Subject: The Foundations of Soul Astrology: Saturn, Catalyst for Self-Mastery

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The Journey of Your Soul IS Life's Greatest Adventure!
July 2019
Hi Friend,

This month we conclude our deeper exploration of the Social Planets (Jupiter and Saturn), with an in-depth study of Saturn.

"Each planet supports us in our journey of awakening, 
by facilitating a shift from a conventional expression of our nature 
to a higher spiritual quality that is more in alignment with ultimate truth." 

In our evolutionary journey of self-development, after we form groups and societies to learn from each other, we realise there is a need to manage finite resources, and to place limits on unbridled expansion that would jeopardise our precarious existence... and that's where Saturn comes in. 

But in addition to the application of structure, boundaries, law, authority and governance, our experience of Saturn is also creating the causes and conditions for the self-mastery needed to advance our spiritual progress beyond man-made limitations and boundaries...


You can read about this month's sign, Cancer and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology -  and watch the video of "Cancer Rising The Cancer Soul" HERE - enjoy! 

If you're new to Soul Astrology and want to catch up with this series you can begin with the first article in the current series HERE and then read each consecutive month up to the present day in the "Life's Greatest Adventure" ARCHIVE.

You can also get "The Foundations of Soul Astrology" series on Kindle (useful for those occasions when you don't have an internet connection) CLICK HERE for details.
Saturn with head protected by winter cloak, holding a scythe in his right hand, fresco from the House of the Dioscuri at Pompeii, Naples Archaeological Museum. ©Public Domain Author Carole Raddato, Frankfurt, Germany. Original online at
The Foundations of Soul Astrology:
Saturn, Catalyst for Self-Mastery


Saturn is the personality ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius and is the Soul Ruler of Capricorn. Saturn is considered to be exalted in Libra for reasons that will become clearer as we continue our exploration (Esoterically Saturn is also the hierarchical ruler of Libra but it is beyond the scope of this series to discuss hierarchical rulerships). 

In Esoteric Astrology Saturn is considered a sacred planet because Saturn creates the conditions for us to develop Self-Mastery, which allows us to go beyond our limitations. Esoterically Saturn is associated with Ray 3, the path of intelligent action (read more about the Seven Rays in "The Foundations of Soul Astrology 14: Esoteric Astrology" ). The highest vibration of ray three would be what we might call compassionate action

Saturn brings the ultimate reality check. Through the natural limitation that Saturn places on our greed and ego-conflation, we are forced to confront reality as it is. When we truly, deeply, understand our true nature then our actions become born out of a deep, humble, compassion, for ourselves and our human family.

Jupiter, Saturn, and The Evolution of Intellect

Remember, as we evolve through the levels of instinct> intellect> intuition>illumination and emptiness, it is important to understand that each stage is necessary. It's not that we 'lose' our instincts as we move into intellect, but rather that each stage is a vital foundation for what comes next. So by the time we reach the level of the wisdom realizing emptiness, we also realize that we are also all of it. We are everything that has gone before. We don't 'transcend' instinct by 'getting rid of it' but rather it becomes integrated into our whole being.

Saturn creates the conditions for us to build structure and organize systems. As we become part of larger groups and societies, some kind of structure and organisation becomes a necessity if we are to succeed. Through the influence of Saturn we are able to formalize and structure our systemic thinking so we are better able to manage finite resources and live in harmony together. Saturn brings a sense of limitation to the expansion of Jupiter. 

Human communities cannot just infinitely expand without there being harmful consequences on ourselves, the environment and the creatures who share our Mother earth with us. There have to be checks and balances on our extravagance and self-indulgence, so that we can live in harmony with our planet, and each other. An example would be rampant and widespread logging that has decimated the Amazonian rainforests in South America. 

Through the conditioning influence of Saturn, we realize that life simply does not expand continuously, and that in our evolution we also need to embrace limitation and death. Saturn rules the structure of mind, and it is through the conditioning influence of Saturn that we develop structures and systems in our societies to distribute finite resources fairly among one another. Saturn brings us a sense of justice, consequences, and boundaries. Under the influence of Saturn we learn to curb our excesses and to put formal systems in place to regulate our communities and societies. No accident that Saturn is exalted in Libra, the sign of harmony, but also the sign of justice, balance, and legal systems

Through the conditioning of Saturn we use our intellect to develop systems of law for managing ourselves, our society, and our resources on a scale that goes way beyond our immediate family. We use our intellect to formalize these structures in the form of laws, government, banks and corporations. Once we have our systems of justice in place we also need to regulate and police those systems, so Saturn brings us structure, balance, justice, government, regulation, authority and policing as our societies grow into larger civilisations. 

So we can see that throughout humanity, the conditions for human advancement into larger, organised, groups and societies are held in place by the activities of Jupiter and Saturn: the spaceholders for the development of intellect.

