus is an active magnetism. There is an active pulling in of that which she desires, such as when two attracting poles of a magnet pull each other in. It takes great force to pry them apart. Wherever Venus is found in your chart, she brings the power to attract benefit, to a greater or lesser degree, depending upon her condition by sign, house and aspect, and taking into account other chart factors which may be enhancing or diminishing her power of attraction.

Known in traditional astrology as the Lesser Benefic (Jupiter would be the greater) Venus is said to bestow benefits in life. The type of 'benefit' would be indicated by the sign she is in, and the area of life affected is indicated by the house placement in which she is found. Where Venus is concerned there is always benefit of some kind, however when afflicted*, it can be in the nature of 'too much' of a good thing, laziness, vanity, and/or excessive self-indulgence.

(*planets are afflicted when they have many or all negative aspects eg. squares, and few positive ones eg. trines)

Following the initial idea of 'me' that arises under the influence of Mercury, the next stage on our developmental journey is to find a mate. We temporarily leave our fascination with 'me' and enter into curiosity about 'other'. Are others like me? How do 'I' relate to them, and 'them' to 'me'? and (most importantly in our search for a mate) am I attractive? and Are they attractive? The whole field of relating, attraction, and vanity, opens up under the influence of Venus.

Venus awakens our senses. She is our muse. Sooner or later, in one way or another, she tempts us onto the path of love. At the personality level, Venus stimulates our desire nature, and awakens in us a sense of beauty, taste, esthetics. All our senses awaken under her influence and we become aware of our sensual nature. It isn't long however before we also discover the pain and suffering that comes from attachment to sense pleasures. When we step through Venus' door, from the perspective of lower consciousness, it would seem that we become prone to a myriad potentials for addiction - through our senses. 

"A goddess on a mountain top
Was burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name" 

Venus may be known in Greek myth and popular culture as the "Goddess of Love", but in esoteric terms she does not resonate to ray 2 'love-wisdom' but rather ray 5, concrete knowledge'. (Read more about The Seven Rays in The Foundations of Soul Astrology: Esoteric Astrology). Esoterically then, Venus is opening the door to a path of knowledge, not the path of love-wisdom (which is the domain of The Sun and Jupiter). This might then help you to understand why we experience the initial high followed by the pain of romantic love, and 'broken' hearts. The love of which we speak, with regard to Venus, is not Divine love. Not yet. It is a more earthly kind of romantic love. 

Where Mars would be associated with sex, Venus would be associated with romance and eros, that which is erotic. Remember, on our evolutionary journey, we are still at the level of 'instinct' having only just ventured forth from the mental domain of Mercury. So when love is experienced as romantic and/or erotic, there is very much a mental element of conceptualizing, fantasizing and projection involved. It has little to do with the other person, and everything to do with what is going on inside our own head. 

To understand the 'love' of Venus, and how it relates to the path of knowledge, we need to make clear distinctions between romantic love, eroticism, and Divine love. Ultimately, our experiences of romantic love have the potential to open our hearts and minds to Universal Divine Love and compassion, which is why Venus is said to be exalted in Pisces, but at the level of romance and sexual attraction Divine Love is still very much only a potential.

Venus in Esoteric Astrology

Conventionally Venus is associated with love, beauty, art and esthetics. She is thought to enliven and awaken our senses, and how sensuous we are (or not) can often be directly related to the condition of Venus in our chart. This makes sense for a sacred planet, because our whole process of spiritual awakening is experienced very personally and directly, through our five senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell).

In Esoteric Astrology, Venus is said to be a sacred planet and a 'companion' planet to Earth. According to The Tibetan non-sacred planets primarily affect life in our everyday world, while sacred planets "aid in the processes of affecting the fusion of soul and body, of consciousness and form; it will also produce the quickening of the intuition

- The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology

"The Logos* of a sacred planet … is occupied with the task of synthesizing 
into one unit of conscious response and activity, 
the higher divine aspect … the will aspect. 

When this is accomplished, will, love and intelligence 
are blended and spirit, soul and body are at-one. 

