Subject: The Foundations of Soul Astrology: Mercury's Sacred Path to The Rainbow Bridge

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
March 2019
Hi Friend,

Following last month's excursion into Esoteric Astrology, this month we return to our deep exploration of the Planets, with an in-depth study of Mercury.

"Each planet supports us in our journey of awakening, by facilitating a shift from a conventional expression of our nature to a higher spiritual quality that is more in alignment with ultimate truth." 

After a thorough understanding of your Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign, probably the next most important planet for anyone on a spiritual path to understand, is Mercury. 

This is because a deeper understanding of the condition of Mercury in your chart will tell you much about how your mind works, and  that can tell you much about your experience of spiritual awakening and your capacity for spiritual realization...

So here we go...


You can read about this month's sign, Pisces and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology -  and watch the video of "Pisces Rising The Pisces Soul" HERE - enjoy! 

If you're new to Soul Astrology and want to catch up with this series you can begin with the first article in the current series HERE and then read each consecutive month up to the present day in the "Life's Greatest Adventure" ARCHIVE.

NEW: You can now get "The Foundations of Soul Astrology" series on Kindle (useful for those occasions when you don't have an internet connection) CLICK HERE for details OR if you prefer .PDF versions may be ordered HERE
Image: "Mercury" by Hendrik Goltzius. Part of a series of three paintings, depicting Mercury, Hercules, and Minerva, commissioned by Johan Colterman. From  ©Public Domain
The Foundations of Soul Astrology:
Mercury's Sacred Path to The Rainbow Bridge

Mercury is the Personality ruler of Gemini and Virgo, and the Soul Ruler of Aries. According to Esoteric Astrology Mercury is a sacred planet, because Mercury creates the conditions for the development of mind, mental processing, and communication appropriate to our group and species. At the physiological level Mercury governs the nervous system and cellular communication. All mammals have some kind of communication or 'language'. Whether you are born into a gorilla troop, a herd of elephants, or a whale or dolphin pod, Mercury creates the conditions for you to learn the rules of connection and communication within your group.

This is why Mercury is exalted in Aquarius because it creates the conditions for the development of primary (primitive) awareness of group (in our case human) consciousness and how we connect within our group. As such, the activities of Mercury then are what allow us to develop a link between lower and higher mind and therefore become increasingly aware, or conscious, on our path of spiritual awakening. This is why is is said that Mercury creates the 'Antahkarana' or 'Rainbow Bridge' between lower and higher mind.

Mercury is associated with our mind and mental processing and as such governs all 'mental activity', in particular communications, commerce, sales, technology (especially digital commerce) and short journeys. Anything to do with movement, the movement of mind, the movement of thoughts is associated with Mercury and therefore is inextricably linked to our spiritual journey. In mythology Mercury was the 'messenger of the Gods' because, as we shall see, it is precisely this changeable activity of Mercury that can set us on (and keep us on) our spiritual path.

Mercury Retrograde

Before we go further, let's take a moment to look at Mercury retrograde. Even people who haven't studied astrology to any degree, have heard of 'Mercury retrograde' so it is worth taking a moment to explore this idea. With the exception of the Sun and Moon, all the planets in your horoscope can, at times, have what is known as 'retrograde motion'. In astrology a retrograde period is where the planets appear to go backwards. Of course planets don't really go backwards but due to the relative position of planets to earth, from our perspective here on earth they can seem to (watch this short video to see how retrograde motion works).

During a retrograde period we can experience the effects of a planet for longer periods of time as it passes over, back, and over again, certain areas of our charts in a wave-like motion. Not only do we experience the effects for longer but retrograde motion also changes the quality of the energy, so in effect there is an intensification of a more introspective, reflective, form of that planet's energy.

Because Mercury 'rules' sales, commerce, short-distance travel, communication, exchanging information (like backing up computer information!), sales, commerce, our speech, learning, mind and mental processing, we can expect all of these areas to take on a quieter, less frenetic, more reflective tone during a Mercury retrograde period.

Rather than being a time when we can forge ahead with our plans, a retrograde period is often more of a time of inner reflection. When Mercury is retrograde, rather than enhanced communication, we often notice mis-communication. There can be misunderstandings and breakdowns in communication. There can be technical hitches and glitches, and minor disruptions in commerce and/or short distance travel. It might not be the best time to launch your next sales and marketing initiative, but it can be a time for consolidating previous efforts, doing your background research, taking stock, evaluating your progress, and contemplating your next move.

The Deeper Meaning of Mercury Retrograde

During a Mercury retrograde period, as our everyday thoughts are interrupted, we have an opportunity to sneak a peek at the gap between thoughts and catch a glimpse of the innate clear light mind that lies beyond.

