Subject: The Foundations of Soul Astrology #10: The Sun

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
October 2020
Hi Friend,

If you've been following this series closely by now you should be somewhat familiar with your Soul's purpose and what is wanting to be expressed in this lifetime. You should have a sense of what to prioritise in your chart, as your major life themes. It is now time to look at each planet in depth. Over the coming months, as you digest the information in these newsletters, you are invited to bring the energy of each planet into your daily meditation so that you may perceive it's qualities directly and familiarize yourself with it's energy.

In order to do this it is best to take just one planet at a time and go deep. In doing this, it is important to know the placement of the planet in your own horoscope, because that will always color your experience of that planet's energy. For example if you have Venus in Taurus, when you connect with Venusian energy, you will always have a more sensual somatic (felt-sense in the body) experience of Venus than someone with Venus in Libra, who will have a more aesthetic experience of the energy.

If you're really serious about Soul Astrology (as I know many of you are) then from this point forward in this series when you receive your newsletter please don't just read the descriptions of each planet, but close your eyes and deeply contemplate the meaning - especially in relation to the placement and condition of the planet in your own horoscope. Continue to bring the planet to mind in your meditations throughout the month, and record your impressions and insights in your Soul Astrology journal. 

Don't worry about being 'right or wrong' or if your impressions are consistent with what other astrologers have said, just trust your inner guidance. Your intuition is your greatest teacher and you will learn more by this experiential approach than you can from any textbook. Soul Astrology is an intuitive form of astrology and, if you are to make good progress in terms of the evolution of your own consciousness (see "The Foundations of Soul Astrology #6 :The Planets") you would be wise to use the intellect as your foundation, and build upon it with your intuition.

Now let's begin our deeper exploration of the planets today with The Sun, here we go...


You can read about this month's sign, Libra and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology -  and watch the video of "Libra Rising The Libra Soul" HERE - enjoy! 

About this image:
On Aug. 31, 2012, a giant prominence on the sun erupted, sending out particles and a shock wave that traveled near Earth. This event may have been one of the causes of a third radiation belt that appeared around Earth a few days later, a phenomenon that was observed for the very first time by the newly-launched Van Allen Probes. This image of the prominence before it erupted was captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Source:   ©Public Domain

The Foundations of Soul Astrology - 
The Sun

It isn't possible to overestimate the importance of the Sun. We live in a Solar System, and it is the Sun's life-giving force that provides life-force energy (chi/ prana) for all things within that system, including us. At the Soul level the Sun is the major 'spaceholder' for life to exist. The Sun is prana: the very life force that animates and breathes 'life' into physical forms. As a living being, the Sun itself has it's own consciousness. The activities of the Sun not only sustain life on earth, but the entire planetary system to which we belong. The heart of the Sun creates and sustains the conditions for the development of our heart and Soul, and the consciousness of the Sun permeates our own consciousness, through the action and activities of prana.

No accident then that when many people talk about their horoscopes, often all they really know is their Sun sign and, given they know little else about their horoscope, they can recognise themselves based on this one factor alone. The Sun is that important in influencing our sense of self and identity.

In astrology the Sun and Moon are known as the two 'luminaries' because they are (or appear to be) 'luminous', in other words they give light. So already we can see that the Sun brings us light, and life. The Sun therefore has the potential to bring the light of awareness to whatever area of the natal chart it is placed.

The Sun as Identity or Ego 

The Sun can also represent our ego, or that which we identify with the most. This is due to an egoic 'trick of the mind' whereby as soon as we become aware of something, the intellect claims the credit for it! So rather than attributing the light of awareness to a higher power, when we are operating at the level of the personality with our our small minds, the ego thinks "I did that" and we attribute that power to ourselves! This happens as we are passing through the "intellect" stage of the evolution of consciousness. (see "The Foundations of Soul Astrology #6 :The Planets")

"Egoism, the limiting sense of 'I', 
results from the individual intellect's 
attributing the power of consciousness to itself"
- Patanjali

So here we have the reason behind both the personality-based and the Soul-centered experience of the Sun in the natal chart:

  • At the level of the personality, the position of the Sun is where we will find the greatest sense of self-identification: our ego-personality, the greater part of our "story of me" (although all the planets play a role the Sun and Moon are the major contributors to our egoic personality patterns). In Western psychological astrology the Sun is therefore associated with our identity. However, it is important to remember that our identity is not 'who we are', but is rather a collection of characteristics and behavioral traits resulting from karmic conditioning. It is because we currently identify with them that they form part of our ego-personality. (see last month's newsletter on karma)
  • At the level of the Soul the position of the Sun is where we can bring the light of awareness, consciousness itself, to illuminate our life and that of others. At this level we can see from experience that there is no separation and that both the conscious light of awareness, and the life-giving energy of chi, or prana, are one and the same. Life is awareness, and awareness is life.

The Sun in your chart says a lot about your energy levels and your vitality. It shows you how and where you use and flow your 'prana' or 'life force' energy. Ask yourself:

  • What are my main activities throughout the day? 
  • What do I find myself 'doing' most of the time? 
The activities that come as an answer to those questions relate to how you flow your prana or life-force energy, and will be reflected in the placement and condition of the Sun in your natal chart.