Then the quality of divine expression will be divine purpose, 
impulsed by will, motivated by love 
and carried forward with intelligence." 

- The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology

(*Logos: the Greek word logos meant "word, speech, discourse or reason" and by the 16th century had come to mean "the Divine Word". In Esoteric Astrology the term Logos refers to a Higher Mind, reason or purpose, so for example there is a Solar Logos and a Planetary Logos.)

The Evolution of Human Consciousness

In earlier newsletters we explored the evolution of human consciousness and your individual path of spiritual awakening. It is worth remembering here, that the planets are creating conditions for you that support distinct stages of your evolutionary development:

• Instinct: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars.
• Intellect: Jupiter, Saturn.
• Intuition: Uranus
• Illumination: Neptune
• Emptiness: Pluto

These stages are not rigid, but serve as a general guide. (Read more about these stages in "The Planets and The Evolution of Human Consciousness")

We can see from the list above that The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars contribute to the conditions that allow for the arising and unfolding of the instinctive stage of our evolution.

As we evolve through the levels of instinct> intellect> intuition>illumination and emptiness (clear light mind), it is important to remember that each stage is necessary. It's not that we 'lose' our instincts as we move into intellect, but rather that each stage is a vital foundation for what comes next. So by the time we reach the level of the wisdom realizing emptiness, we also realize that we are all of it. We are everything that has gone before. We don't 'transcend' instinct by 'getting rid of it' but rather it becomes integrated into our whole being.

Instinct is our basic animal sense: the primal force that gives us the drive to exist, protect, survive, and reproduce. It is also Mother Nature operating at her finest, keeping all the subconscious physiological systems working that are beyond your conscious control - from your beating heart to the neural networks that allow a thought to cross your mind at the speed of light.

At the instinctive level of our development, attraction is a vital force in the continuation of life on Earth. Without attraction the species would not survive. This is true for every species on the planet, from a tiny bug to an elephant. Even in the plant kingdom: many plants, when they are ready to multiply, give off perfume to attract insects as pollinators to propagate the species. At some level, in some way, the power of Venus and the law of attraction is at work throughout nature.

Venus creates the conditions for us to recognize and attract what is needed for the continued survival of the species. Through Venus we recognize beauty, harmony, and cultivate personal magnetism. Physiologically Venus rules the 'harmonising' and 'balancing' factors in the body and so governs hormonal activity, including the chemistry of love and attraction. Through the activities of Venus we will attract our mate and be able to fulfil our function within our group. Venus is exalted in Pisces the sign of Universal Love, and we can see that the presence of love, as magnetic attraction, is indeed universal throughout the animal kingdom.

Venus and Your Soul's Journey

According to Esoteric Astrology Venus has 'rulership', or custodianship, over four signs: she is the personality ruler of both Taurus and Libra ; the Soul ruler of Gemini ; and the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn. (It is beyond the scope of this foundational series to discuss the meaning of hierarchical rulerships, however if you are interested you can read more in Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey).

The Five Bodies

Patanjali, one of the founders of modern Yoga, described five 'bodies'* that we can experience on our spiritual journey of awakening. He related these to the five elements of earth, fire, water, air and ether. He called them the physical or ‘earth’ body (annamay kosh), the energy ‘fire’ body (pranamay kosh – also known as the ‘vital’ body in other traditions), the mental ‘water’ body (manomay kosh), intuitive ‘air’ body (vigyanamay kosh), and the bliss ‘ether’ body (anandmay kosh). Our spiritual journey is one of awareness and movement through each of these inner ‘bodies’. Once all five have been transcended, we attain 'Universal Mind'. Venus plays a vital role in awakening us to these bodies.

Venus and Taurus

We become aware of those different states of consciousness, which Patanjali referred to as  'bodies', initially through our senses. Venus plays an important role in our spiritual journey by first awakening our senses in Taurus, igniting within us the desire to explore our senses more fully. In Taurus the loving energy of Venus works initially through the physical senses to awaken awareness of the physical body.

As Venus works through desire in Taurus, she awakens our sense perception through the physical senses of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. This has the potential to open us to sense pleasures, and develops our somatic awareness (felt sense) through the physical body.

