Subject: The Foundations of Soul Astrology: Pluto, Emptiness and Clear Light Wisdom

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The Journey of Your Soul IS Life's Greatest Adventure!
November 2019
Hi Friend,

This month we continue our exploration of the Outer Planets (or Planets of Transformation) with a visit to Pluto. 

"Each planet supports us in our journey of awakening, 
by facilitating a shift from a conventional expression of our nature 
to a higher spiritual quality that is more in alignment with ultimate truth." 

In our evolutionary journey of self-development so far we established our foundation and family under the influence of the personal planets. Under the influence of the social planets we formed groups and societies to learn from each other, and put law and structures in place to govern our society. Now the transformational planets are here to transport us to the realm of the transpersonal, as they awaken us to a greater sense of our place and purpose in the Universe... 

Last month we met Neptune, bringer of the light, this month we meet Pluto, the great revealer...


You can read about this month's sign, Scorpio and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology -  and watch the video of "Scorpio Rising The Scorpio Soul" HERE - enjoy! 

If you're new to Soul Astrology and want to catch up with this series you can begin with the first article in the current series HERE and then read each consecutive month up to the present day in the "Life's Greatest Adventure" ARCHIVE.

You can also get "The Foundations of Soul Astrology" series on Kindle (useful for those occasions when you don't have an internet connection) CLICK HERE for details.
Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto by Caravaggio c.1597 "Caravaggio has painted an allegory of the alchemical triad of Paracelsus: Jupiter stands for sulphur and air, Neptune for mercury and water, and Pluto for salt and earth. Each figure is identified by his beast: Jupiter by the eagle, Neptune by the hippocamp, and Pluto by the three-headed dog Cerberus. Jupiter is reaching out to move the celestial sphere in which the Sun revolves around the Earth." Pluto holds a 'bident' while Neptune holds a 'trident'. ©Public Domain. From Wikipedia
The Foundations of Soul Astrology:
Pluto, Emptiness and Clear Light Wisdom

As we conclude this series on the planets and their role in the evolution of consciousness we arrive at the final stage of emptiness. Remember that as we evolve through the levels of instinct> intellect> intuition>illumination and emptiness, each stage is necessary. It's not that we 'lose' our instinct, intellect, intuition and illumination, as we move into emptiness, but rather that each stage is a vital foundation for what comes next. So by the time we reach the level of the wisdom realising emptiness, we also realise that we are also all of it. We are everything that has gone before. We don't 'transcend' instinct by 'getting rid of it' but rather it becomes integrated into our whole being.

Pluto, The Power of Transformation

Pluto is a planet of major transformation. He is associated with death and re-birth and is possibly associated with transformation more than any other planet. The power of destruction and re-generation. In her pioneering and informative book "Chiron and The Healing Journey"  Astrologer Melanie Reinhart suggests a higher vibrational keyword for Pluto is "emptiness". In many Buddhist traditions the highest wisdom possible is considered to be the wisdom realizing emptiness. This reminds us that: everything is one ongoing dance of interrelated energy; that nothing is permanent; and that nothing exists independently from everything else.

Understanding Emptiness

Emptiness is quite a difficult concept to grasp, so first we will spend some time exploring what it means so we may at least have some intellectual understanding. That said, it is also very important to bear in mind that it really is not possible to understand emptiness completely from the intellect! Emptiness can really only be understood from personal experience of this higher state of consciousness. Emptiness is such an advanced state of consciousness that the Tibetan Master did not mention it at all in Esoteric Astrology. His teaching stopped at the level of illumination. This is most likely because humanity did not have the consciousness to comprehend emptiness at that time (indeed the majority of people have difficulty understanding emptiness now, let alone have the ability to recognise it in practice). 

It is only when we explore the Tibetan system in more depth, that we find the 'ultimate', final, or highest state of consciousness is actually emptiness. Buddhahood (or full enlightenment) is where we abide in a permanent state of 'emptiness' without faltering even for a second. The first time I came across emptiness in association with Pluto was in Melanie Reinhart's book "Chiron and The Healing Journey" and, as we shall see, it makes perfect sense that Pluto would be the planetary spaceholder for the 'emptiness' stage of human evolution.