However with Saturn we also begin to feel the squeeze of limitation. We begin to experience the limitation of intellect. When we are overly controlled, regulated, and/or 'locked in' to a belief system, we begin to feel the pinch. On our spiritual quest, it is the conditioning of Jupiter and Saturn that can also present the greatest barrier for us as individuals if we lock ourselves into a belief system too soon, before we have fully explored what may be next, beyond the level of thought.

Saturn, Lord of Karma 

In the ancient wisdom teaching Saturn is known as both Lord of Karma and Lord of Time, which speaks to the connection between karma and time. To understand this we need to deeply understand what karma is. Simply put, karma can be thought of as repeating habits that are perpetuated over lifetimes, through our mental conditioning. So we can see the connection between karma and time: as time unfolds, through incarnation after incarnation, our ingrained habits become stronger, generating more and more karma, until we recognise the process and take steps to break the pattern and step off the cycle. (Read more about Karma in The Foundations of Soul Astrology 9, Navigating The Depths of Karma )

This 'wheel' of death and rebirth is known in many spiritual traditions as 'samsara' and is thought in buddhism to be the main cause of our suffering. In short, our experience creates Karma over time: and the repetitious unfolding of events in time are known as samsara

Kalachakra: Time Cycles

In previous newsletters I've written about the the great Kalachakra masters and their ability to study astrology without the use of telescopes. They use their clarity of mind to study the energy of the Universe, and are able to make predictions based on their deep understanding of the repeating cycles of time and the connection to karma. In fact the word kalachakra is Sanskrit for Time (kala) Cycles (chakra):

"The Kālacakra tradition revolves around the concept of time (kāla) and cycles (chakra): from the cycles of the planets, to the cycles of human breathing, 
it teaches the practice of working with the most subtle energies 
within one's body on the path to enlightenment." 

To understand how our actions create karma, how this keeps us stuck in a cycle of suffering, and what this has to do with Saturn, we need to refresh our understanding of conditioning, as we discussed right at the very beginning of Soul Astrology:

"the two main factors that contribute to our state of illusion are 
 (a) social conditioning and 
(b) the way our human brain is wired to enable us to learn" 
- Chapter 1, Soul Astrology 

Saturn and The Structure of Mind

Saturn is largely responsible for our conditioning. Like Mercury, we can look to Saturn for information about how our mind operates. However, whereas Mercury tells us about the movement of mind, Saturn tells us about the structure: how organised and focused we are, or not; where we have a sense of limitation (often self-imposed); where we have the potential for mastery by focused intent on a subject etc.

According to Esoteric Astrologer Alan Oken, Saturn rules the ‘structure of mind’. Now let’s pause there for a moment and clarify what may be meant by ‘mind’ in this context. For the majority of people ‘mind’ means thinking, but this is not the view of mind taken in some spiritual traditions. For example in the buddhist tradition mind is considered to be your entire inner experience including thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc. Indeed any and all information that you are receiving through your five senses: sight, sound (to include thought), touch, taste, smell (sense perceptions). From this perspective, how you relate to your experience is your mind, and any predisposition you may have to favor one sense-perception over another, would be part of the ‘structure’ of your mind.

Also remember that we can think about planetary dynamics as having a lower fear-based vibration and a higher love-based expression. The great sage Ramana Maharshi once said,

“there are no levels of reality, 
only levels of experience for the experiencer”. 

So when we speak of mind, we are really speaking about the way we, as individuals, experience our reality. Which makes perfect sense when we are speaking of Saturn. Saturn at the lower-fear-based level brings limitation. Containment. Bumping up against our own limitations, restrictions, fears. As we grow in our awareness we realize just how much of this limitation is actually created by, and held in place by, our own mind. As our capacity for consciousness increases, and we experience more of the higher love-based expression, our mind opens up. Saturn then brings authenticity: a capacity to be authentic in our self-expression as fully self-realized beings. With a more evolved consciousness, Saturn brings us the ultimate reality check: the reality of our own true nature.

Saturn, Control and Authority

Saturn is also associated with authority. The fact that prescriptive ideas of ‘how we ought to be’ are held in the collective ‘mind’ of society, and imposed upon it’s members, is a fear-based Saturnine theme. This includes the idea that the ‘masses’ need to be strictly controlled, limited, and regulated by rigid legislature lest anarchy should prevail. As part of the ‘socialization’ process (where we are conditioned into the behavior of the society), groups, organizations, corporations and societies apply both formal and informal sanctions (mechanisms of social control) to keep members in line. The creation of laws, their enforcement, policing, authority and the application of sanctions all are part of the domain of Saturn. 

Saturn and Liberation

Yet esoterically (and somewhat ironically) Saturn is also considered to be associated with liberation. How so? Because with evolved consciousness we realize that anything imprinted into our mind by others, is not an inherent part of who we really are. Anything learned (conditioned) can also be unlearned. The highest octave of Saturn brings us to this highest reality check! 