As we grasp at more external 'objects' to feed the sensual experience: clinging to possessions of beauty, beautiful people, music, a beautiful body, we form attachments and a materialistic facet to our ego-personality begins to take shape. This is why the spiritual path of Taurus is one of practising non-attachment, to transcend this aspect of ego. 

When we begin our journey of spiritual awakening, we 'unlearn' all the attachments we have accumulated. We can practice by being fully present to our experience, enjoying it (so we still get to experience sense-pleasure) but without becoming attached to the experience itself. For example we can still enjoy ice-cream without it becoming an 'addiction' and a cause for grasping and craving. Without attachment we are free: ice-cream becomes a non-issue, we can enjoy it if we have it, and we can still feel happy if we don't.

Venus and Libra

In Libra Venus endows her subjects with a harmonizing aspect that manifests through the mind: in terms of conceptualizing or idealizing ideas of ethics, beauty, attractiveness and justice. Her work in Libra is more closely linked to harmony in the mental body.

Venus brings the energy of magnetic attraction. Initially this is animal magnetism, and at the personality level she awakens desire and passion within the individual, which lays the foundation for experiences of Love. 

In Libra we can conceive of Higher Love and harmony at the personality level and express this into the outer world through right relationship between Self and other.

Venus and Gemini

Gemini is ruled by Venus at Soul level. Once the activity of Gemini's personality ruler Mercury has expanded our perception, we are open to the activity of Venus through the heart center. The journey of Gemini is about resolving 'duality' and one of the major themes for anyone with Sun, Moon or Gemini Rising is the 'marriage' of the head and the heart.

"Attraction and repulsion are therefore conditioning factors in our solar life, and this conditioning reaches us through Gemini. It is the effect of a cosmic energy at present unknown to humanity." 

- The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology

The experience in Gemini, once the personality has been transcended, is the shift from the intellect to intuition; from the head to the heart; from separation and duality, to non-duality (oneness). Venus opens us up to the senses and, through the experience of sexual attraction, awakens in us desire for, and love of, 'other'. In doing so, Venus awakens us to our sense of polarity: self and other. In the pursuit of this desire, with conscious awareness, we then have an opportunity to return home: by raising our consciousness from the lower chakras to the higher chakras: the heart and above.

Esoterically, Gemini is a sign of communion and connection. It is said to be the only sign which touches the remaining 11 zodiac signs. No other sign is able to go where Gemini can go. The experience of Venus in Gemini therefore brings a spiritual awakening in the form of a deep sense of communion and connectedness with all sentient beings. There is an awareness of Love, not as an idea, but as a living energy that permeates and radiates throughout all life. This shift in perception brings us to the realization of our interrelatedness with one another and all living things.

"In the last analysis, we come back to the eternal dualities, leading as they ever do to the interplay of the polar opposites, to the cyclic ebb and flow of the inner life and the outer periphery of expression, and to that attraction and repulsion
 which leads to a steady shift of the attracting force 
to an ever higher and wider appeal." 

- The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology

We can see how the harmonizing influence of Venus is expressed as sensuality at personality level in Taurus, as right relationship at personality level in Libra, and as a pathway through Higher Mind to Higher Love at Soul level in Gemini. 
All for the purpose of supporting spiritual awakening 
at different stages of your Soul's journey.

Venus as Personality and Soul Ruler

As you read on, take note if you have Taurus or Libra Rising. If so Venus is your Personality Ruler and the condition of Venus by sign, house and aspect will be playing a particularly significant role in your life, by bringing you people and circumstances that have the potential to bring your karmic conditioning into your awareness, for healing, transformation, and release. (Read more about the personality and Soul rulers of the signs in The Foundations of Soul Astrology: Your Soul's Purpose)

As we mentioned above, Venus is the Soul Ruler of Gemini. So if you have Gemini Rising, Venus will also be playing a significant theme in your life by bringing you people and circumstances that are catalysts for your Soul's Awakening.