So what exactly do we mean by emptiness? In the Tibetan tradition the 'wisdom realising emptiness' is considered the highest wisdom of all, beyond intellect, intuition and even beyond illumination. It is often said that we cannot understand emptiness with our ordinary mind and for this reason it was among the most secret or esoteric of all teachings in Buddhism. It is only in very recent times that the emptiness teachings have been made available to wider audiences, including Westerners. Not all Buddhist teachers thought this was a good idea, because of the enormous potential for misinterpretation and misunderstanding. (See "Emptiness: The Most Misunderstood Word in Buddhism" ).

What Is Emptiness?

The English word emptiness is commonly used to translate the original Sanskrit term "shunyata".But in English, emptiness implies a void: nothing. Yet the Tibetan definition tak ché dang dralwa, translates as: ‘free from permanence and [free from] non-existence'. (See ) This is the true nature of reality, and the whole purpose of our spiritual journey is to realise this for ourselves, through heightened awareness and our own experience.

It doesn't sound very exciting to realise that our true nature is impermanent, but as we shall see, there is so much more to emptiness than this dry 'intellectual' definition would imply. When people experience emptiness on a personal level for the first time, they often describe it as a profound spiritual experience, with a deep presence of universal love, compassion, union, deep insight, wisdom, awareness, oneness, clarity and/or deep peace.

"Till that moment in my life I always thought this is me and that's somebody else and something else. But for the first time I did not know which is me and which is not me. Suddenly, what was me was just all over the place. 

The very rock on which I was sitting, the air that I breathe, the very atmosphere around me, I had just exploded into everything. That sounds like utter insanity. 

This, I thought it lasted for ten to fifteen minutes but when I came back to my normal consciousness, it was about four-and-a-half-hours I was sitting there, 
fully conscious, eyes open, but time had just flipped." 

You Are Nothing, And Everything

In all true experiences of emptiness the two defining qualities are clarity and awareness. We might say wide awake and free from thoughts of self. As in the example of Sadhguru above, we experience a complete loss of 'ego', becoming 'empty' of any sense of a permanent 'me' or 'self' that could exist as a separate entity within the Universe. Indeed in emptiness we realise that we ARE the Universe, having a momentary expression as us. Ironically there is a fullness in emptiness where we realise that we are not 'nothing', but we are everything.

"You live in illusion and the appearance of things. 
There is a reality, but you do not know this. 
When you understand this, 
you will see that you are nothing, 
and being nothing you are everything. 
That is all."

The Discovery of Pluto

The Planet Pluto was discovered on February 18th 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh. At the time of it's discovery, according to the Tropical Zodiac, it was at 17º of Cancer. Pluto is a very slow moving planet, spending from 13 to 32 years in each sign and taking about 248 years to complete one cycle through the zodiac (one complete orbit around the Sun). At 20º Capricorn Pluto is opposite it's discovery position right now, about halfway through a cycle, and will have completed a full cycle by the year 2175! 

Pluto and The Underworld

In Greek mythology Pluto was the Lord of the Underworld where Souls go after death. The Tibetan equivalent Yama, is a Lord of death who is also a protector of the spiritual path. So here we can see Pluto's connection with protecting or guiding Souls after the death of the physical body. Pluto also rules wealth or buried treasure, because wealthy minerals such as gold, silver, and precious gems, come from under the ground.

Pluto and Power

Pluto also symbolises great power and in modern astrology is associated with nuclear power, in particular the element plutonium, which was named after the planet. For this reason we can see how Pluto is also associated with death and destruction. So how can Pluto be associated with death, destruction, and also the greatest revelation, or enlightenment? Anything that can be destroyed is impermanent. By showing us that which can be destroyed, Pluto reveals that which can never be destroyed: awareness itself. 