We can think of Mercury and Saturn as both being associated with lower mind. Saturn influences your ability to think methodically, plan and organise your thoughts, your brain wiring, and plays a role in building your belief system, while Mercury rules the movement of mind (the thoughts themselves and the repeating cycles and patterns of those thoughts). Alan Oken uses the analogy of a bee hive where Saturn is the structure (the structure of the hive and the honeycombs) and Mercury is the movement of the bees themselves going about their daily business!

Saturn and Your Brain Wiring

Saturn rules our established brain wiring, the neural networks through which our thoughts are created and experienced, but when it comes to re-wiring our brain (changing our neural networks so something can be experienced differently) then Mercury and Saturn work together. Esoterically Mercury is said to be responsible for creating the antahkarana or rainbow bridge between lower and higher mind. One thing we know about mind is that it is changeable. If it weren’t we could never learn and grow and this changeability, this capacity to learn, comes under Mercury’s domain.

Much of our mind works by association. If you have been watching your mind closely you will see this. On a daily basis we associate certain experiences people, thoughts, feelings and memories, like movies and popcorn or even having sugar and cream in our coffee. In his book "Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One" Neuroscientist Dr. Joe Dispenza explains how “nerve cells that fire together, wire together”. These associations become our brain wiring. It’s like that game where one person says a word and you say the first thing that comes into your mind. The first thought that comes is likely to be one that is currently ‘wired’ to the other word, for example ‘coffee’ and ‘cream’.

Three Planets of Mind: Mercury, Saturn and Uranus

On a daily basis we tend to unconsciously follow the habitual patterns of our brain wiring. This is partly the result of our following the movement of Mercury and the ‘monkey-mind’, but we can also see that Saturn is involved, because Saturn is laying down and holding the neural network in place. All that needs to happen for that to change, is for us to stop following our thoughts. Once we no longer energise the neural networks with our thoughts, they actually shrivel up and die, and our thoughts seek out new neural pathways. Mercury will seek out alternative pathways (change and learning) and then Saturn will create neural networks so we can easily remember and take our new path.

Mercury is able to create the Rainbow Bridge from lower to Higher Mind because Mercury can help us to change habit patterns that have us stuck, and allow us to step into new ways of being. However, we also need consciousness otherwise we can simply substitute one habit for another, which keeps us equally stuck. This is where Uranus comes into the picture.

Uranus is the planet of intuition and is associated with Higher Mind. Uranus is associated with electricity, lightening, and flashes of insight. It used to be thought that the our nervous system was one continuous, unbroken, network like a railway track upon which our thoughts run like trains (a train of thought)! However, modern science and high-powered electron microscopes tell a different story. We will be exploring Uranus in more depth soon, in a future issue in this series but for now it is enough to see the connection between the three planets of 'mind': Mercury (movement), Saturn (structure) and Uranus (intuitive mind).

Saturn: The Grim Reaper

Saturn is all about limits. Boundaries. What is realistic. Method. What we can feasibly achieve with our given finite resources, within a given time.

Traditionally Saturn is the embodiment of limitation. This present lifetime is finite. The image of “Father Time” is Saturn personified. We are on a cycle that will end. Another Saturnian personification is the “Grim Reaper”. Before Pluto was discovered Saturn was traditionally the planet of death, symbolizing the end of a cycle. Time running out. Saturn reminds us of what is realistic to expect, and to achieve. Causing us to ask again and again, "what is really, real?" 

Death is certain. So in a very real sense, Saturn brings us the ultimate reality check: what can we or will we do... before we run out of time?

Saturn: The Malefic

So we have seen how Saturn has a strong association with karma and, indeed, death. Little wonder then that Saturn in Vedic Astrology and mediaeval astrology was known as a malefic planet thought to bring misfortune and detrimental conditions. Because of Saturn's connection with the repeating cycles of time we know as karma, we can see how ancient people's connected Saturn to repeating patterns of unfavorable conditions. 

So why would a 'malefic' planet be a sacred planet? Because Saturn can be a powerful catalyst: by drawing our attention to our repeating patterns, and giving us an opportunity to see how we play a part in their reinforcement and repetition (through our attachment and conditioning), Saturn takes on the role of the wise teacher or Master. We can't change what we can't see, and by giving us an opportunity to see and experience these repeating cycles, Saturn is delivering a lesson in self-awareness, and at the same time offering an opportunity to make different choices - whereby we can break the cycle. Remember Saturn is exalted in Libra: the sign of ethical choice. 

Hearing The Call to Authentic Light

Melanie Reinhart proposes ‘authenticity’ as a higher vibration keyword for Saturn, and that is a key to understanding the highest potential of Saturn. Saturn is calling us to be ever more deeply authentic. In the limitations and challenges that Saturn brings at the personality level, we have a catalyst that can potentially catapult us to our highest authentic light. Our REAL light. The key is to remain wide awake, and highly self-aware, in our experiences.