Venus Through The Signs

Venus draws magnetically towards her, that which she is attracted to. So the condition of Venus in our personal horoscope, by sign and house, describes our capacity for magnetism or attraction, and our aesthetic sense: whether we resonate to beauty and harmony, or not; whether we have an artistic nature, or not, and even our capacity to attract benefits that can support us in terms of financial and material wealth, personal value and/or a valuable partner.

Venus in Aries - detriment
When Venus is in Aries our power of attraction can be 'hi-jacked' by impetuous desire. Venus is said to be in detriment in Aries, meaning her energy is weakened and her power is minimised. Therefore the romantic, harmonising, and beautifying capacity of Venus can be lost in an impulsive drive to satisfy one's desire. When afflicted, love can be self-centered and may give way to 'lust'.

On a Soul level there is an opportunity to develop awareness of the power of desire, and to gain deeper understanding of our underlying motivations and energies. It may be difficult however, to cultivate the required objectivity to develop such self-awareness. A regular open (vipassana) meditation where one's energetic drives can be observed, without being acted out, may prove very beneficial for this individual

Venus in Taurus - dignity
When Venus is in Taurus our power of attraction can be strong. Venus is said to be indignity in this sign meaning her energy flows well and she is most free and uninhibited in her effects. There can be a very strong sense of beauty, harmony and esthetics. The individual may have a strong artistic streak and possibly a beautiful voice. The senses can be strong and the individual may be sensually oriented - enjoying all the pleasures of their senses. When afflicted there can be excessive attachment and possessiveness toward the 'object' of one's desires.

On a Soul level this can be a challenge to spiritual awakening because of too much attachment to the sense pleasures and the material realm. The challenge is to release personal attachment so one can ultimately enjoy sense pleasures without attachment, but this can be difficult. In the first instance, practising abstinence may be helpful to break long-held patterns of attachment.

Venus in Gemini
Venus in Gemini is light, airy, and versatile. This Venus loves to flirt. Relationships can be playful, easy, and changeable. Love may be experienced through the intellect rather than the heart, unless a deeper emotional connection is indicated elsewhere in the chart. There can be more than one love interest as this social butterfly enjoys experiencing variety through multiple relationships, though not necessarily at the same time.

On a Soul level the challenge for Gemini is to 'marry' the head and the heart. Venus in this sign challenges the individual to go deeper in their relating, long enough to experience a true heart opening. A catalyst for higher love. Multiple relationships become a playground for learning right human relations.

Venus in Cancer
Venus in Cancer is homely, loyal, and cares about family, siblings and parents. Emotional depth and security are the priority, so Venus in this sign is not given to passionate flights of fancy, although Cancer is a cardinal sign, so someone with this placement may be the first to make the move in relationship, once they have identified a prospective partner whom they feel 'safe' with. When afflicted there can be too much attachment, possessiveness, clinginess and dependency on their partner.

On a Soul level Venus in Cancer is excellent for opening up to higher states of consciousness through love: with awareness and non-attachment, one understands how romantic love, when properly nurtured, becomes the highest form of love: true compassion.

Venus in Leo
Friendly, outgoing, and with a touch of the dramatic, Venus in Leo makes a warm, passionate and loyal partner. May find self-expression through the arts, or theatre. When afflicted there can be a tendency to dominate and/or view one's partner as an extension of oneself.

With Venus in the sign of self-realisation, on a Soul level Venus in Leo brings opportunities for self-awareness through one's love relationships. The path becomes one of self-realisation: awakening into one's own true nature, through love. This is especially true if one has Libra or Taurus Rising, whereby Venus in Leo becomes one's chart ruler.

Venus in Virgo - fall
Venus in Virgo is quite practical and responsible in relationships. Although there can be sensuality (Virgo is an earth sign) these are not people who will throw caution to the wind and fall headlong into a whirlwind romance! Venus is said to 'fall' in Virgo which means her energy is somewhat repressed and unable to flow freely. Venus in Virgo can be so caught up in details, or an unrealistically high expectation of 'perfection', that they simply 'miss' the moment. Social relationships are usually formed for practical reasons and/or their perceived 'usefulness'. When afflicted there can be too much emphasis on 'getting it right' to allow for artistic expression, and there can be coldness and excessive criticism towards friends, family and lovers.