Indestructible Consciousness

The biggest lesson that Pluto teaches us is that no matter what we do to each other, our basic conscious awareness remains. When we are happy, we are aware that we are happy. When we are sad, we are aware that we are sad. Even though our experiences change, the awareness of those experiences remains the same. When we place our attention on awareness itself, rather than the experiences that arise in our awareness, we are on the path to emptiness and oceanic consciousness. No accident that Pluto is the Soul Ruler of Pisces: the sign of Universal Love and Oceanic Consciousness. When we deeply experience emptiness we lose all sense of self, often accompanied by a sense of great clarity and peace. In this 'destruction' of ego we realise that consciousness survives and is actually indestructible, as in the above example of Sadhguru where he says "I had just exploded into everything". 

So how has Pluto been pointing to this Universal Truth since it's discovery in 1930? The years that followed Pluto's discovery, with the creation of atomic weapons and the increased mechanisation of warfare, have been the most destructive in human history, and the most devastating for our planet Earth. There is no continent that has not escaped the ravages of war, with death, devastation and genocide on an unimaginable scale. There is great wealth associated with warfare (the Plutonic theme of wealth from darkness) as the weapons industry, and it's investors, stand to gain a great deal from every human conflict. Yet there is only so much humanity can stand. There is only so much destruction our planet can stand. So eventually, we will be forced to wake up and see what we have done to each other, and our Earth home by following our darker desires for wealth, power, and greed. We cannot 'uninvent' atomic weapons. For the first time in history, we are living under constant threat of annihilation. We must find a way to work together, or face wiping out the human race and our Earth Mother completely.

“The 20th century witnessed the greatest suffering, 
with the greatest number of lives lost at the hands of other humans, 
in the entire history of the species.” 

- Gregg Braden, Fractal Time

Transforming Darkness Into Light

As one of the most important of the planets of transformation, Pluto is the great revealer. Pluto reveals that which is hidden, lurking beneath the surface, the darker side of our own nature. In this way Pluto show us what we have to change if we are to transform darkness into light. This is not a case of pointing out others' faults and seeing how 'they' need to change. When it comes to the lessons of Pluto, we are each called up to look deep inside our own hearts. To work with our own demons, and to transform the darkness within ourselves. Only by changing ourselves will we change the world. This is why every spiritual master advises us to first and foremost work on changing ourselves.

"Just as in counting to a million one must begin at the number one, 
so to benefit society, one must begin by working on oneself." 

Your Core Power

Pluto teaches us to recognise that we are not perfect, we are not enlightened, and yet we do have that innate potential within us. By showing us our own darkness, Pluto not only shows us how to bring that darkness to the light - but also that you, and only you, have the power. Just like an atomic weapon, your power lies hidden at your core, it is not outside of you, yet you have to go deep, through many layers, to discover your real hidden treasure. You can only transform your own darkness by first acknowledging it.

At Your Core You Are Pure Light

Through deep meditative practice, whereby we recognise and remain in a state of 'emptiness' for longer and longer periods, we begin to see for ourselves a deep spiritual truth: that we are not our darkness, but we are actually light. Our 'darkness', all our negative emotions, rage, anger, jealousy, hatred, greed, and any ensuing actions such as violence, war, and killing, is the result of ourdistorted thinking. All our darkness and negativity is the result of conditioning, and when we release the conditioning, underneath we clearly see that pure light, pure loving awareness, is who we really are. Once we go beyond the conditioning of our everyday mind, we have access to the clear light mind beyond, and recognise that as our true nature.

As we continue going deeper, we realise that even Neptunian experiences of bliss and illumination are not who we really are, and that there is a deeper truth: the truth of the highest wisdom, the emptiness of clear light mind and clear light wisdom:

"While meditating this way, experiences of bliss, luminosity, 
and nonconceptuality can dawn in your mind, 
but these experiences actually are on a coarse level 
and are not of the most subtle level, 
as if they cover over and obstruct innermost awareness, 
like a husk over a seed." 

- HH the fourteenth Dalai Lama, 

Remember it is possible to get stuck at any stage in our journey, especially the Neptunian stage of illumination because of the great bliss that is experienced. When bliss arises it is a good sign, it shows you're making progress, yet great care must also be taken in meditation to remain very present and aware.