Saturn: Storehouse of Ancient Wisdom

Karma doesn't just mean negativity, it refers to everything in your mindstream: good and bad. So because of the connection with karma, Saturn can also indicate where you have your own personal treasure-trove of wisdom that you have carried over from past lives. If you feel as though you missed the boat when talent was being given out, look to where Saturn is in your chart. Although it might be bringing you difficulties in your present life, they will be of a specific nature, that are waking you up to talents that you already have and are not recognising, or that you created in a past life, and that you can perfect in this one. Wherever Saturn falls in your chart is an area of potential mastery for you.

Saturn: Catalyst for Self-Mastery

We briefly mentioned above that Saturn is a powerful catalyst, but this point deserves deeper contemplation. First, what exactly is a catalyst? In chemistry, some compounds remain inactive, or dormant, until they come into contact with another chemical or substance. That chemical or substance, which has the power to activate another, is known as a catalyst. Saturn does exactly that. Saturn can awaken latent or dormant qualities in you, that you never knew you had. There is an axiom that sounds something like: "You never know how strong you are until you need to be strong". This is the kind of catalyst that Saturn is. 

You may not choose the challenges that Saturn presents in your life, but by dealing with them, you are developing skill, capacity, and strength that will be a great support for you later in your journey. Under the tutelage of Saturn you can master areas of self-awareness, self-discipline and self-mastery that you never knew you had. People with Saturn well-placed in their charts are usually very capable individuals.

The sign in which Saturn is placed can indicate the nature of the mastery to be learned. According to Isabel Hickey:

• Saturn in Aries – brings the test of self-centredness
• Saturn in Taurus –brings the test of ownership
• Saturn in Gemini – brings the test of faith and optimism in life
• Saturn in Cancer – brings the test of valuing responsibility and empathy
• Saturn in Leo – brings the test of true humility and lovingness
• Saturn in Virgo – brings the test of discrimination between what is important and what is not
• Saturn in Libra – brings the test of relatedness to life
• Saturn in Scorpio - brings the test of outgoing desire
• Saturn in Sagittarius - brings the test of understanding
• Saturn in Capricorn - brings the test of right use of power
• Saturn in Aquarius - brings the test of responsibility
• Saturn in Pisces - brings the the test of release and letting go

Esoterically Saturn denotes where we may manifest a degree of mastery, and also where we may be a teacher to others: the sign placement will show the nature of such mastery while the house placement indicates the life area it shows up in.

Saturn and Capricorn

"in Capricorn, the will nature arrives at fulfilment and a visioned goal is reached. 
In Capricorn, the man reaches either the height of personal ambition 
or he becomes the initiate, attaining his spiritual objective."
- The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology

Saturn is both the personality and Soul ruler of Capricorn. It is said of Capricorn that it is both the most materialistic and the most spiritual sign at one and the same time.

“Saturn’s power is completely ended and his work accomplished when man (the spiritual man) has freed himself from Karma and from the power of the two Crosses – the Common [Mutable] and the Fixed. Esoterically, Saturn cannot follow man on to the Cardinal Cross”

- The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology

Saturn, God of Liberation

The Romans thought of Saturn not only as a God of agriculture and time, but as a God of liberation, and there is also a key here to the higher purpose of Saturn and Capricorn. The Soul in Capricorn has to journey up the mountain from the very depths of humanity to the very heights of Christ Consciousness, and this is no small task. The higher purpose of Capricorn involves choosing a spiritual path and understanding the laws of creation so that we may create heaven on Earth.

Capricorn rules the knees and this symbology is important in understanding the Soul’s journey through Capricorn. It is Saturn’s job, at personality level, to bring Capricorn to his knees so he develops insight, humility, and turns his attention away from the trappings and excesses of materialism that would keep him trapped in ego.

“…only when the Capricornian subject learns to kneel in all humility and with his knees upon the rocky mountain top to offer his heart and life to the Soul and to human service, can he be permitted to pass through the door of initiation and be entrusted with the secrets of life. Only on his knees can he go through that door.”

- The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology

Saturn is a wise teacher bringing important lessons and guidance to support us in making choices that align with our highest good. The word creation comes from the Latin creõ which means to create, make, produce, beget, give birth to, prepare, cause or choose. So in creating heaven on Earth, there is an element of choice: it is through our choices and actions that we create heaven on Earth, or not. It may be Saturn that brings the Capricorn personality to his knees, but it is equally Saturn that invites renunciation of material ambition so the individual may walk the steady path of discipleship to the spiritual mountain-top.