There is a radiant quality to the Sun's energy, which at first may be more easily perceived through the actions you are doing. However, with observation and experience, it can also be perceived as a subtle radiance emanating continuously from your being, even during quiet periods of meditation when you aren’t 'doing' anything!

As 'prana' is also the energy of creation, the Sun in your chart can also indicate where (which house) and how (which sign) you like to express your creativity. Although the Sun is a large part of your personality make-up, because it indicates how you generally flow your energy on a day to day basis, it’s energy can also be offset, enhanced and/or diminished by other astrological factors in your chart. (This is why some people don’t relate to the descriptions of their Sun sign).

Because the Sun brings vitality and life-force energy, whatever sign the Sun is in shows how you may manifest your Soul's Purpose once you have the consciousness to transcend the karmic conditioning of your ego. Once you have recognized and aligned with the energy of your Soul Sign (Ascendant) and de-personalised the habits of your ego, your Soul-Light can be expressed into the world, and your Soul's ultimate purpose be fulfilled, mainly through the activities of your Sun sign.

The Hero's Journey

Astrologer Liz Greene calls the Sun our individual 'Hero's Journey'. It can be thought of as the 'main plot' of how your Soul is wanting to express it's purpose in this lifetime, but before that can happen there are challenges to overcome.

"A hero ventures forth from the world of common day 
into a region of supernatural wonder: 
fabulous forces are there encountered 
and a decisive victory is won: 
the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure 
with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man" 
- Joseph Campbell, cited by Wikipedia 

Psychological Astrology vs Soul Astrology

Before we go further it is important to acknowledge an important distinction between psychological astrology and Soul Astrology, based on the work of the Tibetan Master, DK. First, there are a number of key distinctions between Western Psychology and Tibetan Buddhist Psychology.

All 'psychology' is about the study of mind however, Western Psychology usually approaches mind as a system of mental processes and cognitive (thoughts) patterns that influence our behavior. In Western psychology there is thought to be a 'person' at our core who experiences these behaviors and patterns.

"It is the Sun in us which senses 
that there is a quest to be pursued, 
a journey toward an unknown future, 
a profound mystery at the core of 'me'"
- Liz Greene, The Luminaries

In Tibetan Buddhist psychology, 'mind' refers to the totality of being: your entire energy field, to include thoughts, emotions, actions and your underlying motives. With regard to the person, the higher buddhist teachings of dzogchen and mahamudra tell us that no such person exists in reality, and that we can discover this truth for ourselves by deep investigative meditation. No matter how deeply we look, no 'I' can be found. The sense of 'me' or 'I' that we experience is not in fact a person, but rather it is an illusion created by repeating thought patterns. In other words, no 'me' actually exists outside of thoughts about 'me'.

These are important distinctions to keep in mind especially when interpreting the placement of the Sun in your chart, because it explains why some astrologers will say the Sun IS who you are - whereas Soul Astrology says the Sun contributes to the illusion of self that is part of your karmic conditioning. It indicates a set of habitual thoughts and actions that you are identified with, and which are to be released as you continue your spiritual journey.

The behavior patterns indicated by the Sun are not who you really are, rather they are the challenges and obstacles to be overcome on your 'hero's journey' to discovering the real treasure: your own true nature. The Sun has it's own Divine consciousness, which is more mysterious than we can imagine. The Sun does indeed call us up to a quest, to our own hero's journey toward the unknown, but the profound mystery to which it leads, lies way beyond any sense of 'me'.

"The Sun is not really concerned with the concrete world 
as it's final destination ... 
Solar goals are inner, 
and are concerned with self-realisation 
and experiencing one's life 
as special and meaningful." 
- Liz Greene, The Luminaries

The Path to Self-Realisation

As spiritual beings we innately sense the 'specialness' of our true nature, but everything in the mundane world tries to negate this and define us as 'ordinary'. At the ego level the Sun in our chart demands that our 'specialness' be recognised, but for all the wrong reasons - namely egoic pride. Egoic pride is based on this false sense of self derived from man-made designations, for example the society labels you as a prince or a pauper. None of these labels bears any relation, or relevance, to who you really are as a spiritual being. So the path of the Sun is to light your way: to illuminate your own hero's journey - the path to self-realisation.

At the personality level the Sun will therefore indicate your everyday activities: those activities, possibly even habitual ones, that you engage in on a frequent (if not a daily) basis that will continue to contribute to your karmic conditioning until you are consciously aware of your currently unconscious motives. The good news about the Sun is that it is the light, so even though we may be aware of repeating patterns and tendencies (for example with the Sun in Gemini we might have a talent for communication) we can become more conscious of them with relative ease (in contrast to the Moon where our habitual reacting can be unconscious).

As long as you are identified with those activities, thinking or feeling that "this is me", they remain part of your ego-personality. So we can see at the personality level that the Sun is contributing to the formation of ego, and therefore our karmic conditioning. For example with Sun in Gemini we might spend a lot of time communicating and this becomes part of our identity. We might even think, "I am a good communicator". When this happens, the great expanded consciousness that is your true nature contracts into a small, limited, sense of "I".

When we look deeply in meditation, we can see that when communication happened, rather than just letting it be, the mind added an extra layer of thought in "I did that". This is how ego works. When we don't challenge this thought, the belief in our ego-personality (me) goes unchallenged. When we look closer we can see that communication simply happened, and there never was a 'me' involved. When you realize this, your consciousness relaxes and expands once again into the vastness that is your true nature.

