Subject: The Foundations of Soul Astrology: Uranus, A Sacred Rebellion

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The Journey of Your Soul IS Life's Greatest Adventure!
September 2019
Hi Friend,

Recently in this series we have completed deep explorations of the Personal and Social Planets and their role in the evolution of human consciousness.

Our journey now brings us to the Outer Planets, otherwise known as The Planets of Transformation: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. 

"Each planet supports us in our journey of awakening, 
by facilitating a shift from a conventional expression of our nature 
to a higher spiritual quality that is more in alignment with ultimate truth." 

In our evolutionary journey of self-development so far we established our foundation and family under the influence of the personal planets. Under the influence of the social planets we formed groups and societies to learn from each other, and put law and structures in place to govern our society. Now the transformational planets are here to transport us to the realm of the transpersonal, as they awaken us to a greater sense of our place and purpose in the Universe... 

On this stage of our journey we first meet Uranus, bringer of the gift of intuition...


You can read about this month's sign, Virgo and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology -  and watch the video of "Virgo Rising The Virgo Soul" HERE - enjoy! 

If you're new to Soul Astrology and want to catch up with this series you can begin with the first article in the current series HERE and then read each consecutive month up to the present day in the "Life's Greatest Adventure" ARCHIVE.

You can also get "The Foundations of Soul Astrology" series on Kindle (useful for those occasions when you don't have an internet connection) CLICK HERE for details.
Aion-Uranus The Sky God (God of Eternity) with Terra (Gaia). Central part of a large floor mosaic, from a Roman villa in Sentinum (now known as Sassoferrato, in Marche, Italy), ca. 200–250 C.E. Aion, the god of eternity, is standing inside a celestial sphere decorated with zodiac signs, in between a green tree and a bare tree (summer and winter, respectively). Sitting in front of him is the mother-earth goddess, Tellus (the Roman counterpart of Gaia) with her four children, who possibly represent the four seasons.©Public Domain. From Wikipedia
The Foundations of Soul Astrology:
Uranus, The Sacred Rebellion

Planets of Transformation

Having journeyed through the levels of instinct and intellect under the custodianship of the personal and social planets we now arrive at the planets of transformation, to provide the conditions for the next stages of our evolutionary journey of spiritual awakening: intuition, illumination and emptiness.

The slowest moving planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have been called the planets of transformation  because of the powerful impact they have in our chart, by natal position and by transit. Because they move so slowly they spend a long time in one area of our chart ( meaning they have a prolonged effect in one area of our life) and they cannot possibly cross our whole chart in one lifetime (except for a few individuals who are blessed to live to be 84 years or older, so they experience a 'Uranus Return'). Looking at the specific areas of our lives where they transit, throughout our whole life, can tell us much about what we are here to change, learn, heal, and transform in our lifetime.

They help us to see our role in the world as part of our generation and Soul Group (by which sign they are in), and to understand our individual Soul's development more clearly (by which houses they occupy in our natal chart and by which houses they transit throughout our life). They can also help us to understand why we have some of the challenges that we do at the level of our personality, if we understand some of the subtle (and not so subtle) waves they are making in our lives in order to wake us up!

There is a golden rule in Soul Astrology: that which the personality (or ego) generally thinks of as a 'bad' thing (sudden change, loss, upheaval) is always beneficial to our Soul's growth on a deeper level. So what might appear to be 'negative' conditions in conventional astrology, are always positive in Soul Astrology. This is because ultimately we are moving towards living in wholeness and unity consciousness, which eventually means letting go of the illusion of being a separate ego. And to the ego, letting go can be painful.

The planets of transformation are a case in point. By nature they make life difficult for the ego. Look on the internet on any given day and you will see people lamenting 'transits' of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. When they travel through (transit) a particular area of our chart (which represents of an area of our real life) they really stir things up. I mean, they really, REALLY, stir things up!

Slow moving planets are generational in nature, for example most people born between 1939 and 1957 had Pluto in Leo, so that tells us something about what that generation is here to do as a Soul Group. To see where they have a more personal impact on your life, you can look to see where they are in your natal chart, meaning in which house.