Saturn and Aquarius

Saturn was traditionally considered to be the planetary ruler of Aquarius, and to many people still will be. The conditions mentioned above pertaining to Saturn and Capricorn, also relate to Aquarius when humanity is largely personality-centered and driven by fear and attachment. Once the Soul has completed the stage of development in Capricorn, and has accessed Christ Consciousness, it no longer is limited by the constraints of Saturn and comes under the custodianship (planetary rulership) of Uranus:

“On the reversed wheel. The Saturnian influence exhausts itself in Capricorn and the man is then set free from karma and needs no presentation of opportunity for he stands a free initiate … and can proceed with world service undeterred and held back by no thought of self or selfish desire”

- The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology

Saturn and Libra

Much of what we have said about Saturn seems pretty grim, yet nothing is set in stone. Your horoscope is not a sentence, a burden that you must carry like a millstone around your neck, although it may feel like it at times. The reason that Saturn is exalted in Libra, is because Libra holds the key to your liberty: your self-liberation. As mentioned at the beginning, Saturn is also the hierarchical ruler of Libra, which means there is a deep esoteric connection between Libra and Saturn that we would be wise to meditate upon. It is through the Libra art of making conscious, ethical, choices that you can break free from the habit of degenerative repeating karmic cycles, and step off the samsaric wheel of death and rebirth. 

"An authentic man does not live by rules, maxims, commandments. 
That's the way of the pseudo-man. The authentic man simply lives."

Saturn as Personality and Soul Ruler

As you read on, take note if you have Capricorn or Aquarius Rising. If so Saturn is your Personality Ruler and the condition of Saturn by sign, house and aspect will be playing a particularly significant role in your life, by bringing you people and circumstances that have the potential to bring your karmic conditioning into your awareness, for healing, transformation, and release. (Read more about the personality and Soul rulers of the signs in "The Foundations of Soul Astrology 4: Your Soul's Purpose"

If you do have Capricorn Rising know that Saturn is also your chart ruler at Soul level, so the condition of Saturn in your chart deserves some deeper, ongoing, study and contemplation to develop deeper understandings of your Soul's journey and the unfolding process of personality-Soul fusion. 

Saturn Through The Signs

At it's highest vibration Saturn brings the ultimate 'reality-check', causing us to recognise that which is authentic and real. 

Saturn in Aries - Fall
Individuals with Saturn in Aries tend to be a law unto themselves. Saturn is said to 'fall' in Aries which means his energy is somewhat repressed and unable to flow freely. Unless offset by other chart factors the structuring, orderly, and organising energy of Saturn can be mis-directed for personal use, which means the individual can become authoritarian with a desire to control others. This person may live by their own rules, which can also be projected onto others. When afflicted this can be a self-centered, righteous, and/or controlling individual. When well-placed this position can bring great concentration, focus and self-discipline.

On a Soul level this placement is excellent for making steady spiritual progress. Saturn helps to stabilise the 'monkey-mind' and brings a quality of self-discipline that is very beneficial when following a spiritual path. A dedicated practice of self-questioning, combined with cultivating compassion, will ameliorate the tendency for self-centeredness inherent in this placement.

Saturn in Taurus
Individuals with Saturn in Taurus are often patient, determined, steadfast and unrelenting in the pursuit of their goals. They often have great vitality which brings a capacity for endurance and resilience. They can be formidable in getting what they want. Unless mitigated by other chart factors, there can be too much focus on strategising for future material gain, to the point where the person misses out on the present moment. When afflicted there can be excessive possessiveness and jealousy. 

On a Soul level, if the individual is spiritually inclined, this is an excellent placement for making steady progress on one's chosen spiritual path. The highest vibration of Saturn is authenticity, which causes us to question what is really real? Steady progress along this line of spiritual inquiry and practice can lead to deep, authentic, realizations of the true nature of reality for this individual.

Saturn in Gemini
Individuals with Saturn in Gemini tend to structure the mind through intellectual pursuits. Saturn in this position can steady the Gemini mind, bringing a power of concentration that can support greater depth of study than Gemini is naturally inclined to. Depending upon the aspects to Saturn, this may be experienced as beneficial or as a sense of limitation, by the individual. When afflicted the individual may somehow be limited in their communication.

On a Soul level this is another placement where, if well-placed, Saturn can help to tame the 'monkey-mind': bringing progress and deep insights through one's meditation or spiritual path. 

Saturn in Cancer - detriment
Individuals with Saturn in Cancer may experience some kind of limitation in their home life. Saturn is said to be in detriment in Cancer, meaning his energy is weakened and his power is minimised. Unless mitigated by other chart factors, this individual may not have experienced a nurturing environment in childhood, and consequently may be limited in their own capacity to nurture. There may have been excessive authority or structure, where the home life may have been organised like a school or military environment. The individual may continue this pattern in adulthood and their own domestic life may be tinged with authoritarianism, or run like a self-imposed school timetable. Alternatively, this could equally be someone who totally rebels against authority and limitation, and rejects self-discipline. Either way, there can be a strong sense of restriction that the individual is either embracing or rebelling against.