The Sun signs are therefore showing us twelve ego-personalities that are to be transcended on the path to realizing our true nature. So for those of us on a committed spiritual path, our true 'hero's journey' is one of transcending the habit of identification with body, speech and mind. The Sun illuminates this path by showing us the specific experiences of body, speech and mind that we are identified with.

12 Ego-Personalities - The Sun Through The Zodiac Signs

Within the context of Soul Astrology the Sun in each of the twelve Zodiac signs can be thought of as twelve egoic states to be transcended.

Transcending the "I" is an advanced spiritual realisation that we are working towards. At this stage in our development it is enough to entertain it as simply an idea. The 'spiritual challenge' given below for each sign is for deeper contemplation: for example with Aries, what would it be like to simply bask in pure existence, with a quiet mind and no 'story of me' running in the background?

While reading please remember that the formation of a healthy ego is a vital stage of human psychological development. In contemplating the transcended "I" this is not an invitation to by-pass your ego development. You would not wish to be stuck in a pre-egoic state, and denial of one's ego is actually an obstacle to healthy psychological and emotional growth. Ideally what you should strive for is a healthy formation of ego that becomes your foundation for self-awareness and eventually self-realisation, whereby you go beyond ego to further your spiritual development.

Sun in Aries – transcending “I AM”

Self-assertion is energizing and self-affirming

The Sun in Aries is 'exalted', meaning that it's energy is at it's strongest and most creative. In Aries individuals it is associated with the primary formation of ego, which can result in a 'me first' attitude as the individual's attention is focused on developing their sense of self. There can be an almost unbridled urge towards self-projection and self-expression, as the individual projects himself outside of himself, in order to know himself. It is the job of the Sun in Aries to express the 'self' out into the world. For this reason Aries individuals are associated with boldness, courage, impulsiveness, spontaneity and directness. Unless the Sun is otherwise afflicted they appear to have boundless energy, which can exhaust others around them. They are pioneers who naturally take the lead and intuitively know the best course of action to take. The flip side is that others may experience them as being rash, impatient, domineering and/or arrogant. When afflicted over-confidence can be a problem.

If you have Sun in Aries it’s likely that your life’s energy flows primarily through spontaneous, inspired, intuitive action. Aries is the energy of Creation in its purest form and Sun in Aries creates the space for existence. Esoterically it is the spark of Divine Will that initiates all Life. Through your life experiences you are learning how to use your inner knowing to consciously lead others. Your Soul's Purpose is vitalized, activated and energized through innovative, inspired ideas and actions.

The spiritual challenge with the Sun in Aries is to release identification with your own existence. You are here to literally "get over yourself' (I mean that in the best possible way)! Yes, you exist. Yes, it is miraculous. Yes, you are amazing. Now, move beyond that - there are vast universes waiting for you. When you transcend the Aries ego, existence remains as a sense of being, pure awareness, without an added story of "I" or "Me" as 'The One who exists'.

Sun in Taurus – transcending “I HAVE”

Abundance is energizing and self-affirming

With the Sun in the Taurus the main focus is on anchoring the sense of self (ego) into the world. The individual's attention and energy is directed to those activities that will establish financial and material security in life. For this reason Taureans are renowned for their hard work and 'staying power'. Steadfast, practical and grounded, they are content to continue steadily plodding, while slowly and surely watching their wealth (bank balance, home and/or possessions) grow. The ego seeks to establish itself through material security, so they are cautious and want to keep what they have acquired. They will not make a move until they have carefully considered the pros and cons, and then they are more likely to take tried and tested routes, rather than high-risk options. The flip side is that others may perceive them as slow and/or stubborn. When afflicted possessiveness can be a problem.

If you have Sun in Taurus it’s likely that your life’s energy flows primarily in very considered practical ways. You resonate to beauty, which is harmony expressed in physical form, and your energy may be focused on creating beautiful environments where you can be at peace. You may also have an artistic streak, a beautiful voice, or at least a love and appreciation of music, because you understand harmonics through your physical senses. Through your life experiences you are learning to understand how light manifests in physical forms through harmony and beauty. Your Soul's Purpose is vitalized, activated and energized through building a beautiful, practical and solid personal foundation.

The spiritual challenge with the Sun in Taurus is to release identification with your possessions and/or financial status (or lack of them). You are here to release attachment to form so you may know the true beauty of the formless. When you transcend the Taurus ego, your money and possessions will still be there, but without an "I" or "Me" that is the 'owner' of these things.

Sun in Gemini – transcending “I THINK”

Intellectual pursuits are energizing and self-affirming

With the Sun in Gemini the focus is on expressing the sense of self (ego) in the world through intellectual growth. The individual's attention and life-force energy is attracted to a myriad of experiences for learning and growing their mind. Quick-witted and intelligent, Gemini individuals are able to think, learn, and talk, really fast. In order to experience a variety of opportunities for learning they may flit from one topic to the next like a butterfly, rarely settling for long on one subject. Indeed if they are forced to focus on one thing for too long they can feel frustrated and their vitality can soon fade. Gemini is associated with communication and speech so they can be very eloquent orators. The flip side is that others may perceive them as fickle, unreliable and superficial. When afflicted gossip can be a problem.