What is The Farthest Point of Consciousness?

Have you ever thought about it? How far can you go in expanding YOUR mind, YOUR consciousness, YOUR awareness? In conventional astrology Saturn is considered to be the planet of limitation because it rules the structure of mind, and as we saw previously it is those same mental structures that limit our perception.

Our brain loves to ‘learn’, and we get through our everyday existence because we have learned so much: walking, talking, reading, writing, driving and so on. There is nothing wrong with learning, but the very way that the brain functions also keeps us in illusion. Neuroscience is discovering what ancient yogis and spiritual teachers have taught for centuries, which is that each of us is actually living in a world created by our brain. We don’t experience reality ‘as it is’ at all. What we experience as reality is actually a projection from our brain based on past experience. Our whole neurological wiring - and the projections that result from it - come under the realm of Saturn.

When Esoteric Astrology was first published in 1951 it said that humanity didn't yet have the consciousness to perceive the subtle energies of the outer planets on an individual level. Which is why we largely consider them to be generational in nature. However, that is changing... fast.

Evolutionary Shifts in Consciousness

We have been through evolutionary waves in human consciousness throughout the 1960's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's and beyond - until here we are now in the present year. We have experienced the whole transcendental meditation movement, experiments with mind-altering substances such as LSD, not to mention the influx of eastern spiritual practices like yoga which were relatively unheard of in the 1950's and are now sweeping the planet. All this has led to experiences beyond our conventional mind. Beyond Saturn.

So do we have the same consciousness that we had in 1951? No. You can see this on an everyday level. It is now much more acceptable (at least in Western Societies) to talk about spirituality and different spiritual traditions than it was in the 1950's. It is much more acceptable to connect with people outside of our own culture and traditions. Collectively we have made a huge shift beyond the confines of Saturn and I believe a substantial group of people are now able to perceive the subtler levels of consciousness that go beyond Saturn's mental structures.

Clear Light Mind

The Tibetan Dzogchen tradition specifically talks about an ability to 'go beyond' everyday mind (Saturn) to experience the 'clear light mind' beyond. Consciousness itself is not limited by human brain wiring. With practice, we can cultivate an ability to go beyond our own mental structures, to take our conscious awareness beyond the limitations of our own brain wiring, and experience the vastness of our own being in the unbounded 'clear light mind' beyond!

The Role of The Outer Planets

This is a process that involves the outer planets (beyond Saturn) working on an individual level...

First Uranus opens our intuitive capacity. This awakens perception so we are able to be receptive to the higher subtler energies, which allows us to welcome Neptune. Uranus brings us an experience of great clarity.

Then Neptune 'spiritualizes' what it touches, bringing great illumination. Through the experience of Neptune we are able to perceive and utilize higher frequencies without being 'blinded' by the light.

Once we have been illuminated by Neptune, we become receptive to Pluto where we can realize the highest wisdom of all, which is the wisdom realizing emptiness:

“You live in illusion and the appearance of things. 
There is a reality, but you do not know this. 
When you understand this, you will see that you are nothing, 
and being nothing you are everything. 
That is all.”
- Kalu Rinpoche

In short:
• Uranus brings great clarity,
• Neptune brings great illumination (light), and
• Pluto brings great wisdom (specifically the 'wisdom realizing emptiness').

Liberate Your Mind

Even this is only the beginning of our exploration of consciousness! We cannot comprehend any farther because we have reached the limit of our current understanding, the current limit of human consciousness. It's like when you're hiking and you can't see how much farther until you get around the next bend in the trail!  One thing we do know is that it doesn't end here... there are frontiers beyond frontiers ... and once we get beyond our own Saturnian limitation, our consciousness is free to explore.

You are here to set yourself free. To liberate your mind so that you can experience
the natural state of your own expanded consciousness.

If you're wanting to progress to understanding Soul Astrology at an advanced level it is vital that you open up your doors of perception to cultivate your awareness of subtler and subtler vibrations of energy.

