Subject: Self-Awareness, The Flowering of Human Consciousness, and YOU

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
February 8th 2017
Hi Friend,

We are currently coming up to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo* at the end of the week - so I wanted to say a little bit more about why the Leo-Aquarius polarity is highly significant for the whole of humanity...

 AND why, if you can do a Leo-Aquarius Sun-Full Moon Meditation this Friday, it will be especially beneficial ... enjoy! 

The Destiny of Nations

We are living through very difficult times indeed and it is easy to get caught up in fear, and the polarization of 'them and us', which is happening in many nations throughout the globe at this time. What we are experiencing are the birthing pains of a new era. The future is bright, although it doesn't appear that way as the pendulum of the human ego-personality swings from one extreme to the other. The Leo-Aquarius polarity has been very prominent on the world stage in recent times so I wanted to explore what is happening from a deeper spiritual perspective. 

In "The Destiny of the Nations" by Alice A. Bailey, the Tibetan master gives the Soul (Rising) and personality (Sun) signs of certain nations that will play key roles in shaping the future of humanity at the beginning of the Aquarian Age. 
The above table is adapted from "The Destiny of the Nations" by Alice A. Bailey ©The Lucis Trust
Some of the above ruling signs may differ from those you are normally familiar with. For example the most common horoscope given for the USA is that drawn by English astrologer Ebenezer Sibly who uses the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence: July 4th 1776 at the time of 5.10pm in Philadelphia. It has always been controversial because some astrologers suggest Sibly may have made errors in his calculations, and many alternative dates have been put forward, even in different years. 

The key point for me would be when did the nation 'cut the umbilical cord' and 'take it's first breath' as an independent nation? I don't know enough about American history to answer that question without further research, and to do so here would take us too far off our purpose, which is to look at the Leo-Aquarius dynamics currently being played out on the world stage. So for now let us just look at the USA as an example, using the Soul and Personality signs given by the Tibetan, because at the moment the USA is clearly playing a pivotal role in harmonising the Leo-Aquarius dynamic.

The Leo-Aquarius Polarity and the USA 

Some the major themes of the Leo-Aquarius polarity include:

Individuation vs Group Oriented 
Individual Freedom vs Human Rights
Self-Awareness vs Humanitarian
Self-Realization vs Collective Consciousness

From an esoteric perspective Leo is the path of Self-realisation through individuation, while Aquarius is the flowering of human consciousness through awareness of the body of humanity as one. At the highest esoteric level of oneness, there is no separation. When the Leo-Aquarius polarity resolves into one, there is awareness of individual experience and oneness at the same time. There is awareness that the individual is not separate, and there is higher consciousness of the collective and the individual at one and the same time.

At the ego-personality level Leo (the individual's right to expand himself - often at the expense of others) taken to extremes can result in capitalism and exploitation of others; Aquarius (the power of the collective) taken to extremes can result in lower conscious communism, which suppresses individual freedoms in the name of the state. We are collectively trying to find the balance point between these two extremes as a way forward to elevate consciousness through harmonisation. The goal isn't either/or, because neither of them are satisfactory. Both are expressions of a lower egoic consciousness. The solution is to shift to the higher consciousness of both: the union of the heart-centered egoless state of 'high' Leo with the connected higher group consciousness of Aquarius. In moving toward the center we arrive at a lighter level of consciousness than is experienced at either pole.

In the following paragraph from my book Soul Astrology, I quote Dr. Noel Huntly Ph.D. to help us better understand how consciousness is elevated through harmonization:

Dr. Huntly explains how this happens in terms of quantum theory and vibration. At lower levels of consciousness we are vibrating at a slower rate and matter is denser. Matter therefore appears as particles that can appear to oppose one another. As we generate movement we increase the vibration and the particles can begin to aid one another rather than opposing. They can move to a harmonious state where they begin to synchronize and harmonize:

“the opposite nature of this oscillation on the lower levels gradually converts to a cyclic 'oscillation' in which the two poles are assimilated, unified, and in effect rotate around in a vortex action---now 'aiding' one another rather than opposing … In addition, in this ascension process, separate vortices become more in phase with one another. Undivided wholeness (for example, a quantum state) is created by putting its parts into phase (into harmony, resonance, 'on the same wave length').”

- Dr. Noel Huntly Ph.D, The Meaning of Beyond Duality 

So we can see in the US political scene for example, how the pendulum swings between the extremes of human/civil rights (Aquarius) vs individual and Corporate freedoms (Leo) as the Aquarius Soul of the USA searches for the balance point. At the personality level Gemini (the US personality sign) can increase the sense of separation and the tendency to polarize, by disseminating fear, gossip, and misinformation (lower octave Gemini). Eventually the balance-point will be found as we shift towards higher consciousness, whereby the USA will move towards the higher Soul expression of both Aquarius and Gemini. Then we will see the flowering of human consciousness (higher octave Aquarius) expressed through the interplay of light and right relationship (higher octave Gemini).