It is always wise to work with a Mercury Retrograde period by planning ahead, making sure you are not engaging in commerce or travel if you can avoid it, and using the time wisely for periods of deep inner reflection. they are excellent times for spiritual retreat, for example. During these periods the messenger of the Gods is letting you know that your attention is needed elsewhere, not on the outside world.

These are not periods for increasing external output and action, but rather they are times for quiet meditation and contemplation. Even if great ideas and inspiration come to you during a Mercury retrograde period, better to take note and wait until Mercury turns direct again before you execute your plans. It is natural during periods of Mercury retrograde that we want to withdraw some of our energy from these outgoing activities and place more of our energy and attention on our inner journey.

This is where we can really harness the sacred power of a Mercury retrograde period and tap into the benefits to support our own inner journey. Mercury also rules the nervous system, our neural networks, our mind, thoughts and mental processes. To be more specific, according to Soul Astrologer Alan Oken, Mercury rules the ‘movement’ of mind (whereas Saturn rules the 'structure of mind' and Uranus rules 'Higher Mind') and this might be a key to understanding how Mercury is able to bridge the worlds between lower and Higher Mind.

During this time if we consciously concentrate on our inner journey we can use the sacred energy of a Mercury Retrograde to deepen our meditation and cultivate more awareness of our inner world. The more we place our attention on the inner flow of energy in our body, the more calm we will feel. The more often you do this, the more the chattering ‘monkey mind’ settles down, like when the wind suddenly drops and you are in stillness. The more often you do this, and enter your clear, calm, oasis of peace within, the quicker you will be able to do it at will. This is because, under the influence of Mercury, your nervous system has the capacity to ‘rewire’ itself by laying down new nerve pathways to replace the old ones.

This is much more important than it sounds. Everything we experience is largely due to our nervous system sending signals from our sense organs up to our brain. Depending upon how those nerve pathways are set up we will experience pain or pleasure, fear or love, anxiety or calm. Our nerve pathways are created by conditioning: basically our behavior becomes habitual because the more often we repeat something, the more nerve pathways get created and strengthened to support that behavior.

When we experience something new there is a tiny glimmer, and electrical spark in our nervous system. If we repeat the new behavior, the body starts building a nerve pathway so that we can ‘learn’: in other words, through experience, we can get better and faster at something. So the more frequently we can go within and enter our Higher Mind, the quicker and better we will be able to do it, because we will have literally created the pathways in our mind! At the same time old pathways that are no longer used begin to shrivel up and eventually disappear. So we can also permanently let go of states of mind that no longer support us.

Rather than looking to each Mercury Retrograde period with dread and foreboding, we can welcome it as a truly sacred time when it is possible to deepen our 'communion': our ability to connect with our Higher Power. We can also release old habit patterns, and obstacles to our path, that no longer support the highest of who we are.

If we fully align ourselves with it we have a great opportunity at this time to make progress on our spiritual path: crossing that bridge to Higher Mind once and for all. As Mercury lays down new neural pathways for accessing Higher Mind more easily on a regular basis, eventually, Higher Mind becomes our permanent state of being!

During a retrograde period, the energy is naturally more introverted and contemplative. Instead of trying to push the river, use a Mercury retrograde period to your advantage by setting aside more time for quiet contemplation and meditation. Be clear in your intentions, and set your sights on experiencing the clear light mind that lies beyond words and your normal everyday activity.

It is also important to remember that nothing happens in isolation. Each Mercury retrograde period differs from the one before - not only because Mercury is in different signs, but because the aspects to Mercury are different too. So there is much to learn about the inner workings of your mind, and your unique spiritual journey, if you remain still, awake, and aware during each Mercury retrograde period.

Mercury Retrograde Periods for 2019:

Mercury turns retrograde on March 5th at 18:18 UTC and turns direct again on March 28th at 13:58 UTC

Mercury turns retrograde on July 8th at 11:14 UTC and turns direct again on August 1st at 3:57 UTC

Mercury turns retrograde on October 31st at 15:41 UTC and turns direct again on November 20th at 19:11 UTC

(You can convert UTC to your local time zone HERE )

Mercury in our Inner World

When our Mercurial energy moves out into the world we have the 'outer' activities of Mercury, communication, learning, sales, commerce, the exchange of information, ideas, goods, money etc. When we turn our Mercurial energy inwards something very sacred and beautiful happens: we have the ability to be aware of ourselves. We have the ability to observe and learn about our own minds and mental processes. We have the ability to self-reflect, observe ourselves, practice mindfulness, and become self-aware. It is the activity of Mercury in our inner world, that makes our spiritual journey possible, and when Mercury is retrograde we have an increased opportunity to go deeper into self-exploration and self-awareness.