Uranus and The Evolution of Consciousness

Remember that as we evolve through the levels of instinct> intellect> intuition>illumination and emptiness, each stage is necessary. It's not that we 'lose' our instincts and intellect, as we move into intuition, but rather that each stage is a vital foundation for what comes next. So by the time we reach the level of the wisdom realizing emptiness, we also realize that we are also all of it. We are everything that has gone before. We don't 'transcend' instinct by 'getting rid of it' but rather it becomes integrated into our whole being.

After the confinement, limitation and restriction of Saturn along comes the Rebel, Uranus, to turn the tables. In our journey toward ultimate truth we need to go way beyond the mental constructs of Saturn and the first energy that clears the way ahead is Uranus. The conditions created by Uranus clear the path, remove obstacles, and give us higher perception and clarity. The tool that we need for the next phase in our journey, is intuition, and we develop intuition as a result of our experiences under the conditions of Uranus.

Uranus is associated with sudden change, upheaval and even rebellion. Esoterically Uranus is the planet of intuition. In our personal chart it shows the area of life where we are awakening: becoming more aware, more intuitive, and also that area of life that will bring us the people, situations and circumstances that cause us to wake up. Wherever Uranus falls in your chart shows an area where you may even be called upon to rebel, to make a stand by standing in the truth of your experience.

A Very Sacred Rebellion

"[A rebel] lives individually – not as a cog in the wheel, but as an organic unity. His life is not decided by anybody else, but by his own intelligence. The very fragrance of his life is that of freedom – not only that he lives in freedom, he allows everybody else also to live in freedom. 

He does not allow anybody to interfere in his life; neither does he interfere in anybody else's life. To him, life is so sacred – and freedom is the ultimate value – that he can sacrifice everything for it: respectability, status, even life itself." 

The kind of rebellion demanded by Uranus is a sacred rebellion. It is not a rebellion against anything or anybody, but rather an awakening to one's own true nature, and a commitment to live out that expression in one's life. Intuition has been described as "our ability to perceive the quality of energy" (Alan Oken) so ultimately Uranus is expanding our capacity for perception, thus awakening our ability to perceive energy.

The Gap Between Your Thoughts

Our nervous system is a network of individual nerve cells that appear to be connected but if we look closely there is a gap between each one called a synapse. As thoughts pass through our nervous system, they actually leap across this synaptic gap in the form of an electrical charge. If you could see your brain at microscopic level while you are thinking, it looks like a lightning storm. Uranus rules lightning and electricity, so if the gap between our thoughts is electrical in nature (like lightening), then it comes under the rulership of Uranus.

Three Planets of Mind

There are three planets associated with mind: Mercury, Saturn and Uranus. Mercury rules the movement of mind (the thoughts themselves), Saturn rules the structure of mind (our neural network), and Uranus rules higher mind: the gap between our thoughts. The gap between thoughts, or beyond thinking, is where we experience deep insight and intuition. It is in the space between our thoughts that we are able to access higher perception and discern a higher reality beyond the normal limitations of our senses and our brain wiring (Saturn). Hence the association of Uranus with electricity, lightning, and intuition.

What is intuition?

Intuition has been described as our ability:

 "to acquire knowledge without proof, evidence, or conscious reasoning, 
or without understanding how the knowledge was acquired." 

We can immediately see that, when we are using intuition, we have gone beyond thought. We have gone beyond the cognitive part of our brain which is responsible for thinking, logic, and reason. When we are using intuition we are tapping into another capacity beyond thinking. This is sometimes describes as sensing, and sometimes described as clear knowing. When we tap into intuition we are beginning to become aware of awareness itself. We are beginning to wake up to the fact that we are aware, and in that awareness there is knowledge.

Master Astrologer Alan Oken describes intuition as:

“The ability to perceive that quality of energy,
the true essence of meaning,
within any form of expression”

It is Mercury  that governs the bridge between lower and higher mind because Mercury rules the movement of mind: thought, and thoughts are a 'vehicle' for our consciousness. When we follow our thoughts, we are actually giving our attention to them. We are allowing our consciousness to follow the thoughts. But when an individual thought leaps into the gap in-between thoughts it enters the realm of Uranus. Then, for the very briefest of moments, we have an opportunity to drop the thought, get off the train, release the vehicle, and experience pure perception: pure consciousness itself, uncontaminated by thoughts, ideas and concepts. It is in that moment that we can ‘wake up’ and directly perceive our true nature as spiritual beings without the contaminating distortion of thoughts and ideas.

