Subject: The Foundations of Soul Astrology - Personality-Soul Fusion

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
January 2018
Hi Friend,

Capricorn is the sign of the disciple, ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline. Once we have correctly identified the true goal in Sagittarius, Capricorn brings us the focus, discipline, and strength of purpose to walk the spiritual path.  

What could be more perfect than to take advantage of the prevailing Capricorn energy at this time of year, to explore one of the fundamental principles of Soul Astrology... personality-Soul fusion.

You can read more about personality-Soul fusion (and the Capricorn Soul) in my book Soul Astrology -  and watch the video "Capricorn Rising: The Capricorn Soul" on YouTube - enjoy! 
The Foundations of Soul Astrology - Personality-Soul Fusion

One of the fundamental principles of Soul Astrology is the concept of personality-Soul fusion, so it’s worth checking in with yourself often to clarify your understanding by asking, "What is it really about?"

This brings you right back to the core questions of who you are, and why you are here. What do we mean by personality? …and what do we mean by Soul? Let's explore...

At a fundamental level, we are beings of light. Our whole energy field is made up of different frequencies, or vibrations, of light. All spiritual traditions, no matter what their differences, have at their core a message of light. Science is now also finding evidence that confirms this fact, that at our very deepest essence we are beings of light. That being the case then, what do we mean by personality and Soul?

Essentially there is no separation - there is only a difference of experience based on frequency - or vibration. At the denser end of the spectrum light is matter, at the lighter (finer) end of the spectrum, matter is light:

“there is no difference between energy and matter except for the rate of motion … 
Matter is spirit vibrating at it’s slowest and spirit is matter vibrating at it’s fastest” 

- H.P. Blavatsky, quoted by Alan Oken, Metaphysics of Money Webinar Series.

As the finer light of your Soul (represented by your Ascendant) incarnates into physical matter, it changes vibration. It is really more accurate to say that your physical form IS a slow-motion expression of your Soul, but for the sake of simplicity we can use the analogy of a crystal prism to help us understand more clearly.

As light shines through a prism it is refracted(1) which allows us to see the colors of the rainbow that make up the light. In a similar way we could say that the light of your Soul (Your Ascendant) is refracted through the lens of your personality (mainly your Sun and Moon signs), which gives us the myriad expressions of human diversity.

Before the prism, light is one ‘whole’ experience. We aren’t aware that it is made up of the different colors of the rainbow until the prism allows us to see the different parts that make up the light. Likewise as our Soul-light is ‘refracted’ through the ‘lens’ of our personality signs we get to see our many rainbow colors of humanity.

This is part of the reason for our lives, the purpose of our journey in a physical body, so we get to experience the multidimensionality and diversity of human experience, and expression. We get to see all the myriad expressions of humanity through our own unique individual expressions, before we return to oneness, before our rainbow ‘disappears’ back into the light.

So if we are all 'one' in light, what do we mean by Soul? What is our personality? ... and how are we having individual experiences?

What is Soul?

Your Soul can be thought of as your individualised expression of Divinity. If the whole of existence (seen and unseen; physical and non-physical) were an ocean, then you may consider your Soul to be like a glass of water taken from that ocean. It is still part of the ocean, it still has all the qualities of the ocean, it will eventually return to the ocean, yet for a short time it is having an individualised experience, as you.

“The Soul is our individual link to the essential substance of the Creative Source... Astrology is a system that seeks to interpret the nature of the Universal Life Force as It moves, shapes, and creates human life and all events. 
The planets, signs, and houses, are not the causal elements of manifestation. They are, rather, the reflections of a transcendental synchronicity manifesting through the rhythms and timing of a cosmic clock.”

What is personality?

Your personality, somewhat ironically, is a little more difficult to explain and understand because so much human behavior seems to be so far removed from the light! On one level (keeping it simple) you can understand personality as everything you have ever learned: all of your behavior from this and past lives, that now exists as ‘seeds’ in your consciousness. Some are actively expressed while others lie ‘dormant’ awaiting for the right conditions in order to ripen.

For a deeper understanding you can think of your personality and Soul as being on a spectrum of frequency or vibration. In essence there is no separation between personality and Soul, you only experience a sense of separation when your attention is focused solely on the drives of the personality.

A Spectrum of Consciousness

Many contemporary spiritual teachers describe our spiritual journey in terms of a journey ‘from fear to love’. This can be thought of as a spectrum of vibration, like the musical scale, that ranges from ‘lower vibration’ emotions such as guilt, shame, and fear to 'higher vibration' emotional states such as love, joy and peace. David Hawkins describes this as a spectrum of consciousness and there is a very helpful diagram of this in his book “Power vs. Force”.

In Esoteric Astrology the Tibetan Master DK explains that there are fundamentally 6 zodiac signs and that we experience them as 12 signs due to our dualistic mind. Interestingly this is similar to a concept known as the Six Lokas in some Tibetan Buddhist traditions.

In the theory of the Six Lokas(2), or six 'realms', our lower emotions correspond to higher states of consciousness. So anger, for example, is thought to be a lower frequency of love and through prayers and spiritual practices anger will be transformed into love.

They are thought to be simply different ‘vibrations’ on the same spectrum. So we can take heart in this fact because it means that if we have a lot of anger, it means we also have a huge capacity for Love - we just need to learn how to shift the vibration.