Although the Leo-Aquarius theme can be seen in every nation across the globe, as we collectively enter the Age of Aquarius, the USA is a good case study at the moment to see how the pendulum is swinging. Interestingly ex-President Barack Obama has his Sun in Leo and is an Aquarius Soul (Aquarius Rising) while President Donald Trump has his Sun in Gemini and he is a Leo Soul (Leo Rising). So both men are working on balancing the Leo-Aquarius polarity, while Mr. Trump expresses an aspect of the collective US Gemini personality through his own Gemini personality.

On Jan 26 2008, shortly after the inauguration of President Obama, there was a New Moon with a Solar Eclipse in Aquarius. The New Moon always indicates new beginnings while a Solar Eclipse indicates change by way of letting go of something. This could have been the 'official' start of the Aquarian Age, with the birth of a new era and letting go of the old.

This Friday/Saturday we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo. A Full Moon indicates the culmination/completion of something, while a Lunar Eclipse indicates a change in form. So what might appear to be a 'backlash' and an attempt to turn the clock back in terms of human rights and freedom, it is very important to remember that a bigger plan is being worked out. As I pointed out in this earlier article, Leo always says "what about me?" which, if taken to extremes will once again activate the Aquarius end of the spectrum that says, "and what about everyone else (humanitarian rights)?" The pendulum keeps swinging.

It is interesting to note that President Trump has indicated that he wants a closer relationship with Russia. This could eventually lead to more harmony between these two powerful nations. We can see from the table above that both nations have Aquarius as their Soul Sign. With her Aquarius Soul and Leo personality, Russia is also trying to find the balance point on the Leo-Aquarius polarity. Indeed in "The Destiny of the Nations" the Tibetan suggests that the USA, Russia, and the UK have significant roles to play as we move forward into the Aquarian Age:

"The keynote, however, of human living will be struck by Russia, Great Britain [UK] and the United States — not because of their power, their historical past and their material resources or territorial extent, but because they are in a position to fuse and blend the many types, because they are far-visioned in their world purpose, because they are not basically selfish in their intent, and because the government of the peoples reaches down into the depths of each nation 
and is fundamentally for the people." 

The last time the Leo-Aquarius polarity was activated by an eclipse cycle was in 2008-2009 when President Obama was elected and inaugurated into office. This current eclipse activation of Leo-Aquarius started with a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on August 2016 and ends with a Lunar Eclipse in Leo on Jan 21st 2019. The next three years will therefore be a crucial time for us all in terms of staying conscious, alert, and continuously moving towards the highest expressions of both Leo and Aquarius to evolve human consciousness.

At the Full Moon this week the Sun is in Aquarius and the Moon is in Leo. It activates and potentially exaggerates (for people who are very ego-personality oriented) the illusion of separation. Yet it is also a powerful time to focus on the balance point and, through the power of your intention, bring us closer to balancing and harmonizing this polarity.

It is important not to get caught and engage in any 'them' or 'us', 'for' or 'against' situations. It is vital to remember that we are all beings of conscious light and no matter how someone may appear, even if they appear extremely hostile and bigoted, their appearance is not who they are at Soul level but rather it is the result of their conditioning. Under it all, every single individual is without doubt a being of light. The more you can see them in a higher vision than they are currently appearing to be, the more peace and harmony will prevail throughout humanity.

During your meditation this week, and especially on Friday in the hours building up to the Full Moon, it is especially important if you can hold the intention for peace to prevail and for the whole of humanity to awaken and recognize our innate connectedness. 

It is very helpful if you can also keep sending love and light to world leaders everywhere. Remember their appearance is not who they are. Send much love, light, and intend that their choices ultimately will be for the highest and best good for all. This is a very potent time for awakening and healing of our human family.

That's all for now! See you next time and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


*The Moon enters Leo at 09:40 UTC Feb 9th. The Full Moon in Leo is exact at 00:32 UTC Feb 11th, and the Lunar Eclipse reaches it's maximum at 00:45 UTC Feb 11th (Fri 10th 7:45pm ET).
Soul Astrology
How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose

by Ruth Hadikin

“Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” are the biggest questions that you will ever ask yourself as you walk though this journey of life. The answers are hiding in plain sight and can be revealed through your birth chart. You just need to know how to look, and this book is about to tell you... 

Drawing upon Esoteric Astrology, the Greek myth of Hercules, and ancient principles from spiritual masters, the author describes the journey of your Soul through the twelve signs of the Zodiac. This book offers a way of using your birth chart to answer life's big questions by recognizing the energy that you were born with and how it is wanting to be expressed in this lifetime.

For lovers of astrology, Soul Astrology is a powerful addition to your toolbox for your ongoing journey of spiritual awakening.

Available in paperback, Kindle, iBooks, Kobo and Nook...
Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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