“There may come to you an awakening of the intuition 
which will translate modern astrology 
into something of real moment 
and significance to the world”
- The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology, p.3.

Direct Perception

It is this capacity for direct perception, without any thoughts or concepts clouding our experience, that we call intuition. As long as our awareness remains in that gap between thoughts (the synapse) we are free. We have access to the entire Universe through Universal Mind, free from the conditioning of our brain wiring. It is from here that we are truly ‘awake’ and all can be known. This is why meditation is so important. It is through some form of meditative practice (basically observing ourselves and how our mind works) that we are able to cultivate the ability to remain in the gap between our thoughts for longer and longer periods.

It is though direct perception that the ancient Kalachakra Masters were able to practice astrology without telescopes, tables, or ephemerides. In other words, they were able to directly perceive the entire workings of the Universe through their intuition. You have this potential, the key is to jump into the gap between your thoughts and stay there for as long as you can. Then you too may discover that the Universe lies in the gap between your thoughts!

The Discovery of Uranus: A Leap In Consciousness

The planet Uranus was discovered by the German-born British astronomer William Herschel on March 13th 1781. In Esoteric Astrology The Tibetan suggests that humanity discovers planets (and all phenomena) when our consciousness has evolved to the point where we have the capacity to perceive them and respond appropriately to their energy. 

The discovery of Uranus was a momentous occasion: it was the first time that a planet had been discovered since Ancient Times. Indeed it was technology in the form of more highly refined telescopes, that allowed for the discovery of Uranus. Herschel himself was a maker of advanced telescopes. Even though the name Uranus was not fully adopted until many years later (Herschel had originally named the planet after King George III of England) his epitaph reflected the enormous sense of having gone beyond:

Coelorum perrupit claustra
(He broke through the barriers of the heavens)

As we saw previously, prior to the discovery of Uranus it was a long-held belief that Saturn marked the outer limit of our Solar System. So Uranus became the planet of 'going beyond our limits and boundaries'. Certainly the main themes that were rippling through the consciousness of humanity at the time, are the very Uranian themes of rebellion, revolution, and new technology.

The American War of Independence was at it's height and the development of technology (leading to the industrial revolution and the subsequent mechanisation of agriculture and labor) was barely getting started. Humanity was on the threshold of a new era as people were required to move beyond their boundaries, to leave their homelands, villages and families and for the first time move en masse to large cities (which grew exponentially) in order to find work in the newly-forming factories. 

Technology and Revolution

The development of technology and the seeds of revolution went together hand in hand as people were able to congregate in larger masses then ever before in the fast-growing cities. Developments in printing technology in the early 1800's allowed for mass printing of flyers that could be distributed swiftly among the people. The new ability to mass produce books and written materials greatly accelerated the literacy rates in common people who, until now, had been largely illiterate.

The Conditions for Rebellion

The conditions were in place for people to rise up against oppression for the first time and seek individual freedom. The discovery of Uranus heralded a wave of revolutions that spread like wildfire across Europe and European-held territories as people could now meet, spread information, rally together, and organize themselves on an unprecedented scale. 

The first 84-year cycle of Uranus (1781 - 1865) saw a wave of unprecedented revolutions that completely transformed the face of the Earth, and advanced human consciousness:

• American Revolutionary War (Britain) 1775 - 1783
• French Revolution 1789 - 1799
• Haiti (France)1791-1804
• Ireland 1798
• Serbian Revolution 1804-1835
• Spanish America 1810-1825
• Spain, Portugal, Russia, Italy, Greece 1820
• Brazil (Portugal) 1821-1824
• Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland 1830
• The "Revolutionary Year" Austria, Hungary, Denmark, Poland, Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy 1948
• Colombia (Spain) 1851-1885

Freedom and The Father of Archetypes

Esoterically Uranus is known as the father of archetypes and so conditions were lining up for the 'birth' of a new human archetype: one who was more individualised and 'free' than had ever been known before on Earth. Free from being tied to one's birth place, and free from oppressive regimes. Never before had there been mass revolution on a global scale, which continues to this day, as people are still rising up against oppressive regimes in many parts of the world. The connection between Uranian-ruled technology and revolution also continues as people now use the internet and social media to share information for setting themselves free.