The Six Lokas:
Anger = Love
Greed = Generosity
Ignorance = Clear Wisdom
Jealousy = Openness
Pride = Peacefulness
Laziness = Compassion

"our anger obscures our capacity to love, 
our sadness obscures our joy, 
our prejudice obscures our equanimity, and
our greed obscures our compassion"
- Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche,

We mentioned above how, in Esoteric Astrology the Tibetan Master DK explains that there are fundamentally 6 zodiac signs and that we experience them as 12 signs due to our dualistic mind. Early in the relationship between the Master DK and Alice Bailey(3) he simply introduced himself as “The Tibetan” and said he was the Abbott of a monastery in Tibet.

So the Tibetan would have been very familiar with the concept of the Six Lokas, which is said to be thousands of years old. I often wonder if there is a correlation between the Six Lokas and the six ‘polarities’ in astrology!

Just as a reminder, the six polarities are:


Our personality and Soul are not separate but can be thought of as two ends of a spectrum of vibration or frequency, with a variety of expressions in-between. Our personality can therefore be thought of as simply a lower vibration expression of our Soul light. Which is why, to keep things relatively simple, in some of my articles I speak about the personality as the ‘fear-based’ expression and the Soul as the ‘love-based’ expression. However we can see that the entire energetic spectrum is really much richer than that.

The beauty of speaking in terms of a spectrum, is that it reminds us that there really is no separation. Essentially, while there is no difference between us at our essence, any one of us can be at any point along the spectrum at any time. The ’seeds’ of both the ‘lower’ and ‘higher’ vibration expressions exist in us all, and can ‘ripen’ in different circumstances.

This is whole basis of astrology. When we look at a natal chart we can see all the potential ‘seeds’ - both ‘negative’ and ‘positive’ in our stream of consciousness. As we become more self-aware, we are more able to navigate the spectrum for ourselves and choose higher expressions of our Soul Light. 

Your Fantastic Journey

You take a fantastic journey in your exploration of who you are… and what do you find?
That you really are a fantastic being of light, with a myriad different expressions.
You also discover this fact for yourself through the simple power of your own self-awareness. You don’t have to take anybody’s word for it. It is your own inner treasure, simply waiting to be discovered - by YOU! 

There really is no separation however, your perceived separation is part of an illusion generated by your social conditioning and your brain. The solution is to cultivate your awareness to the point where you perceive reality as it really is: a complete, whole, and unified ‘hologram’ of intermingled, intertwined, dancing energy and light. This holistic field of perception IS personality-Soul fusion. The very thing that makes you whole is pure awareness. Awareness is therefore the key to your personality-Soul fusion and the method for cultivating awareness is meditation.

Self-awareness allows you to make your own inner journey of light, where you discover the simple truth of your being for yourself. Soul Astrology gives you a language and tools to describe the energy dynamics that you become aware of, as you continue your journey to oneness through personality-Soul fusion.


1. Refraction is a process of ‘bending’ or causing rays of light to deviate, thus making visible the multiple rainbow colors that make up our everyday experience of light such as ordinary daylight (otherwise known as 'white light'). In a similar way, even though you may have the same Soul Sign as another person, you will each express your light uniquely as it shines through your different personality ‘lens’.

2.The Sanskrit word 'Loka' means 'world' or 'realm' and refers to realms of existence. In some Hindu and Buddhist traditions it is believed that our 'mind' or consciousness, keeps us in that world or 'realm'. In ancient times they were said to be 'hell realms' but we can think of them as states of mind, as each shift to a higher vibration can lead us out of our own personal 'hell'. There are variations in language when translated from Sanskrit into Tibetan and then into English so you will sometimes see alternative words used, such as greed to compassion, or sadness to joy.

3.Alice Bailey (A.B.) is said to be an ‘amanuensis’ of sorts to a spiritual teacher who referred to himself as The Tibetan. An amanuensis is generally someone who is hired to take dictation but in this case the Tibetan and A.B. had a telepathic relationship. At the time The Tibetan referred to himself as the abbot of a monastery in Tibet, which some scholars now believe to be Tashi Lhunpo monastery at Shigatse, in the Tibetan region of modern-day China. The work known as “A Treatise on the Seven Rays” (of which Esoteric Astrology is volume III) was transmitted by the Tibetan through Alice Bailey.

Foundations of Soul Astrology - Suggested Fieldwork:

  • Download and read Your Essential Guide to Soul Astrology (if you haven't read it for a while, read it again to refresh your memory). 
  • Get two notebooks. Use one for your study notes (what you are learning about astrology); and use the other as a reflective journal where you write your deeper insights, self-observations and realisations about YOU that arise from your study and meditation.
  • Self-observation is essential. If you don't already do so, start a regular meditation practice. It can be a sitting or an active meditation, whichever works best for you, to support you in practising self-observation and cultivating self-awareness.
  • Meditate on the energy of your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign. What higher quality (or combination of qualities) is your Soul wanting you to express in this lifetime: Love, Generosity, Clear Wisdom, Openness, Peacefulness and/or Compassion? Write your insights in your reflective journal.

That's all for now! See you next time and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


PS You can read more about personality-Soul fusion (and the path of Capricorn) in my book "Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose" You can also watch the video "Capricorn Rising: The Capricorn Soul" on YouTube.
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, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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