If you have Sun in Gemini it’s likely that your life’s energy flows primarily through communication. Gemini is the energy of the threads of life and you may focus much of your time on ‘pulling threads together’. This can be threads of information: ‘connecting the dots’ in your mind and communicating them through speaking, or writing, and/or you may equally find yourself connecting people through social networks. Through your life experiences you are learning about the interplay of light. Your Soul's Purpose is vitalized, activated and energized through speaking, writing, sharing information and communicating.

The spiritual challenge with the Sun in Gemini is to release identification with thought. Your mind is not your true nature. Your thoughts are not who you are. Your being has the potential to bask in pure awareness, way beyond thought. When you transcend the Gemini ego you still experience thought, but without the additional story of an "I" or "Me" that is 'The Thinker'.

Sun in Cancer – transcending “I FEEL”

Emotional intelligence is energizing and self-affirming

When the Sun is in Cancer the focus is on making the sense of self (ego) feel safe in the world. The individual's attention and energy is directed toward activities that establish emotional safety and security. As a result the sign of Cancer is the one most associated with home, family, motherly love, nourishment and nurturing - all of the things we normally associate with feeling safe and secure in our world. Cancer individuals are concerned mainly with how they and others feel, which makes them excellent at reading and sensing other's emotions. High in empathy they are able to sense what others are feeling and are able to accurately respond to another's needs - often before the other person even realised the needed it! Like their namesake the crab, they are tenacious and are able to hold on to other people and situations - sometimes long after it is healthy or wise to do so. The flip side is that others can perceive them as moody, needy or clingy. When afflicted over-protectiveness can be a problem

If you have Sun in Cancer it’s likely that your life’s energy flows primarily in ways that are nurturing. You may be highly empathic and able to sense what other people are feeling. Cancer is the sign most closely associated with mass consciousness which means you may have an ability to send your Cancerian radar deep into the mass consciousness, take a measurement, and sense what is needed next for the benefit of all. Through your life experiences you are learning the art and skills of emotional intelligence. Your Soul's Purpose is vitalized, activated and energized through compassionate nurturing of self and others with emotional intelligence.

The spiritual challenge with the Sun in Cancer is to release identification with feelings. When you transcend the Cancer ego feelings still arise, but without a sense of "I" or "Me" as "The One who experiences feelings".

Sun in Leo – transcending “I WILL”

Creative self-expression is energizing and self-affirming

The Sun is in 'dignity' in it's own sign of Leo, which means it's energy is expressed most freely and uninhibited. The individual's attention and energy is focused on the development of a healthy sense of self (ego) through constant and consistent self-expression and the creative use of personal will. There is usually a need to keep friends and family close to continuously reflect one's self-image back to oneself. As a result it is not surprising then, that the sign of Leo is the one most associated with ego. Ego arises with the thought of "me". More than any other sign, Leo is liable to get caught in the roles he or she plays by identifying with them: "I am an actor", "I am a CEO", "I am..." and so on and so forth. Warm hearted, playful and highly creative, Leo (like the Sun) brings dignity, warmth and light to any role he or she plays. The flip side is that others may experience them as pompous, bombastic, and overly egotistical. When afflicted narcissism can be a problem.

If you have Sun in Leo it’s likely that your life’s energy flows primarily through creative action. Creative self-expression is the key to Leo because you are learning about your own creative power through the correct use of will. Any role that you can play (the more the merrier) allows you to explore the true nature of yourself. Leo is a sign of the heart and through your various life experiences you are really learning the power of your heart. Your Soul's Purpose is vitalized, activated and energized through heart-centered leadership, play, and creativity.

The spiritual challenge with the Sun in Leo is to release identification with actions and the roles you play. The show must go on. There will always be players. When you transcend the Leo ego actions still happen, but without the additional idea of an "I" or "Me" who is "The Actor".

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts"

- William Shakespeare

Sun in Virgo – transcending “I ANALYSE”

Service is energizing and self-affirming

When the Sun is in Virgo the focus is on opportunities to reinforce one's sense of self through service or by being needed. For this reason Virgoans are drawn towards orderliness, perfection and techniques for healing and self-development. Imagine the well organized herbalist who can put his hand on exactly what you need, precisely when you need it. Or the homeopath who knows the subtle distinctions between conditions with very similar symptoms. In Virgo the sense of self is reinforced by feeling needed, which is a result of having the discernment, precision and techniques to deliver to others what they need. The Virgo mind is analytical, often running through a myriad of options and dissecting each one before choosing a path forward. As a result there can be a tendency to worry. The flip side is that others may see Virgoans as intrusive, nosy and/or interfering. When afflicted there can be a tendency to foster dependency in others.

If you have Sun in Virgo it’s likely that your life’s energy flows primarily through service. You have an exquisite sense of discernment and a fine eye for detail which means you could be very good at analysis, and you want to make sure that whatever you are giving your attention to, has some beneficial, practical, application in the real world. Through your constant striving for perfection and ‘that which is good’, you are learning to flow love into the world by being of service in practical ways. Your Soul's Purpose is vitalized, activated and energized when you approaching your work as an act of loving service. Work is 'love in action'.