No accident that in mythology Mercury's Greek predecessor Hermes was a messenger of the Gods who was also responsible for guiding Souls to the underworld. Of all the power and awe of the Olympians, Hermes (Mercury) was the only one with this ability to travel freely between the ordinary world and Hades (the underworld and word of Souls). It is when Mercury is retrograde that we have an increased ability to listen to our own inner guidance, and truly receive 'the messenger of the Gods'.

A Mercury retrograde period needn't be a cause of anxiety. Yes there can be some disruption to the outer activity of Mercury, as our energy changes direction and moves inwards. The tide has turned and, just like when we work late at night under artificial light we feel off-balance because going against nature disrupts our circadian rhythms, so we will be most challenged by Mercury retrograde if we insist on going against the tide.

During a Mercury retrograde period it is more natural for us to be quieter and reflective. It is a perfect time to plan spiritual retreats and anything that is more contemplative and designed to open us up to our inner world. Mercury retrograde is a natural period of much-needed downtime when our inner world, and Higher Mind, can really open up to us if we go with it, rather than push against it.

According to Soul Astrologer Alan Oken, Mercury rules the movement of mind. This might be what we first experience when we try to meditate. At the personality level Mercury is responsible for the 'monkey-mind' the apparently constant activity of mind jumping from one though to the next, but it is precisely Mercury's capacity for change that allows us the possibility of liberating our mind, because it gives us the power to shift our awareness from lower, unhelpful, states of mind. Mercury gives us the opportunity to break free from fixed states of mind so that we can move to higher states of awareness.

This is especially important when it comes to disturbing emotions. By nature, emotions are fleeting states of mind. We can see this in children as they play in nursery, laughing one minute, crying the next and then laughing again. As we grow older we develop the capacity to fixate on our thoughts, which allows us to 'hold' things in our mind. This ability is what allows us to learn and retain knowledge, but it also allows us to remember past wrongs, pain, and to brood and fixate. When we repeat certain thoughts over and over, our fleeting emotion can become a mood, and if it remains unchecked that mood can become habitual and become a temperament, and if it still remains unchecked it then becomes our character, forming part of our personality.

Yet with the light of conscious awareness, we can change these habitual thinking-feeling patterns and set ourselves free. It is the condition of Mercury in our chart that brings us the power to change these habits. If it were not for Mercury's capacity for change, we could remain stuck in a 'depressed' state of mind for days, weeks, months or even years (and some people do).

Navigating the Emotional Scale

It is precisely our mind's great capacity for change, indicated by Mercury, that can set us on (and keep us on) our spiritual path. Every day is a new beginning. No matter how far 'gone' you think you might be, you can always change your mind. It is Mercury that gives you the power to choose whee to place your attention.

In his book "Power Versus Force"  Dr. David Hawkins describes a spectrum of emotions similar to a musical scale. Much like a kind of 'emotional scale'. Similar ideas have been described by other authors, however in his book he calls it a 'map of consciousness' and relates emotional states such as despair, anxiety, trust and optimism, to increasingly higher vibrational states of consciousness.

Due to the actions of Mercury, we have the capacity to 'navigate' this scale: to consciously lift our state of mind out of blame and despair, into states such as serenity and bliss. It isn't easy, it takes focus, method and perseverance, but it is possible, and it is our capacity for change that makes it possible.

Mercury and The Rainbow Bridge

With awareness, as we consciously choose spiritual practices such as meditation to support our spiritual awakening, we can work with the natural movement of mind (thank you Mercury) to shift gears into higher states of consciousness.

If we have a well-placed Mercury we will find it somewhat easier to focus on increasingly higher states of consciousness, much like climbing our own 'stairway to heaven' . This is how Mercury enables us to build our inner "Rainbow Bridge" to higher mind.

If Mercury is afflicted we may be challenged to shift our awareness, and find that we have sticking points, where it is more difficult to shift our consciousness, but it is important to remember that we are never powerless to change. Even if we have a chart packed with planets in fixed signs, that will bring us a capacity for stability and discipline that we can then use to engineer our path to enlightenment

Spiritual Awakening and The Mind

First, what do I mean by spiritual awakening? According to consciousness researcher Steve Taylor in his profoundly inspiring and groundbreaking book “Waking From Sleep”, our current everyday state of consciousness (where we think of being ‘awake’ as the opposite of being ‘asleep’) is in fact a kind of sleep!