On a Soul level there is the potential to experience self-awareness, and explore the true nature of self as love, through somatic awareness. If the senses can be developed, through grounding practices such as yoga, Venus in Virgo can bring a deep, experiential, understanding of the practical, tangible, reality of love as a living awareness in the body, rather than a romantic fancy.

Venus in Libra - dignity
Venus in Libra is romantic, with a natural inclination to establish harmony and beauty through relationships. Like Taurus, Venus is also considered in dignity in Libra, meaning her energy flows well and is most free and uninhibited, but whereas Taurus is an earth sign (so Venus expresses sensuality) Libra is an air sign, so her mode of expression is more intellectual: through charm, tact and diplomacy, Venus in Libra ensures harmony through social relationships. When afflicted her social strategising can become excessively manipulative and self-indulgent.

On a Soul level, unless otherwise afflicted, Venus in Libra bestows a graceful, dispassionate, quality that can be very helpful in developing the state of 'equanimity' or 'evenness', in one's meditation, and then carrying that over into one's everyday thoughts, words and actions. This is a state of consciousness that paves the way for liberation and enlightenment, by allowing the practitioner to experience a calm state that is less prone to disturbing emotions and agitated states of mind.

Venus in Scorpio - detriment
Venus in Scorpio can be intense and passionate. Venus is said to be in detriment in this sign, meaning her energy is weakened and her power is minimised. Therefore the individual cannot access the lighter, harmonising influence of Venus, which is lost to the intensity of passion. Relationships can be seen as a means for self-advancement and may be approached strategically, with an ulterior motive. The individual may seek to control the relationship, being the one to initiate a relationship and then also to destroy the relationship once it no longer serves them. When afflicted there can be obsession, possessiveness, jealousy and even cruelty.

On a Soul level Venus in Scorpio presents a great challenge, but with the promise of great opportunity if the individual can rise to that challenge. Their intense passion needs to be channelled into a warrior-like energy and unselfishly dedicated to spiritual advancement, if their highest spiritual potential is to be fully realised. The advantage is that Venus in Scorpio brings a great capacity for strategic focus and when their attention is placed unwaveringly on the spiritual path, there is the potential to transform the energy of one's desires into great spiritual power. Here is the potential for personal spiritual mastery.

Venus in Sagittarius
Venus in Sagittarius is friendly, outgoing and sociable. There can be a wide circle of friends and a love of socializing, but the individual may avoid relationships that could potentially place limitations on their freedom. The grace and tact that we normally expect from Venus may be lacking since The Archer likes to be direct and can be honest to the point of bluntness, however they are usually very likeable and can be the life and soul of the party. When afflicted there may be a tendency to throw caution to the wind. Extravagance and gambling could be a problem.

On a Soul level Venus in Sagittarius can be helpful in seeking higher truth and the deeper meaning of life, by opening one's senses to explore higher states of consciousness. The challenge will be to keep one's attention focused on the inner adventure, since Venus in Sagittarius has a great love of life and can easily keep him or herself occupied (distracted) with life's many outer adventures!

Venus in Capricorn
Venus in Capricorn approaches relationships and social situations with seriousness and caution. There can be a conscious or unconscious sense of insecurity and the individual may feel more comfortable in formal social situations where they have a degree of control. Desire for status and prestige may be enhanced. When afflicted there may be disappointment in love relationships and the individual may choose aloneness rather than risk being hurt. There is the potential to heal and experience steady love, if bitterness and resentment can be released in favor of love.

On a Soul level Venus in Capricorn can enhance one's sense of sacred geometry and Divine harmonics. There is the potential for spiritual advancement through diligent study and the application of ancient wisdom.

Venus in Aquarius
Venus in Aquarius is happier in friendships, groups and social situations than intimate personal relationships. Somewhat cool and aloof, relationships that demand a deeper emotional connection may be avoided. However these individuals are considered friendly and loyal, and may have many acquaintances in their network. Indeed they make avid networkers and can also be excellent fundraisers for a shared humanitarian cause. When afflicted they may be too cold, lacking in empathy and understanding of others.