Freedom is a vital precursor to the development of intuition. If we are living under oppression it keeps us stuck in the former stages of consciousness: instinct and intellect. As long as anyone has control over us we use our instincts to survive, and remain focused in our intellect to plan our 'escape' strategy, negotiate for better conditions, or take up some form of study to gain a better position in the society. Planning, organising, strategising and studying all keep us engaged at the level of intellect. 

The Mind's True Liberation

To liberate our minds and experience intuition, we must set ourselves free from intellect too, but this is a delicate path to walk. Setting ourselves free from intellect is not the same as under-developing our intellect. If we simply become 'anti-intellect' we may just remain dull and stupid, and lack understanding of spiritual awakening. This is a risk that comes with revolution, when simple people gain too much power too soon, without the development of intellect. Many revolutions end up as oppressive as the regimes they were intended to replace. Keeping people in ignorance through propaganda, misinformation and disinformation, is not freedom. In fact the reverse is true, it reinforces conditioning. Remember each stage in the evolution of consciousness is a foundation for the next stage. If we don't develop our intellect at all, we remain at the animalistic level of instinct and do not grow into our intuition. 

The key is to develop the intellect in order to use it to study altruism and spiritual matters, and then know when to let go. Many great spiritual masters were former scholars who then turned their attention to their spiritual path. For example Rumi was a great scholar and university teacher until he met his spiritual teacher Shams Tabriz, whereupon he relinquished his former life and went off into the desert with him. 

Uranus The Sky God

In Ancient Greece, Uranus (Ouranus) was known as the sky-god. Occasionally he was personified, whereupon he was referred to as though 'he' was a person, but for the most part the name of Uranus simply referred to the sky. This is in contrast to the Roman idea of Jupiter as a sky-god. Whereas the Roman Jupiter was thought of as the god of the sky (with very human-like qualities), Uranus was the sky itself. This symbolises both the vastness and the transpersonal nature of Uranus.

Sky Gazing

Interestingly, within the Tibetan Dzogchen tradition, there is a meditative practice of sky-gazing. In this practice one gazes softly towards the sky (not grasping at it visually) and practices what are known as the four chozhags (let-be's). The body is left as it is; the eyes are left seeing whatever; the mind rests in clarity, allowing mental events to be; and the entire field of one's sensory awareness is simply left as it is. Practising this form of meditation is thought to be important for expanding one's consciousness and bringing great spiritual realizations.

“Everything is like the sky - this is what I have to realize”

We can see the individualistic, unique and even eccentric influence of Uranus at work in our journey to spiritual awakening. Because it is individuals who awaken, not societies, Uranus creates the conditions for us to go beyond the boundaries (Saturn) of the society into which we were born, so we may discover our uniqueness. This begins the search for the true 'me' and it is in this search for Self that we expand our consciousness, and realize intuition.

Uranus and Aquarius

Uranus, together with Saturn, is one of the personality rulers of Aquarius. In Astrology it is often said that there are two types of Aquarian personality: the Saturnian type, who is concerned more with tradition, method, strategy and structure; and the Uranian type, who is more future oriented with a facility for (if not a love of) technology. Because of the fixed energy of Aquarius, either type can find themselves bound in the past, re-living karmic cycles of ego-personality. The solution is to tap into the energy of Uranus and spend more time in the gap between thoughts, where intuition can be accessed.

Uranus and Libra

Uranus is the Soul Ruler of Libra. If you have Libra Rising pay particular attention to where Uranus is in your chart by sign, and by house. The condition of Uranus in your chart will indicate where your Soul is calling you to awaken and deserves deeper contemplation.

Uranus Through The Signs

Uranus in Aries (1927 to 1934; 2010-2018)
If you were born when Uranus was in Aries you are part of of a soul group who 'rebels' by seeding new archetypes for the future of humanity. This generation plants the seeds of ideas for future generations to carry forward.