On a Soul level this placement calls for active engagement in relationship as a spiritual path. The individual may incline toward a hermit lifestyle to avoid the difficulties of human relating, but this would not necessarily support the individual in cultivating compassion and empathy. The highest vibration of Saturn in Cancer is the realization of the authenticity of love. There would be great benefit in using the discipline of Saturn to diligently pursue a devotional path, where empathy and compassion can be cultivated, and where love may be experienced as real.

Saturn in Leo - detriment
Individuals with Saturn in Leo tend to be autocratic and follow their own rules. Saturn is said to be in detriment in Leo, meaning his energy is weakened and his power is minimised. Unless mitigated by other chart factors individuals with this placement may experience difficulties and limitation with regard to romance, and children because they may find it hard to be cooperative and their attitude can be too authoritarian. When afflicted there can be excessive egotism and a desire to control others. 

On a Soul level Saturn in Leo is calling for the discipline of the heart-path. If strong egotism can be overcome, the discipline of Saturn can be used to follow the path of the heart until there is real, authentic, spiritual experience. Leo is the sign of the heart, and Saturn's highest vibration is authenticity, so this placement can be utilised to attain the deepest realizations of the true power of the heart.

Saturn in Virgo
Individuals with Saturn in Virgo tend to have a methodical, analytical mind and may be oriented towards perfectionism. Unless mitigated by other chart factors they have a good eye for detail, and can make excellent researchers. When afflicted they can be overly critical of others and may have trouble discriminating between what is important and what is unimportant. Sometimes an afflicted Saturn in Virgo can limit one's ability to be practical and/or technical. There can also be a tendency to obsess over minor details. 

On a Soul level even a well-placed Saturn in Virgo can bring challenges to the spiritual path by keeping the individual going around in analytical circles. This keeps their attention focused in the intellectual stage of development, instead of opening up to the intuitive stage. This individual would be well served to develop a regular meditative practice where they become familiar with the activity of mind through observation, without 'following' every thought that passes through.

Saturn in Libra - exalted
Individuals with Saturn in Libra tend to take relationships seriously, with a sense of responsibility. In Libra Saturn is said to be exalted, which means his energy is most active and able to flow freely. There can be a sense of limitation in relating, which becomes a catalyst for the individual to develop mastery in the art of relationship. When afflicted the challenge of relationships may be too complex and/or overwhelming, and the individual may withdraw from human interaction entirely, preferring a 'hermit' lifestyle!

On a Soul level this can be an excellent placement for approaching relationship as a spiritual path. Individuals with this placement often have an innate sense of the sacredness of relationship, and an intuitive knowing that through the art of relating: cooperation, collaboration, communication and harmony, one can develop one's own higher qualities of love, compassion and empathy. 

Saturn in Scorpio
Individuals with Saturn in Scorpio tend to have an intense, focused, relentless mind. Unless mitigated by other chart factors they usually have great mental endurance and a capacity to penetrate deeply and unceasingly into whatever interests them. There can be a tendency to be intransigent. If afflicted there can be a ruthless streak: they may lack empathy and use their deep understanding of a situation to control events and other people for their own gain.

On a Soul level this can be an excellent placement for spiritual progress if controlling, self-centred, tendencies can be overcome. There is usually a great capacity for focused attention, which can be put to great use in shamatha and analytical meditation. The highest octave of Saturn brings us to the highest reality check: our own true nature. With Saturn in Scorpio there is the powerful opportunity to elevate this dynamic to it’s highest expression, by utilizing the self-discipline of Saturn to ‘regulate’ the passion (desire) of Scorpio so that the energy can be re-focused and transformed into tangible spiritual energy, which leads to higher consciousness, higher love and the highest 'passion', which is compassion.

Saturn in Sagittarius
Individuals with Saturn in Sagittarius take a serious and responsible approach to higher learning and or/philosophy. This can show up in either formal education, or as learning through travel, spiritual and/or religious experiences. Unless mitigated by other chart factors this is someone who will take life seriously, and view all life experiences as opportunities for learning and forming one's own personal philosophy of life. If afflicted there can be a tendency for one's beliefs and/or opinions to form dogma, which is then projected onto others.

On a Soul level this is an excellent placement for understanding higher truth through personal spiritual experiences. Care must be taken not to fixate on mental conceptions and form them into a 'philosophy' or new religion at the expense of spiritual reality. With Saturn in Sagittarius a good motto to adopt would be "I see a boundary, I go beyond that boundary, and then I see another". Keep "going beyond".