"It is not sufficient just to keep your mind from diffusing and scattering. 
Even if bliss, clarity, and nonconceptuality dawn in meditative experience, 
these interfere with being introduced to and identifying 
naturally arisen innermost awareness. 
You need to avoid even bliss, clarity, and nonconceptuality. 
You have to get beyond all of these." 

- HH the fourteenth Dalai Lama, 

Pluto and Personal Transformation

Of all the planets of transformation (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) Pluto is the one which is most closely associated with personal transformation. Wherever and whenever we are touched by Pluto we are always transformed in one way or another. We always experience a "death" of sorts, and a subsequent regeneration, or resurrection.

So while Pluto is associated with death and destruction, remember that this is only in the context of natures cycles, which free up energy for new lifeforms to manifest. So, unlike man-made destruction (which is often mindless and senseless) nature's destruction is actually part of an ongoing cycle of life. For example, in winter the energy of deciduous trees is focused underground (at the roots) in preparation for the bursting forth of life in spring. Likewise, Pluto brings our attention underground, to the root of the matter.

Also, in terms of our soul's evolution and our spiritual journey, Pluto teaches us that no matter how many physical forms "die" and are reborn, consciousness never dies. Pluto teaches one of the highest spiritual lessons: that consciousness itself is indestructible.....

Pluto, The Great Revealer

Pluto has the unenviable reputation of being associated with all forms of power, abuses of power, death and destruction. And while this is true, Pluto also brings us some of the deepest teachings of our soul journey. As we have seen so far in this series, each of the planets of transformation awakens us in a different way. Pluto is associated with the underworld, underground, that which is hidden or in the dark, and awakens us by bringing to the light issues which we may previously have been unaware of. Hence, Pluto is known as the great revealer. Pluto transforms by revealing that which is hidden, and by destroying that which is no longer necessary for, and indeed may have become a hindrance to, the evolution of consciousness.

Pluto and Self-Empowerment

Although it may be painful at first to face the truth, Pluto brings us the gift of self empowerment, for it is only in truth that we stand in our true power. In fall, the leaves drop from the trees, fall to the Earth, and decompose, nourishing the Earth and thereby creating space for new life to emerge in the spring. Likewise Pluto destroys that which has ended its life-cycle and creates space for new life to begin. So Pluto is a planet of revelation, destruction, power, regeneration, and rebirth.

Pluto and Scorpio

Pluto, along with Mars, is one of the co-rulers of Scorpio at the personality level. If you have Scorpio Rising the conditions of Pluto and Mars by sign, house and aspect will show you where you are experiencing personality challenges that are calling you up to walk more in alignment with your Soul Purpose. In the case of Pluto these are likely to be in the nature of power and destruction, as aspects of your ego-personality are brought into the light of your awareness for conscious de-construction, so you may let go of egoic patterns and experience the self-empowerment of your own inner light. If you are experiencing painful challenges in this area, look to see where you might be trying to cling on to old identities and beliefs about yourself that no longer reflect the truth of your being. Like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, it is better to relax into your transformation and enjoy the ride.

Pluto and Pisces

Pluto is the Soul Ruler of Pisces. If you have Pisces Rising the position and condition of Pluto by sign, house, and aspect is very important and deserves deep contemplation. This is the area of your life where your Pisces Soul is calling you to release lower ego-driven behaviors so that you can go deeper into Universal Love, ignite your Sacred Heart Center and fully realise your Soul's Purpose.

Since Pisces is the sign of the ocean, and oceanic consciousness, Pluto's role as the Soul Ruler of Pisces reminds us that the only thing in the whole of existence that is truly indestructible, is consciousness itself.

Pluto Through The Signs

Pluto is also a slow-moving planet, taking about 248 years to orbit the Sun, and is therefore known as a "generational planet". Because Pluto stays in the same sign for over 20 years, whole generations will have Pluto in the same sign. Pluto becomes more personal to you as a result of its house placement and aspects in your natal chart.

Pluto in Aries - dignity (1823-1852)
As the first sign of the Zodiac, part of the soul-purpose for Aries is to create the physical space for the manifestation, or incarnation, of existence. Pluto in Aries brings power challenges on our very right to exist as an individual in our own right, with our own 'space'. During this period the slavery movement was being challenged.