Uranus in Taurus - Fall (1934-1942; 2019-2025)
If you were born when Uranus was in Taurus you are part of a soul group whose rebellion is one of releasing attachment to form and perceiving the light within the form.

Uranus in Gemini (1942-1949; 2025-2032)
If you were born when Uranus was in Gemini you are part of a soul group that is experiencing a rebellion of the mind and communication. This is a generation that seeks to expand awareness of communication, ultimately leading to communion with your higher self.

Uranus in Cancer (1949-1956)
If you were born with Uranus in Cancer yours is a quiet yet powerful rebellion of compassion that takes place within the home and family. This soul group awakens us to the truth of our connectedness and, by transforming our ideas of family, evolves us from tribal thinking to the realization that we really are one human family.

Uranus in Leo - Detriment (1956-1962)
If you were born with Uranus in Leo you are part of a soul group that values individuality, and your 'rebellion' is one of individual creative expression awakening you to your own true nature as a spiritual being. This is a generation that walks the path of self-realization: you are here to transcend the ego and become aware of your Soul.

Uranus in Virgo (1962-1969)
If you were born with Uranus in Virgo you are part of a soul group whose 'rebellion' is to transform attitudes to health and wellness. This is a generation that is waking up to the truth that our physical body and our soul are not separate and that the physical is also sacred. This generation is active in the drive towards alternative and complementary therapies.

Uranus in Libra (1968-1975)
If you were born with Uranus in Libra your soul group is leading a 'rebellion' of peace, harmony and love! Uranus is the Soul-centered 'ruler' of Libra, and Libra is associated with law, equality and ethics. During the era from 1968-1975 there was a worldwide transformation in equal rights legislation and this generation continues to spearhead a global 'rebellion' towards equality, peace and harmony.

Uranus in Scorpio - exaltation (1975-1981)
If you were born when Uranus was in Scorpio you are part of a soul group whose 'rebellion' is one of personal power. This is a generation who is learning important lessons around the right use of personal power, including sexual power, and is spearheading a personal and global 'rebellion' of self-empowerment.

Uranus in Sagittarius (1981-1988)
If you were born when Uranus was in Sagittarius you are part of a soul group of 'teachers' who have come to bring higher degrees of wisdom onto the planet. Your 'rebellion' will be one of education: transforming outdated and outmoded philosophies and knowledge systems and spearheading a 'rebellion' towards Soul-Centered wisdom.

Uranus in Capricorn (1988-1995)
If you were born when Uranus was in Capricorn you are part of a soul group that is transforming the distribution of resources on the planet. Yours is a 'rebellion' of resources, institutions, and financial systems. Your generation will spearhead a 'rebellion' towards right-use of resources.

Uranus in Aquarius - dignity (1996-2003)
If you were born when Uranus was in Aquarius you are part of a soul group that is ushering in the Aquarian age. Yours is a rebellion of consciousness: collectively you will be making the transition from separation to fully awakened group consciousness. Technology is a stepping stone on your journey. The current social media is cultivating your awareness of group consciousness and eventually you will realize your innate telepathic abilities, and know your ultimate connection doesn't require technology!

Uranus in Pisces (1920-1927; 2003-2011)
If you were born when Uranus was in Pisces you are part of a soul group whose 'rebellion' is one of Universal Love. You are here to transcend suffering and usher in an era of heart-centered living, leading to the ultimate awakening of the sacred heart of humanity: where all hearts beat as one!

Uranus in The Houses

With all the slow-moving planets there is always a generational 'soul group' transformation happening, that ultimately is guiding the evolution of human consciousness. Yet there is also, always, a very personal awakening happening at the same time: for it is the individuals within the soul-group that drive the collective awakening through their own personal awakening. It is vital to remember this very important point - it is always individuals who awaken, not the group. The personal meaning of the planets of transformation for you, can be determined by looking at their placement in the houses of your natal chart, and their aspects to other planets.

Your natal chart is a symbol of your personal energy field - your mandala. So when you look at your natal chart you are looking at a symbol of your energy matrix: a pictoral representation of your real energy field. It is always important to remember that, so you remain aware that you are not looking at something outside of you.