Saturn in Capricorn - dignity
Individuals with Saturn in Capricorn tend to take a serious, responsible, approach to whatever they put their minds to. Saturn is said to be in dignity in Capricorn meaning his energy flows well and he is most free and uninhibited in his effects. If unmitigated by other chart factors there can be ambition and great potential for material gain and success through applied effort, determination and endurance. There can be a tendency to value people and things only in terms of their 'usefulness' and to disregard that which is considered not useful. When afflicted there can be ruthless materialism and a disregard for others that can border on cruelty.

On a Soul level this is an excellent placement for steady, diligent, spiritual progress if the individual has an interest. Unless offset by other chart factors there could be excessive focus on material gain and a denial of spiritual experience. If this individual is inclined to pursue a spiritual path, they can make great headway, because their responsible, focused and dedicated approach will take them far. Saturn in Capricorn is the sign of the diligent disciple. 

Saturn in Aquarius - dignity
Individuals with Saturn in Aquarius tend to take their idealism seriously and responsibly. Saturn is said to be in dignity in Aquarius meaning his energy flows well and he is most free and uninhibited in his effects. Saturn can bring focus, discipline and organisational ability to the idealistic humanitarian vision of Aquarius, contributing to the success of one's individual and shared goals. When well-placed this is someone who has a big vision and can materialise it, for the improvement of society. Not only would they have the capacity, they would feel it is their responsibility to do so. However, Aquarius is the fixed air sign so, if unmitigated by other chart factors, Saturn can bring even more rigidity to an already rigid mind. If afflicted, pathological stubbornness and an unwillingness to consider other people's ideas can bring limitation and obstacles to progress.

On a Soul level this can be a challenge to spiritual progress due to the individual's possible inflexible mind, and attachment to their own mental constructs. The ancient Chinese saying, "Empty your cup" refers to the idea that you cannot fill a cup that is already full. In other words, you need to empty your mind of your already pre-conceived ideas in order to fill it with true wisdom. There is great potential to make progress through zen and the concentration paths, by applying the innate capacity to focus inherent in this placement. But first one must develop humility, and be prepared to let go of what you already 'think' you know. 

Saturn in Pisces
Individuals with Saturn in Pisces have a tendency to structure the abstract. If they do this successfully they may be gifted at math or music, where structured concepts and patterns can repeat infinitely. However there is equally a chance that any sense of structure dissolves in Pisces and they may lack the necessary self-discipline to succeed in their chosen field. There can be a tendency to dwell on the past and one of the major lessons of Saturn in Pisces is letting go.

On a Soul level this can be an excellent placement for spiritual progress by experiencing the vastness of mind. The challenge is to learn the art of letting go while at the same time, cultivating the self-discipline needed to stay with the process until spiritual awakening is experienced.

Saturn in The Houses

Saturn in a house shows an area where the individual may feel bound by 'rules', responsibilities, limitation, duty or obligations until they have transcended that boundary and liberated that specific aspect of mental conditioning.

Saturn in the First House brings a sense of responsibility, authenticity and potential mastery to the sense of self. There can be early disappointments with life, and/or with oneself, that cause the individual to rise up and overcome their challenges. Can lead to a greater sense of self-worth later in life, through one's own efforts to develop a realistic sense of self.

Saturn in the Second House brings a sense of responsibility, authenticity and potential mastery to the area of one's inner and outer resources: including material possessions, income, finances and one's inner values and talents. There can be concerns over finances: either through limited finances or concern over how best to manage finances and material resources. 

Saturn in the Third House brings a sense of responsibility, authenticity and potential mastery to the processes of communication, thinking and learning. Formal education can be limited, restricted and/or interrupted in some way. However an individual with Saturn in the third often develops mastery in the art of 'self-learning', which becomes a lifelong support. 

Saturn in the Fourth House brings a sense of responsibility, authenticity and potential mastery to the area of home and family. The individual may feel bound to or limited by their home, or family traditions in some way. It may even indicate someone who is housebound. The opportunity for mastery lies in transcending the traditional view of home, family and ancestry, and realising the spiritual truth of our connection as one human family.

Saturn in the Fifth House brings a sense of responsibility, authenticity and potential mastery to the area of self-expression and creativity. Creative self-expression may be restricted, inhibited, or limited in some way. There may be a lack of children, or the joy of parenting may be dampened by being too strict, serious and/or severe in one's approach. The opportunity for mastery lies in learning not to take oneself too seriously, and learning to experience the unbounded joy of an open heart. 

Saturn in the Sixth House brings a sense of responsibility, authenticity and potential mastery to the area of one's work, health, and responsibilities. The 'duty' of hard work seems unavoidable, whether imposed by oneself or others. Apparently simple jobs can become weighted down with tasks, get out of hand and/or quickly become burdensome projects. Health can suffer due to overwork. The opportunity for mastery here lies in both work/life balance, and in a healthy balancing of self-care and responsibilities towards one's job and/or dependents. 