He compares this to higher states of consciousness and peak experiences where people have a kind of ‘spiritual awakening’ and experience a more vivid and expanded perception of reality, which they often describe as being more ‘real’. Often these higher states of consciousness, or awareness, last for a few days or possibly even months before the individual eventually returns to a more mundane level of consciousness. In rare cases it becomes a permanent state of being, in which case the individual is then said to be ‘awake’ or ‘enlightened’.

"I hope that you understand what the word "spiritual" really means. 
It means to search for, to investigate, the true nature of the mind.

There's nothing spiritual outside. My rosary isn't spiritual; 
my robes aren't spiritual. Spiritual means the mind, 
and spiritual people are those who seek its nature." 

Now let’s look at this journey from lower mind, to spiritual awakening. In Astrology there are three planets which are specifically associated with our mind, and the workings of our mind. These are Mercury, Saturn and Uranus. For simplicity, we’ll use the analogy of ‘lower mind’ and ‘higher mind’. It isn’t really like that because that would be an either/or, black/white polarity and when we really ‘awaken’ into higher consciousness we are beyond such duality, but before it gets too confusing, let’s stick to our simple metaphor of lower and higher mind!

We can think of Mercury and Saturn as both being associated with lower mind. According to Soul Astrologer Alan Oken, Saturn rules the structure of mind (your ability to think methodically, plan and organise your thoughts, your brain wiring, neural pathways, and how Saturn plays a role in building your belief system), while Mercury rules the movement of mind (the thoughts themselves and the repeating cycles and patterns of those thoughts). He uses the analogy of a bee hive where Saturn is the structure (the structure of the hive and the honeycombs) and Mercury is the movement of the bees themselves going about their daily business!

Saturn rules our established brain wiring, the neural networks through which our thoughts are created and experienced, but when it comes to re-wiring our brain (changing our neural networks so something can be experienced differently) then Mercury and Saturn work together. Esoterically Mercury is said to be responsible for creating the antahkarana or rainbow bridge between lower and higher mind. One thing we know about mind is that it is changeable. If it weren’t we could never learn and grow and this changeability, this capacity to learn, comes under Mercury’s domain.

Much of our mind works by association. If you have been watching your mind closely you will see this. On a daily basis we associate certain experiences people, thoughts, feelings and memories, like movies and popcorn or even having sugar and cream in our coffee. In his book "Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One" Neuroscientist Dr. Joe Dispenza explains how “nerve cells that fire together, wire together”. Which means such thought associations eventually hook up and become our brain wiring. It’s like that game where one person says a word and you say the first thing that comes into your mind. The first thought that comes is likely to be one that is currently ‘wired’ to the other word, for example ‘coffee’ and ‘cream’.

On a daily basis we tend to unconsciously follow the habitual patterns of our brain wiring. In the past I have said this is the result of our following the movement of Mercury and the ‘monkey-mind’, but we can also see that Saturn is just as involved here, because Saturn is holding the neural network in place. All that needs to happen for that to change, is for us to stop following our thoughts. Once we no longer energise the neural networks with our thoughts, they actually shrivel up and die, and our thoughts seek out new neural pathways. Mercury will seek out alternative pathways (change and learning) and then Saturn will create neural networks so we can easily remember and take our new path.

Mercury is able to create the Rainbow Bridge from lower to Higher Mind because Mercury can help us to change habit patterns that have us stuck, and allow us to step into new ways of being. However, we also need consciousness otherwise we can simply substitute one habit for another, which keeps us equally stuck. This is where Uranus comes into the picture.

Uranus is the planet of intuition and is associated with Higher Mind. Uranus is also associated with electricity, lightening, and flashes of insight. It used to be thought that the our nervous system was one continuos, unbroken, network like a railway track upon which our thoughts run like trains (a train of thought)! However, modern science and high-powered electron microscopes tell a different story.

Our nervous system is a network of individual nerve cells that appear to be connected but if we look closely there is a gap between each one called a synapse. As thoughts pass through our nervous system, they actually leap across this synaptic gap in the form of an electrical charge. If you could see your brain at microscopic level while you are thinking, it looks like a lightening storm. So if the gap between our thoughts is electrical in nature (like lightening), then it comes under the rulership of Uranus!

If Saturn rules the structure of mind (our neural network) and Mercury rules the movement of mind (the thoughts themselves) then Uranus rules the gap between our thoughts, and that is the domain of intuition. It is in the space between our thoughts that we are able to access higher perception and discern a higher reality beyond the normal limitations of our senses and our brain wiring. So what is intuition?