When we talk about the 'houses' of your chart, we are talking about twelve areas of life where your energy may be expressed during the course of your lifetime, similar to a 'wheel of life'. The twelve houses represent areas such as your sense of self and identity; your income and personal resources; mental processing, thinking and learning; your home and family; your creativity; your health, well-being and personal growth; your relationships and so on.

Now back to Uranus. There is a sudden, unexpected, quality to Uranian energy that is in the nature of a 'short, sharp, shock'. Yet there is also clarity and greater awareness. Spiritual teacher Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche suggests that when something startles us, we should pay attention and try to remain in that state of alertness as long as we can because we have just been catapulted into a different state of consciousness. It is a great opportunity for awakening that is to be welcomed!

So remembering that Uranus is the planet of intuition and awakening, we can now look to see where in your chart Uranus may be raising your consciousness, developing your intuition, and bringing you the necessary 'surprises' that cause you to 'wake up' in your life:

Uranus in the First House
If you are have Uranus in your first house you are waking up to the reality of your own existence. To be aware of your own beingness, and the sacred nature of that. You may go through many identity crises at personality level, as you explore your own uniqueness and individuality, and bump up against society's ideas of how you ought to be, vs your own sense of who you really are. Ultimately you are waking up to your own existence.

Uranus in the Second House
If you have Uranus in the second house you are waking up to your own sense of value and self-worth. At personality level this is connected to finances, income and your own resources, which may be erratic as you explore your own unique ways of generating income. Ultimately you are waking up to your own innate and inherent value simply as a spiritual being.

Uranus in the Third House
If you have Uranus in the third house you are waking up to the scope of your own mind. At personality level you may process information, think, and learn, in unique, unusual, and highly individualistic ways. You can have flashes of insight which can seem like eccentricity and/or genius. Ultimately you are being awakened to the higher dimensions of mind, and your own ability to connect and commune with your higher self.

Uranus in the Fourth House
If you have Uranus in the fourth house you are waking up to the true meaning of home. Home is where the heart is, and Uranus in the 4th house initiates a heart awakening, because an open heart is the doorway to intuition. At personality level you may go through many sudden and unexpected changes of residence, and/or as a child perhaps your family moved home a lot. You may have times where you are challenged by sudden and unexpected 'uprooting' and moving. Ultimately you are being called upon to redefine home and to realize that, as a spiritual being, your only true 'home' is the one within your own heart, and you carry that wherever you go.

Uranus in the Fifth House
If you have Uranus in the fifth house you are waking up to your uniqueness as a creative being. At the personality level you may explore unique and highly individualistic forms of creative self-expression, as you seek to understand your own true nature. You may be tempted to take risks, and/or be attracted to adventurous or dangerous sports, as you explore just how far you can go in exercising your own power as a co-creative individual. Ultimately you are being called to the path of Self-realization where you realize your own true nature as a spiritual being.

Uranus in the Sixth House
If you have Uranus in the sixth house you are waking up to the true meaning of health and well-being. In Esoteric Astrology the Tibetan Master tells us that all dis-ease results from separation. At the personality level you may experience suddenly becoming dependent upon others to care for you, or alternately you may find yourself suddenly caring for dependents. You may be attracted to radically unique and different forms of healthcare, and take a unique approach to your personal development. Ultimately you are being awakened to the truth of our interdependence and the holistic nature of reality.

Uranus in the Seventh House
If you have Uranus in the seventh house you are waking up to the nature of right relationship. On the personality level you may be attracted to unique and innovative people and/or they may be attracted to you. Ultimately you are awakening to the truth that we are all reflections of ourselves in each other, which begins the process of personality and soul fusion.

Uranus in the Eighth House
If you have Uranus in the eighth house you are waking up to the nature of spiritual energy as a transformational power. On a personal level you may experience sudden and unexpected gains and/or losses in terms of join finances and resources. Ultimately you are being awakened to the fact that you are your own best resource, and that all personal and group resources are ultimately spiritual resources.