Pluto in Taurus - detriment (1852-1884)
The highest soul purpose of Taurus is the release of personal attachment. Pluto in Taurus brings power challenges over 'possessions' and ownership, ultimately awakening us to the deep spiritual truth that ultimately in the Universe nothing is 'owned' by anybody. During this time many indigenous lands were encroached and 'possessed' by expanding 'nations' and , as today, wars were fought and lost over the land boundaries of 'nations'.

Pluto in Gemini (1884-1914)
The highest soul purpose of Gemini is higher communication and 'right human relations'. Pluto in Gemini brings the power of voice to the brotherhood/sisterhood of humanity. During this time the trade union movement grew as ordinary people campaigned for their right to 'have a voice' and restore 'right relationship'.

Pluto in Cancer (1912-1939)
The highest soul-purpose of Cancer is compassion and unconditional love. Pluto in Cancer brings to our awareness where we are not treating our human family with empathy, compassion and unconditional love. This period in history brought two world wars which revealed undercurrents of power, and were ultimately to bring us one step closer together as one human family. Those born in this generation experienced first-hand undercurrents and abuses of power that can happen within a family, and have an opportunity for healing and regeneration.

Pluto in Leo - fall (1937-1958)
This generation is walking a path of self-realization through individuality and self-empowerment. Divine Will is expressed through the power of individuals and this generation has been (and still is) very active in asserting the rights of individuals. As this generation reached voting age and began realizing their personal power a whole movement of civil rights and human rights began that is still currently sweeping the planet.

Pluto in Virgo (1958-1972)
This generation is active in the transformation of techniques for health and healing. Building on the previous generations established foundation of the importance of the individual, this generation was now able to question approaches to health and healing. Alternative approaches to healing were embraced that shifted the focus from 'curing' people, to the body's own power to heal and regenerate itself.

Pluto in Libra - detriment (1971-1984)
This generation is active in the transformation of relationships: including our relationships with each other and our relationships with Mother Earth and her creatures. During the lifetime of this generation there will be a breaking down of old patterns of relationship that do not support the life of Humanity and Planet Earth as one. Man-made laws that are not congruent with spiritual law will be broken down so that there can be balancing and a regeneration of right relationship to sustain life on Earth for future generations.

Pluto in Scorpio - dignity (1982-1995)
This generation is active in the transformation of personal spiritual experience. Pluto is one of the co-rulers of Scorpio at the personality level and creates those trials and tribulations that lead to the 'death' of ego-driven desires that feed the illusion of separation, so the individual may come to know Divinity through their own depth of personal experience, and transform emotional energy into spiritual energy. This is the process of personality-soul fusion. During this generation's lifetime there will be a great shift in planetary consciousness and spiritual awakening, as individuals recognize and acknowledge their own inner spiritual experience.

Pluto in Sagittarius (1995-2008)
This generation is active in the transformation of education and wisdom. Building upon the previous generations' depth of spiritual experience and knowledge, this generation will be active in how we approach education and develop schools of wisdom. Outdated educational systems that no longer support a spiritually awakened humanity will be dissolved to allow for the regeneration of wisdom schools that support the evolution of human consciousness.

Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2023)
This generation will become active in the transformation of the distribution of wealth and resources. As a regenerated spiritually-awakened humanity moves forward into the future, this generation of more spiritually aware humans will question any inequalities in the distribution of wealth and resources. Old institutions and political systems that foster inequality and separation will be dismantled so that there can be a regenerative approach to the distribution of resources on the planet for the whole of humanity.

Pluto in Aquarius - exaltation (2023-2043)
This generation will be active in the transformation of group consciousness, establishing a foundation for the Aquarian Age. Building on the foundations of previous generations, this generation will have an innate spiritual connection to the higher group consciousness of humanity and will seek to establish freedom and independence for all, in order to support the evolution of human consciousness.