Alan Oken describes intuition as:

“The ability to perceive that quality of energy—the true essence of meaning—within any form of expression”

Mercury governs the bridge between lower and higher mind because our thoughts are a vehicle for our consciousness. When we follow our thoughts, we are actually giving our attention to them. We are allowing our consciousness to follow the thoughts. But it is when an individual thought leaps into the gap that, for the very briefest of moments, we have an opportunity to drop the thought, get off the train, release the vehicle, and experience pure perception: pure consciousness itself, uncontaminated by thoughts, ideas and concepts. It is in that moment that we can ‘wake up’ and directly perceive our true nature as spiritual beings.

“There may come to you an awakening of the intuition which will translate modern astrology into something of real moment and significance to the world”

- The Tibetan Master, Esoteric Astrology, p.3.

It is this ability to directly perceive reality, without any thoughts or concepts clouding our perception, that we call intuition. While our awareness is in that gap between thoughts (the synapse) we are free. We have access to the entire Universe through Universal Mind, free from the conditioning of our brain wiring. It is from here that we are truly ‘awake’ and all can be known. This is why meditation is so important. It is through some form of meditative practice (basically observing ourselves and how our mind works) that we are able to cultivate the ability to remain in the gap between our thoughts for longer and longer periods. (See my earlier series on Uranus to see how and where you may be awakening to your intuition).

It is though direct perception that the ancient Kalachakra Masters were able to practice astrology without telescopes, tables, or ephemerides. In other words, they were able to directly perceive the entire workings of the Universe through their intuition. You have this potential, the key is to jump into the gap between your thoughts and stay in clear light mind  for as long as you can. Then you too may discover that the Universe lies in the gap between your thoughts!

Mercury Through The Signs

In short, the essence of Mercury then, is movement of mind: in it's most tangible form this is thinking, learning, communication. Movement of mind, in the form of all kinds of thoughts and ideas.

The sign Mercury occupies in your horoscope will therefore tell you much about the type of movement: is is slow and steady, is it graceful and flowing, is is fast and erratic, darting here and there? 

Mercury through each of the twelve zodiac signs, describes twelve very distinct different kinds of mind.

Mercury in Aries - Esoteric or Soul-Centered Ruler of Aries
This kind of mind is enthusiastic, intuitive and impulsive. There can be a tendency to blurt out, and/or act impulsively on, one's thoughts without considering the impact on others. Impatience, and/ or a quick temper, can be a problem if one experiences interruptions or blocks to one's thinking process.

Mercury is the Soul ruler of Aries so this is an excellent position for reducing attachment to one's own thoughts, developing one's intuitive capacity to greater depths, being more aware in the present moment and directly accessing the mind of clear light.

Mercury in Taurus
This kind of mind is steady, cautious, and deliberate. The individual will favour practical, kinesthetic and experiential learning over textbook study. This is a mind well-suited to a steady, graduated path to enlightenment ( such as the Lamrim ) but not from the perspective of laborious intellectual study. Learning is best approached through practice, which brings understanding through the senses and is integrated through one's personal experience. At the personality level stubbornness can be a problem, and great care must be taken not to become dogmatic in one's thinking, which can hinder one's progress and spiritual development.

At a Soul level Taurus is associated with illumination. According to buddhist astrologer Jhampa Shaneman the historical Buddha had six planets in Taurus [See Jhampa Shaneman's chart for Buddha HERE ], one of which was Mercury. If stubbornness and rigid patterns of thinking can be overcome, the steadiness of this type of mind is a great asset to developing stability in clear light, once the clear light mind has been recognised.

Mercury in Gemini - Dignity
This kind of mind is quick, versatile and intelligent. Mercury is the personality ruler of Gemini and, unless otherwise afflicted, often brings a skill with words, language and/or communication (In conventional astrology Mercury is said to be in 'dignity' or in the sign of it's own rulership). The individual may learn quickly, gathering and distributing information at the speed of light, however there could be a problem retaining and/or integrating what has been learned, as knowledge may be 'dropped' in favor of the next novelty to come along. Restlessness can be a problem and if afflicted this can be the epitome of the 'monkey-mind': a constant chattering mind (even when the lips are silent) that hops like a frenzied grasshopper from one thought to the next. There can be an over-stimulation of mental activity, which can lead to mental exhaustion and fatigue.

On a Soul Level this can be a challenging mind to 'tame' for the purposes of spiritual advancement. The benefit of such changeability is the speed at which the individual can, with some practice, shift gears out of lower emotional states of mind and into higher levels of awareness. The challenge will be to remain in higher states of consciousness and not be distracted by the next passing thought that comes along. Active meditations may be of benefit until the individual has developed the capacity to 'observe' thoughts passing like a river, without jumping in and following along! One advantage is that this kind of mind often has great powers of observation, so if curiosity can be kept at bay, this individual would benefit from remaining in 'observation' mode, to develop deeper awareness in meditation.