The spiritual challenge with the Sun in Virgo is to release identification with critical thinking and analysis. When you transcend the Virgo ego analysis still happens, but without the additional thought that there is an "I" or "Me" who is 'The Analyst'.

Sun in Libra – transcending “I BALANCE”

Relating is energizing and self-affirming

The Sun is in 'fall' in Libra, which means that it's energy is restricted and it's responses are limited. The result is there can be an inhibition of self-expression. The individual's attention and energy can be too much on other, at the expense of self, and much effort may needed to bring the relationship back into harmonious balance. Balancing therefore becomes a life theme and Librans have an innate sense of harmonising, since balance only truly happens when opposites can be harmonised. Self and 'other' need to be honored equally. Librans often excel in areas where balance and harmony are required, such as law, ethics, ecology, diplomacy and relating. The flip side of this is that others often find Librans to be manipulative, and/or evasive as they may dodge and swerve to avoid confronting issues head on. When afflicted the Libra Sun may see the world only through rose-tinted glasses and form a 'pollyanna' type personality.

If you have Sun in Libra it’s likely that your life’s energy flows primarily through relating. You have an innate sense of harmony, balance, poise and grace and you resonate highly to beauty in all its aspects. Libra is the sign of the diplomat and you can be most charming when you set your mind to it. Indeed you gravitate towards grace and anything vulgar repulses you. You have a deep sense of ethics and care that the decisions you make are for the right reasons. Through your life experiences you are learning the art of right relationship. Your Soul's Purpose is vitalized, activated and energized through balance, harmony and right relationship.

The spiritual challenge with the Sun in Libra is to release identification with balancing. When you transcend the Libra ego balance happens naturally, without the additional idea of an "I" or "Me" as "one who is balancing".

Sun in Scorpio – transcending “I DESIRE”

Seduction is energizing and self-affirming

When the Sun is in Scorpio the focus is on the use of energy for self-transformation. The sense of self arises from awareness of, use of, and identification with, inner power. At the personality level Scorpio prefers to use other people's energy rather than risk losing themselves by losing their own power. Scorpio is a feminine, magnetic sign that attracts energy towards it (in contrast to masculine signs which radiate energy out). Scorpio's therefore become very adept at drawing other people to them, to get their needs met. Think of the Spider that seduces the fly into it's web. The power of seduction, and confidence in their power to attract (or not) form part of the Scorpio identity. When Scorpio releases the fear of losing power, by rising above their lower personality drives, they discover great healing, transformative and regenerative power within, which can be of immense benefit to themselves and others. The flip side of this is that others can experience them as probing, invasive, domineering, and controlling. When the Sun is well placed they make excellent depth psychologists and healers. When afflicted there can be covetousness, jealousy, and a need to exert control and power over others.

If you have Sun in Scorpio it’s likely that your life’s energy flows primarily through intense feeling and passion. You may experience life deeply and passionately through your feelings. Your life force energy may be very potent and you might sometimes feel that you are behind the wheel of a powerful racing car that you are learning how to handle! Through your life experiences you are learning to transform energy through the right use of power. Your Soul's Purpose is vitalized, activated and energized through your own journey of personal transformation and healing.

The spiritual challenge with the Sun in Scorpio is to release identification with your desires. You do not die when you don't get what you want, rather, you are transformed. When you transcend the Scorpio ego, desire still arises but without the additional complication of an "I" or "Me" who is experiencing the desire. 

Sun in Sagittarius – transcending “I SEE”

Adventure is energizing and self-affirming

When the Sun is in Sagittarius the focus is on seeking activities that will expand the sense of self through the acquisition of wisdom. The sense of self is derived from systems of thought or understanding: this could be a wisdom school, a philosophy or a religion. They believe there is an ideal path or 'way of being' and are dedicated to the search for that path. A sense of identity may form around being the one who has discovered "the right path" or "the truth". There is a need for constant growth and expansion so freedom is one of their highest priorities, which they often combine with a sense of adventure since they love testing their limits and boundaries (and other people's) to see how far they can go. Since they have so much life experience to share, Sagittarians often find themselves teaching, either formally or informally. The flip side is that others may find them pedantic and/ or opinionated. When afflicted dogmatism can be a problem.

If you have Sun in Sagittarius it’s likely that your life’s energy flows primarily through wisdom-in-action. Sagittarius is the sign of great sages, philosophers, spiritual seekers and teachers, but the key word for you is philosophy. This means that thinking, for you, is important because of how it guides your actions. Through your life experiences you are learning about ultimate spiritual truth and higher wisdom. Your Soul's Purpose is vitalized, activated and energized through seeking higher goals, higher truth and higher freedom.

The spiritual challenge with the Sun in Sagittarius is to release identification with seeking wisdom. No thought system leads to truth. Truth itself lies beyond thought. When you transcend the Sagittarius ego wisdom still arises, but without the additional idea of an "I" or "Me" who is 'the wise one'.