Uranus in the Ninth House
If you have Uranus in the ninth house you are waking up to higher wisdom. On a personality level you may feel moved to rebel against conventional wisdom, you may attract unusual and innovative teachers with connections to higher knowledge paths and/or you may receive wisdom from contact with foreign lands and/or people. You may receive clear and sharp flashes if intuition that reveal wisdom to you. Ultimately you are being awakened to cosmic law and higher wisdom.

Uranus in the Tenth House
If you have Uranus in the tenth house you are waking up to the path of discipleship and spiritual ambition. On a personality level you may choose an unusual, unique or highly individualized career path. You may also experience sudden and unexpected changes in your career, status or worldly position. Ultimately you are being awakened to the truth that your true 'vocation', or purpose in the world, is to follow your spiritual path.

Uranus in the Eleventh House
If you have Uranus in the eleventh house you are waking up to the nature of group purpose and service to humanity. On a personality level you may find that you can gain or lose friends suddenly and that friendships can change form unexpectedly. You may enjoy unique, innovative and/or even eccentric friends. You may also enjoy being with groups of like-mined people who share your ideals and visions. Ultimately you are being awakened to the nature of group consciousness and group service to humanity.

Uranus in the Twelfth House
If you have Uranus in the twelfth house you are waking up to the nature of oneness, or unity consciousness. At the personality level the twelfth house can symbolize our unconscious mind. So you may experience sudden and unexpected events that cause you to wake up to your own unconscious behavior. You may experience people and situations that challenge your beliefs and assumptions and cause you to change your thinking. Ultimately you are being awakened to higher states of consciousness and ultimately, unity consciousness: the personal experience of oneness.

First Uranus brings freedom from oppression, so that we are free to explore our individuality. Then through exploring our individuality we discover our intuition and prepare ourselves for the illumination stage of our development. However, we have also seen so far, how it is possible to become 'stuck' at any one of these stages. This is why humanity has not yet awakened 'en masse'. 

At this moment in time we are all at various stages in terms of our spiritual development. At the level of intuition we can become attached to our freedom, our individuality, and the idea that there is a 'me' in here who is 'the intuitive one'. We can also remain stuck at the level of revolution - seeing ourselves as the freedom fighter and not exploring the greater awareness that our newly-found freedom is inviting us to explore. Once free from our oppressors we can easily go off the rails by simply following the desires of our own ego, which becomes our new tyrant.

It might seem like a long haul, but that is how the planets of transformation (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), work: slowly, over time. We are currently experiencing a global spiritual revolution, where spirituality and spiritual paths can (in most free countries) be spoken of freely and explored in unprecedented ways. The revolutions of Uranus have paved the way for a great spiritual revolution that can be experienced by humanity as a whole. It is the gateway of intuition that allows us to perceive the higher transcendent states of consciousness that are the realm of Neptune.

Uranus sets you free. If your perception, intuition, self-awareness and clarity are increasing, then Uranus has done his job and you are ready for the illumination of Neptune. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear... 

We can see that throughout humanity, the conditions for human advancement into freedom and individuality are created by the activities of Uranus: the spaceholder for the intuitive level of our development.

Optional Fieldwork for those wanting to go deeper:

  • Download and read Your Essential Guide to Soul Astrology (if you haven't read it for a while, read it again to refresh your memory). 
  • Get two notebooks. Use one for your study notes (what you are learning about astrology); and use the other as a reflective journal where you write your deeper insights, self-observations and realisations about YOU that arise from your study, observations of your zodiac signs, and meditation.
  • Deeper Self-observation. Take out your own horoscope (natal chart) and make a note in your journal of the sign and house position of Uranus. Then read the descriptions above and make a note of any ideas and insights that come to you. Meditate on how Uranus might be showing up in your life. Record your impressions and insights in your reflective journal. 
  • Further Study: "Soul Centered Astrology: A Key to Your Expanding Self" by Alan Oken, refer to the appropriate section for more information on Uranus. Read about Uranus in Chapter 5 of Soul Astrology.

That's all for now! See you next time and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


PS> You can read about this month's sign Virgo and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology - and watch the video of "Virgo Rising The Virgo Soul" HERE

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, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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