Mercury in Cancer
This kind of mind is fluid, receptive, and reflective. Thoughts are 'felt' and feelings are 'thought'. If the Sun is also in Cancer, and especially if conjoined, there can be difficulty separating thoughts from feelings. Intelligence takes the form of emotional intelligence, and developing one's emotional language, including one's vocabulary of 'feeling' words is very important. There can be a facility for communicating emotions with ease. Learning takes the form of absorption rather than textbook study. Similar to Mercury in Taurus, experiential learning is important but with Mercury in Cancer instead of the learning happening as a direct result of one's own experience, knowledge is often absorbed like a sponge through a field of sense impressions, empathic feeling and awareness of other people's emotions. Learning also happens by 'sensing' other people's experiences.

On a Soul level the challenge is to rise above the level of emotions so that the mind of clear light can be perceived. If there is too much focus on emotions the individual may become mired in their emotions and unable to navigate to higher states of awareness. With practice the individual can learn to use their great sensing capacity to recognise ever-widening circles of awareness within their field of consciousness. This placement has great potential for recognizing and abiding in the level of bliss, which is a precursor to the mind of clear light. Care must be taken not to remain 'stuck' at any point (including bliss) but to keep expanding one's capacity for awareness.

Mercury in Leo - Fall
This kind of mind is creative and self-expressive. There can be a facility for acting and/or speaking. Mercury is said to be in 'fall' in Leo, which means it's energy is restricted. Because of the strong orientation to self that is the path of Leo, there can be a tendency to 'personalise' thoughts, ideas and communication too much, so that it becomes difficult to be objective. Thoughts become 'my' thoughts, ideas become 'my ideas' and so forth. At the personality level facts can become confused with opinions, and knowledge can be used to serve a pedantic egocentricity.

On a Soul level, Leo is a sign of the heart and intuition is the language of the heart. If the tendency for the ego to hijack the mind can be overcome, so that the mind of clear light can be accessed, this can be a beautiful placement for expressing a warm, passionate creativity, that arises from clear, intuitive thought processes.

Mercury in Virgo - Dignity
This kind of mind is orderly, meticulous, precise, analytical and detail-oriented. When well-placed there can be a facility for math and/or statistical analysis. Mercury is the personality ruler of Virgo, and it is important that Mercury's energy is consciously grounded in this earth sign otherwise there can be stress to the nervous system (In conventional astrology Mercury is said to be in 'dignity' or in the sign of it's own rulership). Care should be taken not to take analysis and evaluation to the extreme in a never-ending cycle causing burnout and fatigue. On the personality level thoughts can be overly idealistic causing one to strive for a non-existent 'idea' of perfection that can never be attained.

On a Soul level this is a great placement for cultivating somatic awareness and body intelligence. Practical methodologies that calm the mind while developing body awareness, such as yoga, will allow the thought-train to slow down long enough for this individual to catch a glimpse of the calm, clear light mind beyond.

Mercury in Libra
This kind of mind is intelligent, objective, and strives for balance, harmony and good judgement. There can be an natural tendency toward 'ethical' thinking, understanding the process of how we make decisions and/or how we decide and choose 'right' from 'wrong'. When afflicted there can be a tendency to 'sit on the fence' for too long and vacillation can be a problem. There can be a predilection for relationships, yet there can sometimes be an over-emphasis on objectivity at the expense of a deeper emotional connection.

On a Soul level this is a good placement for cultivating a balanced, calm and harmonious mind, which can serve as a foundation for stable meditation leading to deeper spiritual realisations, such as the potential to rest with stability in clear light mind for long periods.

Mercury in Scorpio
This kind of mind is highly intelligent, sharp, intense, probing, strategic and secretive. There can be a talent for depth psychology and/or any deep kind of investigative work where their innate probing capacity can uncover that which was previously hidden. There is often an innate understanding of human behaviour. Depth in one subject is the preferred learning style, rather than covering many topics at a surface level. They would be well-suited to spiritual or psychological study that can further develop their understanding of human nature.

On a Soul level this placement is perfect for attaining deep spiritual realisations. There can be a tendency to brooding or obsession, which can be an obstacle if the mind is held in lower emotional states of consciousness. Once the individual has learned to navigate through emotional states, to higher states of awareness there is a capacity to hold higher states of consciousness until great spiritual realisations are achieved and integrated.