Pluto in Pisces (2043-2063)
This generation will be active in the transformation of consciousness. Pluto is the Soul-ruler of Pisces and creates those conditions that dissolve ('destroy') all illusions of separation so that we may come to know the truth of our inherent connection. Individual experience is honored and recognized as vital for the evolution of consciousness, yet at the same time the heart of humanity as one being is also known and personally felt, as a deep spiritual truth.This generation will build on the experiences of previous generations so that through the depth of their own inner spiritual experience (gained in Scorpio), and their innate connection with the group consciousness of humanity (gained in Aquarius) they will now be able to move forward together as one body of humanity in which all hearts beat as one. This is the awakening of the sacred heart of humanity. There is the potential for a blossoming of human consciousness through which universal love becomes the driving force of future evolution for all humanity.

Pluto in The Houses

Wherever Pluto is in your chart you will experience Plutonic themes on a deep level: you may be having experiences that cause you to look deeply at the root of the matter, and/or that cause you to go 'underground' and illuminate what is there, bringing it to the light for healing. You may have experiences that cause you to look at issues around power: including uses and abuses of power; how you use your own personal power; and issues of self-empowerment. 

Underpinning all of these Plutonic issues is the potential to recognize Divine Will and your own will as one. Ultimately, wherever Pluto is in your chart indicates where you have the power to either self-destruct or to step fully into your regenerative power for healing and enlightenment, depending upon how you focus your will.

Pluto in the First House
The first house is all about sense of self: self-development, how we form our self identity, and how we move forward into the world. If you have Pluto in the first house, you may experience many deep and transformational events in your lifetime. The ultimate lesson is that you cannot take your identity from any external forms which are constantly shifting and changing. The deepest lesson is that you ARE the indestructible consciousness, which sees all.

A major theme in your life will be transforming your self-identity. The first house shows how you experience yourself in the world. Pluto here is uprooting ideas and beliefs around the nature of your existence until you find deeper answers to the question "Who Am I?".

Pluto in the Second House
The second house is all about our resources, physical resources which include our finances and possessions but also our deepest inner resources: our spiritual strength and power. If you have Pluto in the second house you may experience many losses and gains in terms of your resources. This is bringing your attention to the fact that you are your own best resource. Pluto is teaching you self empowerment by drawing your attention to your deepest spiritual strength and power.

A major theme in your life will therefore be transforming your inner values and resources. Pluto here is uprooting all false ideas about what is of 'value', especially in terms of yourself. You may experience major changes and/or power struggles about your finances, possessions: what you own, what is yours, how you generate income. Pluto here is also uprooting false values until you find the deeper treasure of your own inner spiritual resources.

Pluto in the Third House
The third house is about mental processing: how we learn and communicate. If you have Pluto in the third house, you are transforming your mind. You may experience continual "death" and destruction of thought forms: ideas, opinions, beliefs etc. Pluto is teaching you the deeper lesson that all thoughts are transient and ever changing. The deepest lesson is that your real mind is the illumined consciousness from which all thought arises.

A major theme in your life will therefore be transforming your thinking. The third house indicates your mind, mental processing, thinking, learning and communication. Pluto here is uprooting false beliefs, limited thinking and cultural conditioning to illuminate the true spiritual nature of mind as light.

Pluto in the Fourth House
The fourth house is about our home, family, and our psychological roots. On a soul level, it is about transforming your "Karma", which is your inherited, and learned (through many lifetimes), behavioral conditioning. With Pluto in this position you may experience many deep changes in your home and family situation, which cause you to develop a stronger sense of individuality, and also transform your ideas around family and belonging. The deepest lesson is that your home is within: it is your conscious awareness that you carry with you wherever you go.

A major theme in your life will therefore be transforming your roots. The fourth house indicates your familial and ancestral conditioning. Pluto here is uprooting and exposing negative patterns of conditioning that we specifically inherit through our family and ancestral lineage. Outdated patterns of behavioral conditioning are being uprooted and illuminated so that healthier, more appropriate roots can be set down that support you moving forward as an awakening spiritual being.

Pluto in the Fifth House
The fifth house is about self-expression, about how we express our individual innate creativity out into the world. On a personality level it is the house of fun: play, children, romance and lovers. If you have Pluto in this position may experience many changes in terms of romantic liaisons. The deepest lessons are about developing awareness, and correct use of, your own creative power.

