Subject: Soulmates, Twin Flames and Valentines!

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
February 11th 2015
Hi Friend,

In our recent short survey many of you had questions related to soul mates, twin flames and twin souls, so with Valentine's Day coming up this weekend it felt like the perfect moment to explore this fascinating topic!

Deep questions such as this deserve much longer answers than we have the space for here, so I'm also planning a future series of webinars where we can address these topics in more depth.
Watch this space for news of those!
When we start talking about soul mates, twin flames and twin souls it's very important to clarify what we actually mean because those words don't mean the same thing for everyone. Some terms are relatively new in Western culture. For the most part when people of my generation and older (I was born in 1960) talk about soul mates we're not really speaking from the level of the soul at all, but are speaking of deep love relationships where it feels as though there is a bond that goes well beyond one lifetime.

There is a familiarity that feels as though it comes from the Soul, yet in the context of Soul Astrology it is still the personality. This is not to minimize the power and passion of such relationships but it is important to be clear about what we are talking about. In Western culture where most people are still not familiar with the idea of reincarnation, there is the idea that if something carries over from one lifetime to another, then it must be the Soul, yet this is not necessarily so.

In Esoteric Astrology when we speak of Soul we are speaking of a process of individuation, wherein an individual spark of light, in other words consciousness, leaves 'the mind of God' and begins an individual journey. Within this journey there is mention of 'egoic-groups', where groups of people incarnate together, in families, tribes or nations, to work out collective karma.

So before we go any further what is karma? What is ego-personality? In this context we are referring to personality as your habits, tendencies, talents and predispositions that result from all your conditioning in this and past lives. All of this conditioning is your karma, not your Soul. So what could be happening when two people feel magnetically, inexorably, drawn to one another, in what feels like a soul mate relationship, is that they have a strong karmic connection from one or more past lives.

Karma is not easy to understand and in mainstream Western culture it's often spoken of as though it was a negative thing, like 'bad luck', but Karma refers to all conditioning and can also be good. Where people make strong bonds, contracts, agreements to work together over more than one lifetime, it can still be happening at the level of karma. In the Buddhist tradition it is common practice for students to do intense prayers and practices to ensure they meet good teachers, or in fact a particular favorite teacher, in future lifetimes. In this way they are creating positive karmic impressions in their mind-stream.

Astrologically there may be many factors in a couple's natal chart indicating such a bond, but they wouldn't necessarily share the same AC or Soul Purpose. However, it is common in families for groups of Souls to incarnate to work out shared Karma. So parents and children may share the same Soul signs, or one may have the AC in a particular sign while another has the Sun or Moon in the same sign, meaning one is possibly expressing the energy at Soul level and the other at personality level.

Karma and Magnetic Fields.

In Esoteric Astrology the Tibetan emphasizes the importance of the science of triangles. In astrology when we start looking at aspect patterns in our charts we see different kinds of triangles. Each configuration carries a different energetic signature. They are ‘karmic’ in the sense that these are energetic traces that we carry from this and past-life conditioning. They form part of your personality, your conditioning.

How can this conditioning carry over from one lifetime to another? Magnetic fields can be very powerful and can bind groups and individuals together. British scientist Rupert Sheldrake has written much in the subject of 'morphic memory' and 'morphogenetic fields'. It's the inherent memory in nature, embedded in our DNA, that during embryonic development tells one group of cells to develop into an eye, while another group of cells 'knows' how to become a brain, or a heart etc. Sheldrake extends this theory to include how 'birds of a feather flock together'. Ant colonies know how to group together, so do bees, geese, fish etc. And humans...

It's as through there is a kind of 'magnetic field' that holds us together as a group, and this group bond is possibly created in past lives. When we meet someone with whom we have shared a very close bond in a past life, there is still a magnetic trace. There is still a resonance, and we feel it. Sheldrake uses the concept of morphogenetic fields to explain how animals (and humans) know when one is missing from the group. He says these fields can 'stretch' over long distances but never break. If one group member is missing, the whole group feels it, until they return.

Morphogenetic fields are generated by mental and emotional energy and so they are a form of conditioning. The science of morphogenetic fields helps us to understand what the Tibetan means by the 'science of triangles'. It can also be thought of as the science of karma!

Twin Souls and Twin Flames

In the Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical tradition, there is the idea of "plag nishmasa" or "half souls" and it seems that this could be the origin of our current idea of twin flames and/or twin souls. It's possible that the idea originated in the kabbalistic tradition and through the internet has entered into our collective psyche in recent years. The Judeo-Christian traditions are dualistic in that they normally speak in terms of God and humanity as being separate. This is in contrast to many Eastern non-dual traditions, such as Advaita, Dzogchen and Zen, where reality is spoken of in terms of one consciousness to which we all belong. That said, it is also said in Buddhist traditions that highy realized spiritual beings such as buddha's, can split their consciousness and incarnate into more than one body at a time, for the benefit of all sentient beings.

When we analyze two charts for indications of a Soul connection there are many factors that we can look at. There may be a relationship between the ascendants although they need not necessarily be in the same sign. They could be opposite ends of a polarity, like Cancer-Capricorn. There may be a relationship between the personality and soul rulers of the ascendants. There may be relationships between the nodal axis which indicates the Soul's purpose in the context of their role in their community or society. A full analysis of both charts would be necessary to identify all the possible indicators.

When your soul mate dies can you ever find another?

Although our physical body dies our consciousness does not and it is also said that love never dies. The love generated in such relationships is eternal and can always be felt. So when our soul mate has died it is certainly possible to find another. It is likely that throughout our countless lifetimes we have had many such relationships and that we can be magnetically attracted to another living person in this lifetime with whom we have also had a soul mate relationship in a past life. It is also very possible that we will meet our soul mate again in future lifetimes.

Irrespective of whether a close bond has technically originated at the level of Soul or personality (karma) the important point to remember is that such powerful bonds are always formed through love. All love relationships have the potential for enormous growth and can become an important part of your spiritual journey. Whether the object of your love is a lover, or your cat, it is important to notice that the love itself originates within you. All relationships are an opportunity for you to observe yourself and go deeper on your journey of self-exploration.

That's all for now! and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


PS Check out our relationship reports for Valetines Day!
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Soul Path Astrologer and Coach Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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