Mercury in Sagittarius - Detriment
This kind of mind is enthusiastic, honest, idealistic, adaptable and independent. There can be a capacity for speaking and communicating ideas clearly and articulately. There may be a facility for teaching. At the personality level there can be a tendency to exaggerate one's own opinions at the expense of others, and/or to present personal opinions as though they were facts or established 'philosophies'. When afflicted there can be attachment to one's ideas and opinions, to the point of dogma. Speech can be direct to a fault, sometimes even blunt, with little or no consideration of the impact on others. Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius so it's energy is ineffective. Thoughts can be disconnected and lacking a basis in practical reality.

On a Soul level this placement brings vision and an innate interest in all things 'spiritual'. Sagittarius is the sign of the spiritual seeker and it is said that liberation of the mind is possible in Sagittarius. Care needs to be taken not to be distracted by spiritual ideas, at the expense of spiritual experience, which leads to actual insight, true wisdom, and true spiritual realisation.

Mercury in Capricorn
This kind of mind is practical, serious, strategic, ambitious, calculating and disciplined. There is a capacity for structuring thought processes for practical purposes. There may be a flair for engineering, accounting, or resource management. This can be a 'heavy mind, and excessive seriousness and/or sense of duty could lead to a lack of humor and joy in one's life. At the personality level care must be taken to avoid being too stern and controlling where others are concerned, and empathy may need to be consciously cultivated.

On a Soul level this placement can bring spiritual 'ambition' with the power of focus and discipline which, when applied to one's spiritual path with determination can accelerate one's spiritual development, leading to amazing breakthroughs. The danger here would be of being excessively controlling, which would become a mental block and prevent deeper insights into the clear light mind beyond. Balancing one's shamatha (concentration) meditation with vipassana/vipashyana (open) meditation is extremely important when Mercury is in Capricorn, so that one's mind remains free, flexible, and open to new experiences and higher perspectives.

Mercury in Aquarius - Exaltation
This kind of mind is original, independent, intuitive, communicative and inventive. Mercury is said to be exalted in Aquarius which means it's energy is most active and able to flow freely. There is a capacity for original, unorthodox and/or unconventional thinking, which is often combined with a flair for speaking. The individual is often group-oriented and can contribute much when collaborating with like-minded individuals, especially on collective and/or humanitarian issues. There can be mental stubbornness and care must be taken not to be too opinionated and attached to one's own ideas.

On a Soul level this placement can be excellent for opening higher increments of intuition and experiencing higher states of consciousness. The challenge would be stubbornness and attachment to one's own ideas and mental constructs, which can become obstacles to higher states of awareness. Similar to Capricorn (above) balancing one's shamatha (concentration) meditation with vipassana (open) meditation is extremely important, so that one releases attachment to fixed mental concepts and keeps one's mind free, flexible, and open to transcendent experiences.

Mercury in Pisces - Fall
This kind of mind is fluid, sensitive, impressionable and psychic. Mercury is said to 'fall' in Pisces since it's energy is somewhat restricted. There is often a sensitive, artistic nature with a capacity for poetry. In some cases psychic and/or mediumistic abilities are present. Due to the fluid nature of Pisces there can be a lack of clear-thinking and a vagueness to one's thoughts. Thinking takes the form of sense-impressions rather than clear-cut thoughts and objectivity can be challenging.

On a Soul level this is an excellent position for following a spiritual path to awakening through compassionate actions and transcendent experiences. There can be a strong leaning towards transcendental states, while altruistic states such as compassion and unconditional love may come with relative ease. The challenge lies in not becoming 'lost' swimming around in vague, blissful, states of mind, which cloud one's path and become a distraction. It is important to remain clear and focused in one's meditation and remember the 'goal' is the clear light mind that lies even beyond states of bliss. For you, balancing your vipassana (open) meditation with strong shamatha (concentration / focused) meditation would be important so you don't lose your way.

Mercury In The Houses

The house position occupied by Mercury, tells you which life area stimulates (and is stimulated by) your entire thought processes, which include thinking, learning, and communicating (language, writing and speaking).

Mercury in the First House draws the mind/mental energy into the area of all things Self. There can be great energy and vitality. Self-concern needs to be consciously transformed into Self-realisation through self-awareness if the individual is to advance spiritually and not become caught in self-absorbed egocentricity.

Mercury in the Second House draws the mind/mental energy into the area of one's inner and outer resources: including material possessions, income, finances and one's inner values and talents. Income may come through communication such as writing, speaking, sales and or education.