A major theme in your life will therefore be transforming your creative self-expression. The 5th house indicates your power to create as an individual, whether that be through creating a work of art, or having children. It is about how you express your individuality through fun, play, romance and creativity. It is about discovering and expressing your personal power. Pluto here will be uprooting and illuminating any limitations or distortions in your self-expression so you get to experience your true creative power as an individual.

Pluto in the Sixth House
The sixth house is about our health, work, and those that depend upon us. With Pluto in this position you may experience many job changes and/or uses and abuses of power in the workplace. You may also experience health issues that bring to your awareness the process of healing and regeneration. On a spiritual level you are now learning how to use your inner power to be of service to humanity.

A major theme in your life will therefore be transforming your approach to work, health and well-being. The sixth house indicates where we may be of service: including how we maintain our own 'fitness' to be of service to ourselves and those whom depend upon us, either as employers, family or even our pets. The first five houses have been about personal development. In the sixth house we are beginning to shift our attention from our 'self' to see how we may fulfill our 'purpose' in our tribe or community. Pluto here can bring major changes in our attitudes towards health, work and fulfilling our obligations within our community. Pluto here will be uprooting and illuminating any distorted ideas we may have about servitude so we can become enlightened servers in true 'service' to humanity.

Pluto in the Seventh House
The seventh house is about marriage and partnerships. On a soul level it's about the "marriage" (or fusion) of personality and soul. With Pluto in this position you may experience intensity and power dynamics in personal relating, as Pluto brings about the "destruction" of all false ideas about what relationships ought to be. The ultimate lesson is that "me" and "you" are one.

A major theme in your life will therefore be transforming partnership. The seventh house indicates partnerships: including marriage, committed relationships, and business relationships. Pluto here will be transforming your attitudes and approach to relationships, and 'equalizing' where there may be power imbalances. Pluto here will be revealing where there are any imbalances of power so that all your partnerships can be based on equality going forward. This may mean you learning new skills and techniques to remain in a balanced position in your relating.

Pluto in the Eighth House
The eighth house is about shared responsibility and resources. With Pluto in this position, on a personality level you may experience power dynamics in sexual relationships. On a soul level the ultimate lesson is about the transformation of dense energy into subtle energy, and the transformation of material resources into spiritual resources. It is a powerful position for healing and regeneration.

A major theme in your life will therefore be transforming power and trust in intimate relating. The eighth house reflects our deeper intimate connections with others whom we are required to trust, and/or who must trust us. These deeper issues of trust often arise in the context of sex and money. Pluto in this area may be throwing up challenges that reveal where you can trust and where you cannot trust, or where that trust has been betrayed. Are you trustworthy yourself? Pluto is bringing all these issues into the light for healing, so you can learn more about the power dynamics involved. You may be learning new skills around where you give away your power in certain situations, and where you can bring healing through your own self-empowerment.

Pluto in the Ninth House
The ninth house is about higher learning, philosophy and knowledge. On a personality level you may be transformed by educational or religious experiences, or by foreign travel. On a soul level the deepest lesson is about uprooting false knowledge systems, and revealing the truth of illumined wisdom.

A major theme in your life will therefore be transforming your wisdom. The ninth house includes higher education, religion, philosophy and higher knowledge. Pluto here may be uprooting and illuminating false beliefs, religious dogma, ideals and distorted knowledge, so that you are open to become aware of deeper spiritual truth and wisdom.

Pluto in the Tenth House
The tenth house is about our career and/or position in the world. Pluto in this position can bring many career changes, that lead to renewal and regeneration of our goals and aspirations. On a soul level the deepest lesson here is about focusing on your spiritual aspirations and aligning with your spiritual journey. Esoterically the tenth house is the house of the Masters and with Pluto in this position, once you align with your soul path, you can access the support of your spiritual lineage.