Sun in Capricorn – transcending “I USE”

Prestige is energizing and self-affirming

When the Sun is in Capricorn the focus is on those activities that will provide ongoing self-advancement. In Capricorn the fully developed self (ego-personality) is establishing it's position in the world. The sense of self is derived from one's status, and one's ability to structure one's life and manage one's resources to maintain and advance that position. Whether it be the school janitor or CEO of a multinational company, Capricorn never wants to take a step back. As an exquisite manager of resources, nothing will ever be done to threaten one's current position and wherever possible all the chess pieces will be masterfully slid into position (with expert timing) to increase the possibility for further advancement. Like it's symbol the mountain goat the direction is always up, one step at a time. Capricorn's precise, methodical approach makes excellent engineers and accountants. The downside of this is that other's may experience them as uncaring and insensitive in their determination to reach their goals. When afflicted there can be ruthlessness and even cruelty.

If you have Sun in Capricorn it’s likely that your life’s energy flows primarily through practical initiatives. You have an eye for detail, precision and a great ability to stay focused until you have achieved your desired result. You are an excellent resource and project manager, because you think in terms of what is needed to get things done. Through your life experiences you are learning how to anchor spiritual energy into the Earth in practical ways that benefit humanity. Your Soul's Purpose is vitalized, activated and energized through building structures that support enlightened civilization.

The spiritual challenge with the Sun in Capricorn is to release identification as the manager of resources. When you transcend the Capricorn ego resources are still utilised, but without the additional idea of an "I" or "Me" who is 'using' them.

Sun in Aquarius – transcending “I KNOW”

Humanitarianism is energizing and self-affirming

The Sun is in 'detriment' in it's opposite sign Aquarius, which means it's energy is repressed, weakened, and unable to find harmonious release. As a result the individual may feel as though he never really quite knows him or herself, and is often looking outside of himself for himself. Their attention and energy may be focused on experimenting with unconventional lifestyles, and on the improvement of humanity at large, envisioning idealistic utopian societies. Aquarians often excel in medical research where they can remain objective while working on projects that will benefit humanity at large. There may be an interest in psychology, for the purpose of understanding the structure of the self, but this would be approached from an objective, detached, standpoint, as though the individual himself was never really involved. As the individual gathers knowledge, a sense of identity can form around what he or she knows. The flip side of this is that others may find them aloof, imperious, shallow and/or dismissive. When afflicted the individual may be eccentric to a fault and/or may be attracted to cults as a way to seek identity from a group identity.

If you have Sun in Aquarius it’s likely that your life’s energy flows primarily through structured thinking. Thinking in a structured way, while organizing information into categories, helps you to understand your world. With this capacity for structured thinking you have the mind of a scientist, yet you may also have a great entrepreneur streak. Through your life experiences you are learning how to flow love and life into the world in ways that unite the collective consciousness of humanity. Your Soul's Purpose is vitalized, activated and energized through humanitarian ideals and endeavors.

The spiritual challenge with the Sun in Aquarius is to release identification with knowledge. When you transcend the Aquarius ego pure knowing spontaneously arises from clear light mind. There is no need to collect 'information' and mentally construct an idea of an "I" or "Me" who is 'The One Who Knows'.

Sun in Pisces – transcending “I BELIEVE”

Faith is energizing and self-affirming

When the Sun is in Pisces the focus is on those activities that will provide opportunities to alleviate suffering. Being deeply sensitive, Pisceans are acutely aware of the suffering in the world and have tremendous compassion. Because of this their sense of identity often stems from a belief system or religious doctrine that they have held since childhood, wherein loving kindness and compassion are attributes to be cultivated within oneself in order to benefit others. As a result Pisceans are sometimes attracted to caring professions such as nursing however, due to their brilliant imaginations and dream-like nature they often excel in areas such as photography or the movie industry. The flip side of this is that others may see them as passive, vague, and/or airheaded. Because of their tendency toward escapism, when afflicted addictions can be a problem.

If you have Sun in Pisces it’s likely that your life’s energy flows primarily through sensitive feeling. You have a sensitive, empathic, nature, which allows you to sense accurately what others are feeling – sometimes even before they know it themselves! Through your life experiences you are ultimately learning how to transform suffering into Universal Love. Your Soul's Purpose is vitalized, activated and energized through the transformation of suffering into compassion by the power of your heart.

The spiritual challenge with the Sun in Pisces is to release identification with beliefs. When you transcend the Pisces ego you realize that Divine presence is real, and it exists without the added 'fantasy' of an "I" or "Me" to believe in it.

The Sun Through the Houses:

"Where the Sun is placed by house 
is where the ability to make 
a significant contribution to life lies." 

- Isabel M. Hickey, "Astrology: A Cosmic Science"

The house position of the Sun is showing which area of life experience gets most of your attention. It is where you invest most of your time and energy (or want to) and where you will most likely express yourself. Once you are no longer driven by the demands of the ego, this is the area of life experience where you are most likely to manifest your Soul's Purpose. (Read about the houses in more depth in, "The Foundations of Soul Astrology #8: Houses - Mansions of The Soul")

1st House - "To Be"*

With your Sun in the first house of self you probably invest much of your ‘prana’ or life-force energy into your personal journey of self-awareness and self-realization. Throughout your life you may find yourself examining and questioning everything beginning with ‘self’: self-image, self-identity, self-esteem, self-awareness, etc. Everything that others tell you you are, or are not, comes under close scrutiny as you realize your own true nature for yourself, and question externally imposed ideas about who you are. When the Sun is in this position your spiritual journey becomes the quest for your real Self, and you may often find yourself at times in your life, re-visiting the question ‘who am I?’ Care must be taken not to become ego-centric - overly identified with your ego.