Mercury in the Third House draws the mind/mental energy into the area of the processes of communication and learning. There can be great curiosity and a love of study and research. May enjoy learning just for it's own sake and may be a gifted teacher. If spiritual progress is important to the individual, then care must be taken to choose study topics that will further advance one spiritually, so one's time and energy isn't wasted studying non-productive areas.

Mercury in the Fourth House draws the mind/mental energy into the area of home and family. There is a need for personal safety and security and care must be taken that excessive concern over one's home and family doesn't become obsessive worry and/or anxiety. There can be a restlessness with Mercury in the 4th that may lead to frequent alterations to, or changes of, residence. This position can be good for someone who wants run a home-based business.

Mercury in the Fifth House draws the mind/mental energy into the area of self-expression and creativity. There is often an ability to connect well with children, although care must be taken not to worry excessively about ones own children or any of one's 'creations'! There can be great creativity with possibly a flair for writing, speaking, or acting.

Mercury in the Sixth House draws the mind/mental energy into the area of one's work and responsibilities. There can be a tendency to focus too much on tasks and care must be taken to avoid being excessively busy and overworked to the point where it is impossible to complete all one's duties. There is always a busy-ness when people have Mercury in the 6th so it is important to be discerning about which tasks you take on board, and which ones you can delegate. You would be well served, and serve those you are responsible for, if you support others more by teaching them, rather than by doing things for them that they can (and should) do for themselves.

Mercury in the Seventh House draws the mind/mental energy into the area of one's partnerships and relationships. Communication and intellectual stimulation may be a hallmark of all such relationships. If afflicted there could be disputes or arguments that involve court judgements.

Mercury in the Eighth House draws the mind/mental energy into the area of personal transformation and healing. There can be an intense, probing, quality to the mind, which may also have the capacity to be a catalyst for healing and transformation in others. There may be an interest in the deep undercurrents of life, such as the processes of death, dying, karma and reincarnation, and metaphysical phenomena. There could be inheritance through the death of relatives and/ or an interest in tax, insurance or financial investments.

Mercury in the Ninth House draws the mind/mental energy into the area of higher learning, higher education and religion, and the deeper search for meaning. Advanced learning through travel to foreign countries or through contact with people from different cultures is likely. One's dreams and visions may be too far-out to be practical and concentrated focus may need to be cultivated to ground one's visions into practical reality.

Mercury in the Tenth House draws the mind/mental energy into the area of one's achievements, career, public standing or worldly position. Ambitions are a priority, and may be achieved through some form of communication writing and/ or speaking. At the least, one's career or profession may involve communication, writing, and/or public speaking. There may also be involvement with politics or public office in some form.

Mercury in the Eleventh House draws the mind/mental energy into the area of groups, societies, friends, and shared goals. One may be drawn to become actively involved in groups and societies working towards humanitarian causes. Friendships are likely to be based on intellectual connections rather than deeper emotional bonds.

Mercury in the Twelfth House draws the mind/mental energy into the area of one's inner world. Silence may be preferred and one might find it easier to think clearly in quiet environments. There can be a tendency to seek solitude and to 'withdraw' into one's inner world and thoughts. This can be excellent if used wisely in meditation, but care must be taken not to become a prisoner of one's own mind.

Mercury's greatest gift is the power to change our mind. There is a story that Buddha was once asked how to meditate and he said that our mind should be like a guitar string: neither too tight, nor too loose. It is Mercury that gives us the power to change and find that perfect sweet spot: if our thinking is too rigid, Mercury brings us the power to be more flexible; if we are too distracted, Mercury brings us the power to choose where we place our attention to develop more focus. In this way, it is Mercury that brings us the power 
to navigate our own path to spiritual awakening.

Optional Fieldwork for those wanting to go deeper:

  • Download and read Your Essential Guide to Soul Astrology (if you haven't read it for a while, read it again to refresh your memory). 
  • Get two notebooks. Use one for your study notes (what you are learning about astrology); and use the other as a reflective journal where you write your deeper insights, self-observations and realisations about YOU that arise from your study, observations of your zodiac signs, and meditation.
  • Deeper Self-observation. Take out your own horoscope (natal chart) and make a note in your journal of the sign and house position of Mercury. Then read the descriptions above and make a note of any ideas and insights that come to you. Meditate on how Mercury might be showing up in your life. Record your impressions and insights in your reflective journal. 
  • Further Reading:  "Soul Centered Astrology: A Key to Your Expanding Self" by Alan Oken, refer to the appropriate section for more information on Mercury. Read about Mercury in Chapter 5 of Soul Astrology.

That's all for now! See you next time and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


PS> You can read about this month's sign Pisces and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology - and watch the video of "Pisces Rising The Pisces Soul" HERE

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