Saturn in the Seventh House brings a sense of responsibility, authenticity and potential mastery to the area of one's partnerships and relationships. Relationships take on a serious tone. Marriage can be late, if at all. However when these individuals do commit, they often take their partnerships very seriously indeed, and may remain in relationship for the long haul as they progress in their mastery. Not usually a good placement for business partnerships: depending upon other chart factors, this person may prefer to live and work alone. The opportunity for mastery lies in the entire spectrum of relating: from communication and cooperative skills, to emotional, social and spiritual intelligence. 

Saturn in the Eighth House brings a sense of responsibility, authenticity and potential mastery to the area of other people's money, personal transformation and healing. In contrast to the seventh house of marriage and partnerships, the eight house is more about our deeper, intimate connections with others, and so is usually associated with sex, death and other people's money. Taxes, insurance and inheritance are all eighth house themes. Saturn's challenges in this area of life may therefore come in the form of limitation in the area of sex: too much or too little; and/or there could be an inheritance that either fails to materialise or becomes a burden in some way; and/or the person may have fears and obsessions over death, for example. There can be a tendency to desire power and control in any or all these areas, which comes from a deep-rooted fear of loss. The mastery that is required here is to deepen an authentic spiritual connection until an inner trust in the cycles of life arises. Then one can relax into one's own true nature, and as a result become the wise master who supports others in managing their resources.

Saturn in the Ninth House brings a sense of responsibility, authenticity and potential mastery to the area of higher learning, higher education and religion, and the deeper search for meaning. There can be a tendency to be dogmatic and/or feel limited by, one's religion or philosophy. This can be a good position for focusing the mind on one's spiritual path, provided such dogma can be avoided. The opportunity for mastery here lies in going beyond conventional ideas about truth and allowing the expansion of one's mind to higher spiritual realizations of truth.

Saturn in the Tenth House brings a sense of responsibility, authenticity and potential mastery to the area of one's achievements, career, public standing or worldly position. There can be a tendency to have strong ambition yet feel thwarted or unfulfilled. Success may come later in life through patience and consistently applied effort. The opportunity for mastery lies in the right use of power. Any abuse of power for self-interest is likely to result in a downfall for this individual until they learn to use power wisely and appropriately for the good of all. 

Saturn in the Eleventh House brings a sense of responsibility, authenticity and potential mastery to the area of groups, societies, friends, community and shared goals. There can be a sense of limitation or 'burden' in terms of friendships and group activities: either friends are not helpful and may prove a hindrance or burden somehow, or the individual attracts few friends due to an attitude of only seeking out people because of how they may prove useful. The individual may be given too many responsibilities in communal projects and develop an aversion to them. The opportunity for mastery lies in cultivating an attitude of appreciation for friends and community, and in developing discrimination and personal boundaries, to support healthy, balanced, friendships.

Saturn in the Twelfth House brings a sense of responsibility, authenticity and potential mastery to the area of one's inner world. In astrology the twelfth house conventionally rules prisons, monasteries and/or institutions. With this placement there can be a confinement of sorts: real or felt, that can thwart this individual in terms of their ambitions and personal goals. There can be a limited imagination that prevents them from developing ambitious goals, and/or there can be a self-repression due to hidden / unconscious fears. The opportunity here is for mastery over one's own mind, to make the unconscious conscious, and become familiar with the inner workings of one's own mind, so that one can transcend unconscious fears and shift to self-liberation.

The development of intellect, through the expansion and open-mindedness of Jupiter combined with the disciplined methodology of Saturn - concentration meditation - sets the foundation for us to step through the portal of love-wisdom into the heart where we begin our journey through the intuitive stage of human spiritual development and evolution.

Our spirit wants to soar. We urge to break free from the social conditioning and restrictions of Jupiter and Saturn, and we sense that there must be something 'beyond this'. That feeling propels us into the intuitive level:
where the freedom of Uranus awaits us.

Optional Fieldwork for those wanting to go deeper:

  • Download and read Your Essential Guide to Soul Astrology (if you haven't read it for a while, read it again to refresh your memory). 
  • Get two notebooks. Use one for your study notes (what you are learning about astrology); and use the other as a reflective journal where you write your deeper insights, self-observations and realisations about YOU that arise from your study, observations of your zodiac signs, and meditation.
  • Deeper Self-observation. Take out your own horoscope (natal chart) and make a note in your journal of the sign and house position of Saturn. Then read the descriptions above and make a note of any ideas and insights that come to you. Meditate on how Saturn might be showing up in your life. Record your impressions and insights in your reflective journal. 
  • Further Reading:  "Soul Centered Astrology: A Key to Your Expanding Self" by Alan Oken, refer to the appropriate section for more information on Saturn. Read about Saturn in Chapter 5 of Soul Astrology.

That's all for now! See you next time and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


PS> You can read about this month's sign Cancer and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology - and watch the video of "Cancer Rising The Cancer Soul" HERE

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