A major theme in your life will therefore be transforming your career or vocation. In contrast to the sixth house, which is more about your 'job', the tenth house says more about your vocation, or the work you came to do in the world. (The distinction would be an actor who currently makes a living as a waiter: acting would be his tenth house calling, whereas waiting on tables would be his sixth house). Pluto here may be uprooting and illuminating ideas about who you are in the world: what you feel called to manifest in the world and/or what your position or status is within your community, society or company.

Pluto in the Eleventh House
The eleventh house is about higher group consciousness: the collective consciousness of humanity. With Pluto in this position you might experience many changes, renewals and 'regenerations' in your circles of friends, and groups you are associated with. The deepest spiritual lesson here is the continuous renewal of group activity until the highest group consciousness can be made manifest in reality.

A major theme in your life will therefore be transforming your role within groups and societies that you belong to. The eleventh house is also about kindred spirits: friends and groups that you belong to that have shared ideals and aspirations. Pluto here will be uprooting and illuminating group dynamics that no longer serve the highest and best good. You may be called upon to change your role within certain groups, or even leave and join new groups, so you may actively participate in groups that will evolve the collective consciousness of humanity.

Pluto in the Twelfth House
The twelfth house is about our subconscious, or unconscious world, and as such is the house of our hidden resources and talents. On a soul level it's about Universal Consciousness, which IS Universal Love. Pluto in this position can bring you life experiences which reveal your hidden inner world. The deepest spiritual lesson here is to recognize that the deepest, most sacred, source of Universal Love, lies within you.

A major theme in your life will therefore be transforming your inner world. The twelfth house is known as the house of mystery and secrets. This includes your unconscious mind, but also is your gateway to higher consciousness through meditative and spiritual experiences that awaken you to higher dimensions of consciousness. Pluto here may be creating experiences in your life that bring your own unconscious behavior to the light of your own awareness for healing.

Pluto is the slowest moving planet and will only cross some of the houses in your chart in this lifetime. So it is important to notice which areas of your life have been, and are being, 'touched' by Pluto because they will be the areas where you have possibly experienced the greatest challenges and the most personal transformation in your whole life. When Pluto makes his slow and laborious journey through an area of your life, you are never the same again. You will be changed. You can either resist the change, whereby it becomes a painful struggle, or you can embrace the change and recognize where your soul is calling upon you to grow, learn and awaken.

Be The Hundredth Monkey!

Even though world events seem dire, you still have the power to change everything, but only by changing your own inner world. This is the true power of Pluto, this is the true hidden gem: the power of your own light to transform the darkness. The Hundredth Monkey concept suggests that once enough people have learned something, reached a certain skill or level of consciousness, then (because human minds want to synchronise with each other) we reach a tipping-point where the rest automatically tip over into that state. 

The more people who recognize emptiness (inner awareness, calm mind) the easier it is for others to follow. This is the Flowering of Human Consciousness and the fruition of Pluto's purpose. Concepts of 'self' dissolve and pure awareness remains: 'empty' of concepts, labels, and contrived states, humanity returns to it's pure, natural state. 

So we can see that throughout humanity, the conditions for collective human advancement into emptiness and Universal Union are held in place by the activities of Pluto: the spaceholder for the emptiness level of our development.

Optional Fieldwork for those wanting to go deeper:

  • Download and read Your Essential Guide to Soul Astrology (if you haven't read it for a while, read it again to refresh your memory). 
  • Get two notebooks. Use one for your study notes (what you are learning about astrology); and use the other as a reflective journal where you write your deeper insights, self-observations and realisations about YOU that arise from your study, observations of your zodiac signs, and meditation.
  • Deeper Self-observation. Take out your own horoscope (natal chart) and make a note in your journal of the sign and house position of Pluto. Then read the descriptions above and make a note of any ideas and insights that come to you. Meditate on how Pluto might be showing up in your life. Record your impressions and insights in your reflective journal. 
  • Further Study: "Soul Centered Astrology: A Key to Your Expanding Self" by Alan Oken, refer to the appropriate section for more information on Pluto. Read about Pluto in Chapter 5 of Soul Astrology.

That's all for now! See you next time and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


PS> You can read about this month's sign Scorpio and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology - and watch the video of "Scorpio Rising The Scorpio Soul" HERE

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