On a Soul level this is a great placement for developing awareness of your Soul and for recognising and manifesting your Soul Purpose.

2nd House - "To Possess"*

With your Sun in the second house of personal resources and values you may find that you invest much of your prana, or life-force energy, into building your resources and/or those things that you value and appreciate. This can include your personal income and many people with this placement tend to be self-employed.

On Soul level this is an excellent placement for recognizing your innate value and self-worth as a spiritual being. In meditation you may recognize your innate spiritual nature, which encompasses the higher qualities of love, peace, joy, clear wisdom and inner light. Once you recognize that these inner treasures are an inherent part of you, which no-one can ever take away from you, then you will have discovered your real spiritual 'treasure' and will be able to share it with others.

3rd House - "To Know"*

With your Sun in the third house of mental processes and communication, you probably invest much of your life force energy into your thought processes, learning and/ or communication. You may enjoy learning and ‘collecting’ information and when you choose to share your thoughts with others you may have a flair for teaching.

On a Soul level this is a great placement for developing conscious awareness of the ‘substance’ of mental energy (manas) and how it transforms as thought manifests into matter. It is a good placement for the development of the Rainbow Bridge between lower and higher mind, and for the cultivation of Higher Mind capacities such as telepathy.

4th House - "To Establish"*

With your Sun in the 4th house of home and family you may find you invest much of your prana or life-force energy on your family and/or on creating a home base for yourself. This also includes your psychological roots and ancestry so you may invest time and energy in your ancestry in some way either by researching your family tree, and/or collecting photographs of your ancestors.

On a Soul level you may be aware of the patterns of societal and family conditioning that have helped to shape your own ego-personality, and what you can release within your psyche to experience the freedom of your Soul.

5th House - "To Express"*

With your Sun in the 5th house of children and creative self-expression you probably invest much of your life-force energy in your ‘creations’. This could be your children (if you have any) or it could be any projects that you are creating. You probably love to express yourself through your creativity, whatever form that takes. You may also have anatural flair for children and have a playful side to your nature that is also very child-like. Children are likely to have fun with you and enjoy being (and playing) with you.

On a Soul level this is a great placement for expressing Divine Will through your creative self expression. This is good for recognizing Higher Self as distinct from ego, for expressing spiritual will rather than personal will, and for expressing will in the form of love.

6th House - "To Improve"*

With your Sun in the 6th house of service you probably flow much of your life force energy into creating opportunities to be of service in general, and in particular to be of service to those who depend on you - perhaps by using your creativity to develop tools, techniques and technologies for improving and/or restoring health and well being or through techniques for personal growth and development.

On a Soul level this is a great placement for consciously building the antahkarana, or rainbow bridge, between lower and higher mind, through conscious service to humanity.

7th House - "To Relate"*

With your Sun in the 7th house of partnerships and relating you may find yourself investing much of your prana or life force energy in relationship of all kinds: whether they be close family, friends, co-workers, professional or business associates. Much of your life-force energy may be invested in supporting others through relationship.

On a Soul level this is a great placement for choosing relationship as a spiritual path. The eternal dance of self and other, balancing one's own needs within the context of relationship, while loving one's partner as one loves oneself: all are sources for deeper spiritual connection and insight. The skills that one must develop in order to remain balanced in relationship, lead to greater self-awareness and spiritual growth.

8th House - "To Transform"*

With your Sun in the 8th house of personal power and transformation you may find that you invest much of your prana or life-force energy in situations that bring personal power into your awareness. This may be situations where you have power over others, or others have held power over you, causing you to question and transform the balance of power. Self-empowerment through personal healing and transformation is likely to be a major theme in your life.

On a Soul level this is a great placement for becoming more conscious of the relationship between the healing process and how you flow your personal energy, and the transformational healing power of love when it is consciously directed by your attention.

9th House - "To Understand"*

With your Sun in the 9th house you probably invest much of your life-force energy into higher wisdom and your search for deeper meaning in life. This could take the form of simply seeking higher education, or it can take the form of a committed ongoing spiritual path. From a Soul Astrology perspective this also means connecting with the higher wisdom of your own inner knowing, your inner spiritual path.

On a Soul level this is a great placement for recognising that all paths lead to one Universal Truth. It is an opportunity to recognise one’s own Higher Mind, Higher Wisdom, and to tap into Universal and Cosmic Truth.

10th House - "To Achieve"*

With your Sun in the 10th house of career and ambition, much of your prana or life force energy is likely to be channeled largely into your career, and/or your position in the world. You possibly seek higher knowledge and teach others higher wisdom as part of your worldly role. Esoterically the 10th house is the domain of the Masters, so you may also have awareness of your connection with your ancient lineage of wisdom teachers, or at least be aware of the vast storehouse of ancient wisdom-knowledge that you have brought into this life from previous lifetimes.

On a Soul level this is a great placement for expressing Divine Will as your life purpose, for cultivating spiritual ambition, aligning your will with the will and purpose of Spiritual Masters, and for expressing and channelling your life-force energy into a field of service.