On a Soul level Venus in Aquarius initially presents a challenge to the cultivation of compassion. If an individual is spiritually oriented they would need to make a conscious effort to cultivate empathy and compassion, through acts of unconditional lovingkindness and generosity to others. Once compassion has become second nature, this opens the door to experience the highest vibration of Aquarius: the bodhisattva path whereby one's individual spiritual energy is generated, accumulated, and dedicated to the collective.

Venus in Pisces - exalted
Venus in Pisces is compassionate and sensitive. In Pisces Venus is said to be exalted, which means it's energy is most active and able to flow freely. Love is transformed from romantic love to Universal Love. Artistic expression may take the form of poetry and/ or music. The individual may need to learn discrimination in relationships if people are not to take advantage of them. When afflicted there can be a lack of boundaries and/or withdrawal from relationships and/or social engagements to avoid being hurt.

On a Soul Level this is an excellent placement for the flowering of compassion and experiencing the higher transcendent states of Oneness and Universal Love.

Venus in The Houses

Venus in the First House bestows magnetic attraction, benefits, love, grace, and beauty to the sense of self. The individual is often attractive either through physical beauty, or through one's grace and charm enhancing the personality. There may be an artistic and/or balanced nature. When afflicted there can be excessive self-indulgence, conceit and/or narcissism.

Venus in the Second House bestows magnetic attraction, benefits, love, grace, and beauty to the area of one's inner and outer resources: including material possessions, income, finances and one's inner values and talents. The individual with this placement may attract financial and material benefits with ease, enjoying and sharing the benefits freely and generously. When afflicted this could manifest as miserly, grasping and/or ungenerous.

Venus in the Third House bestows magnetic attraction, benefits, love, grace, and beauty to the processes of communication and learning. The individual may have a balanced, harmonious, mind and be able to bring harmony through communication. There may be an artistic nature, and a dislike of arguments. When afflicted there may be intellectual laziness and possible disputes with neighbors and/or siblings.

Venus in the Fourth House bestows magnetic attraction, benefits, love, grace, and beauty to the area of home and family. There may be a desire to own one's own home, and at least to make one's 'home' beautiful, peaceful and harmonious. The individual may have come from a wealthy background and may also be blessed with a comfortable environment in later life. When afflicted there can be issues with, or estrangement from, one's parents and/ or family of origin.

Venus in the Fifth House bestows magnetic attraction, benefits, love, grace, and beauty to the area of self-expression and creativity. The individual may be talented in creative expression through art or music. Their warm, generous, nature may give them a natural affinity with children and they may have successful romantic relationships and/or love affairs. There could also be success with financial speculation. When afflicted, there could be problems with love affairs and/ or children and/or financial loss through poor speculative deals.

Venus in the Sixth House bestows magnetic attraction, benefits, love, grace, and beauty to the area of one's work, health, and responsibilities. The individual prefers balance and harmony in the workplace, both with their co-workers and in terms of their working conditions. They would want equal pay and to receive fair and appropriate remuneration in relation to their investment of time, skill and energy. They could be talented in the area of conflict resolution, but would not want to remain in disharmonious environments for long. Venus in this house usually blesses the individual with good health. When afflicted there can be ill health due to self-indulgence, and/or ongoing problems/ disputes in the working environment, which have a detrimental impact on health.

Venus in the Seventh House bestows magnetic attraction, benefits, love, grace, and beauty to the area of one's partnerships and relationships. The individual is usually friendly, outgoing, and attracts love (unless other chat factors negate this). There may be success in marriage, partnerships and/or legal contracts. When afflicted there can be difficulty finding the 'right' partner, a string of unsuitable partners, and/or loss or failure through divorce, legal proceedings and/or legal contracts.

Venus in the Eighth House bestows magnetic attraction, benefits, love, grace, and beauty to the area of other people's money, personal transformation and healing. There can be the potential for personal transformation through close relationships, and/or the power to have a transforming role within the relationship. Venus in the eighth house often indicates an inheritance, possibly through one's partner or their relatives. When afflicted there can be problems through intimate relationships: loss of money, sexually transmitted disease, jealousy, obsessions, and/or excessive possessiveness.