11th House - "To Transfigure"*

With the Sun in your 11th house of social groups and collective consciousness, you may find that you invest much of your prana or life-force energy in friendship, social networks and/or groups, especially those that have a strong humanitarian goal or focus.

On personality level this is often about aligning with people who share and support your individual values so they can be constructively applied to society … from a Soul level it becomes more about how you can be of service to humanity, to support the evolution of human consciousness, and what people you are drawing to you to support you in that collective goal.

12th House - "To Transcend"*

With your Sun in the 12th house of privacy and hidden talents, you may find that your pranic or life-force energy gets re-charged by periods of solitude. You may find that you need to retreat into your ‘cave’ now and then to re-charge your batteries. You may enjoy meditation and/or activities where you can engage your imagination, and enjoy spending time in your inner world. You may have hidden skills and talents that you are unaware of until later in life.

On a Soul level this is a great placement for meditation, cultivating conscious awareness of your inner being, and developing awareness of your true nature as a spiritual being.

*Keywords for the Sun through the houses from "Astrology: A Cosmic Science" by Isabel Hickey 

The Sun - Lighting Your Path

The placement and condition of the Sun by sign, house and aspect (whether afflicted or not) will tell you so much about your own hero's journey in terms of what, how, and where you will be able to illuminate your individual 'story of me' in order to release it, in addition to the nature of any help and/or challenges you will encounter along the way.

In short the Sun is showing you:
  • your vitality and how you use and flow your life force energy, and
  • your identity, which is to be transcended on your spiritual path

The Sun illuminates the path to your own deeper spiritual truth, 
which is an inner journey through your heart to your spiritual core. 
Once you awaken to the connection between your heart 
and the heart of the Sun your daily activities 
no longer become a source of karma, 
but rather become a means of spiritual service.

Optional Fieldwork for those wanting to go deeper:

  • Download and read Your Essential Guide to Soul Astrology (if you haven't read it for a while, read it again to refresh your memory). 
  • Get two notebooks. Use one for your study notes (what you are learning about astrology); and use the other as a reflective journal where you write your deeper insights, self-observations and realisations about YOU that arise from your study, observations of your zodiac signs, and meditation.
  • Deeper Self-observation. Take out your own horoscope (natal chart) and in your reflective journal - make a note of which sign and house the Sun occupies in your chart. Read the descriptions above and meditate often on the energy of the Sun. Record your impressions and insights in your reflective journal.
  • Further Reading: In your copy of Soul Astrology study and meditate on Chapter 5: "The Planetary Spaceholders".  Book recommendations: "Soul Centered Astrology: A Key to Your Expanding Self" by Alan Oken; "Astrology: A Cosmic Science" by Isabel Hickey; "The Luminaries: The Psychology of The Sun and Moon in The Horoscope" by Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas;

That's all for now! See you next time and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


PS> You can read about this month's sign Libra and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology - and watch the video of "Libra Rising The Libra Soul" HERE

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by Ruth Hadikin

Author and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin reads about each Soul Sign and gives additional commentary. 

 Watch the trailer HERE

Soul Astrology
How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose

by Ruth Hadikin

“Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” are the biggest questions that you will ever ask yourself as you walk though this journey of life. The answers are hiding in plain sight and can be revealed through your birth chart. You just need to know how to look, and this book is about to tell you...

Drawing upon Esoteric Astrology, the Greek myth of Hercules, and ancient principles from spiritual masters, the author describes the journey of your Soul through the twelve signs of the Zodiac. This book offers a way of using your birth chart to answer life's big questions by recognizing the energy that you were born with and how it is wanting to be expressed in this lifetime.

For lovers of astrology, Soul Astrology is a powerful addition to your toolbox for your ongoing journey of spiritual awakening.

Available in paperback, Kindle, iBooks, Kobo and Nook...

The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology

This e-mail series is also available as a book, in paperback or Kindle. 

Sometimes when you are studying a complex topic like Soul Astrology,  it can be very useful to have all the information in one place for reference. For this reason I have included an index at the back of the paperback version so it is easier to look up specific topics. 

Some people prefer to read a book in their own time rather than waiting for monthly instalments through the newsletter. If this is you then you may like to get the complete series now, in paperback or Kindle.

The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology will not only deepen your knowledge of how astrology works, but also uses astrological principles to help you to understand your own true nature, your Soul's path and your life purpose.

A priceless read for those on a spiritual journey.

Available in paperback and Kindle...
Your SOUL SIGN - Kindle Shorts
by Ruth Hadikin

Unveil the mystery of your Soul with this powerfully liberating guide to your own Soul Sign, based on the teachings of the Tibetan master.

This series of Kindle short reads has one for each Soul Sign. The section on your Soul Sign is adapted from Chapter Three of Soul Astrology. If you've read Soul Astrology the Soul Sign description will be the same, however the following sections will be new to you:
• Personality and Soul
• Soul Recognition
• Personality and Soul Expressions of your Soul Sign
• Your Unique Soul Meditation

IMPORTANT: This Kindle short read is an excerpt from the book Soul Astrology and is presented here as an introduction for beginners - if you are already familiar with your soul sign and/or have read Soul Astrology this short extract will be repetitious for you.

That said, even if you have read Soul Astrology, you might still find this handy Kindle short read to be a useful reference guide - especially your unique Soul Sign meditation!

Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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