Venus in the Ninth House bestows magnetic attraction, benefits, love, grace, and beauty to the area of higher learning, higher education and religion, and the deeper search for meaning. The individual may have an idealistic, philosophical outlook with an appreciation for fine art through higher learning. There could be an appreciation for travel and a love relationship with someone from foreign lands is a possibility. There may even be benefits through one's in-law's or, when afflicted there could possibly be problems with one's in-laws.

Venus in the Tenth House bestows magnetic attraction, benefits, love, grace, and beauty to the area of one's achievements, career, public standing or worldly position. The individual may attract beneficial contacts and circumstances in their career, professional or business sphere and/or their worldly status. They are likely to succeed in their chosen field, and may be popular, because of their loving, amicable, worldview. Unless negated by other chart factors, they probably enjoy public performing and/or speaking and may be quite successful at it. When afflicted there can be difficulties with authority or parental figures and/or there may be a tendency to use contacts solely to advance their own personal ambition.

Venus in the Eleventh House bestows magnetic attraction, benefits, love, grace, and beauty to the area of groups, societies, friends, community and shared goals. There may be a strong interest in social values, in joining groups associated with shared social values and working with friends and groups of friends towards shared goals in the humanitarian field. Personal benefits may come through friends and one's network of social contacts. With Venus in this position friends can become lovers, and lovers can become friends. When afflicted there can be anti-social behavior and/or a lack of discrimination in choosing one's friends, leading to associations with friends or groups (gangs) that could be detrimental to oneself.

Venus in the Twelfth House bestows magnetic attraction, benefits, love, grace, and beauty to the area of one's inner world. The individual may get greater pleasure from spiritual pursuits than worldly success. There may be a desire for solitude, although they are not necessarily lonely. There can be great compassion and a desire to be of service, maybe with a talent for helping the disadvantaged or disabled in some way. They may have a secret romance, or at least be very private about their romantic interests. When afflicted there can be a lack of discrimination in romance, and this individual may become 'imprisoned' in a relationship in some way.

Venus' greatest power lies in her ability to awaken the stirrings of human love which, when properly directed, become the beginning of a journey 
of awakening that culminates in Universal Divine Love 
and the realization of our true nature as spiritual beings. 

Optional Fieldwork for those wanting to go deeper:

  • Download and read Your Essential Guide to Soul Astrology (if you haven't read it for a while, read it again to refresh your memory). 
  • Get two notebooks. Use one for your study notes (what you are learning about astrology); and use the other as a reflective journal where you write your deeper insights, self-observations and realisations about YOU that arise from your study, observations of your zodiac signs, and meditation.
  • Deeper Self-observation. Take out your own horoscope (natal chart) and make a note in your journal of the sign and house position of Venus. Then read the descriptions above and make a note of any ideas and insights that come to you. Meditate on how Venus might be showing up in your life. Record your impressions and insights in your reflective journal. 
  • Further Reading:  "Soul Centered Astrology: A Key to Your Expanding Self" by Alan Oken, refer to the appropriate section for more information on Venus. Read about Venus in Chapter 5 of Soul Astrology.

That's all for now! See you next time and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


PS> You can read about this month's sign Aries and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology - and watch the video of "Aries Rising The Aries Soul" HERE

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How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose

by Ruth Hadikin

“Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” are the biggest questions that you will ever ask yourself as you walk though this journey of life. The answers are hiding in plain sight and can be revealed through your birth chart. You just need to know how to look, and this book is about to tell you...

Drawing upon Esoteric Astrology, the Greek myth of Hercules, and ancient principles from spiritual masters, the author describes the journey of your Soul through the twelve signs of the Zodiac. This book offers a way of using your birth chart to answer life's big questions by recognizing the energy that you were born with and how it is wanting to be expressed in this lifetime.

For lovers of astrology, Soul Astrology is a powerful addition to your toolbox for your ongoing journey of spiritual awakening.

Available in paperback, Kindle, Kobo and Nook...

Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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