Subject: Scorpio Season: A Matter of Death ... and Life

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
November 2017
Hi Friend,

Below are some thoughts about Scorpio Season and why this is a good time to  notice how we are flowing our energy, so we can harness the powerful transformational and regenerative power of the season.

You can also read more about Scorpio in my book Soul Astrology -  and watch the video "Scorpio Rising: The Scorpio Soul" on YouTube - enjoy! 
The Sacred Festival of Mani Rimdu
The "Lords of The Cemetery" perform the "dance of liberation" during the sacred Tibetan festival of Mani Rimdu in the Himalayas in November.  Click the image above to watch "Destroyer of Illusion" narrated by Richard Gere (55:57 mins). This rare documentary gives a precious insight into the deeper meaning of this sacred festival . The "dance of liberation" begins around 46:50 minutes. 
Scorpio Season: A Matter of Death ... and Life

The sign of Scorpio is associated with both ends of our life spectrum - sex and death. The Soul purpose of Scorpio is to transform darkness into light. So, we can also assume then, that the spectrum from sex to death (and everything in-between) is for the purpose of transformation. But not just any transformation: the purpose of your life is very specifically about the transformation of darkness into light. It begins with an act of creation, as the sperm and ovum meet, and conception happens. 

Everything in life that is created, will also 'die'. Everything that is composed, can and will decompose. This is the cycle of life. So in a very realistic sense, death begins at the moment of conception in one long, continuous process. From the point of conception, there is an unfolding process of 'life' the end result of which will be the 'death' of physical form.

If we look really closely at death itself, we see a continuation of a process. There is no sudden end. Before we go any further let's take a look at transformation. What is it really? It is a kind of 're-purposing' of energy. Form is transformed as the energy is re-directed to be used in a different way. Like a caterpillar. What happens to a caterpillar inside a chrysalis, before it emerges as a butterfly? It goes through a kind of decomposition, where it's physical structures are broken down and re-formed so it can emerge fully transformed into a butterfly. One of the deepest mysteries of Scorpio relates to this transformation of form. 

Time-Lapse Video

Before reading on, take a moment to watch this 40-second video of a decomposing peach, recorded using time lapse photography. Notice the smooth, unwavering, process of change from one state to another. As the peach decomposes, new life springs up all around, nourished by the release of energy in the form of nutrients from the peach. Contemplate this video for a few moments. Do you see death? Do you see life? Do you see an unwavering continuation of life-force energy reshaping itself into many forms? Where there is "death", there is always great activity, and an abundance of life.

At personality level, Scorpio is ruled by Mars (the planet of motivation, movement, and aggression) and Pluto (the planet of destruction and transformation). Yet at Soul level, Scorpio is only ruled by Mars. It might seem odd that a planet that is normally associated with aggression, war, and some of the worst expressions of human nature, can actually be a Soul ruler, but when you understand the deeper esoteric purpose of Mars, you'll understand why. 

On a physical level, Mars is associated with blood. Blood has long been associated with battle, fury, the passions, and triumph. Not only because blood is spilled in battle but also because blood was thought to be responsible for strength, and passion. Of a warrior it might often be said, "he is unstoppable when his blood is up". But there is so much more to blood. 

Ancient yogis and spiritual teachers knew that blood was sacred. Blood is the key to life. It is blood that distributes life-force energy throughout the body and, of course, if you lose enough blood, you lose your 'life'. Blood is therefore the meeting point between the physical and the spiritual. So in a very real sense we can say that Mars, through the direction and redirection of life-force energy (prana), is ruling the process of transformation from physical matter into light.

In the Tibetan tradition there were secret practices whereby yogis would meditate for many, many, years, as their physical body underwent a process of transformation into light. It is said that the physical body did not die, but was transformed into a light or Rainbow Body. In Tibetan mythology there is a story of a couple who meditated for so long that their flesh fell from their bones. When they realised what had happened they danced for joy at their enlightenment. 

This might sound like something from a Halloween horror story, but in Tibet the story is told as part of a sacred dance ritual. Images of two dancing skeletons can often be seen in Tibetan sacred art. Their story is re-enacted every year as part of the sacred Mani Rimdu festival (above) which takes place during Scorpio season.

The enlightenment that they had discovered is one of the highest teachings of Scorpio: they danced with joy at the discovery that they had 'survived' death. In other words, consciousness had survived even the decomposition of the physical body. This story symbolises and celebrates the triumph of consciousness over death. This is the most sacred and deeper meaning behind Halloween, which is celebrated during Scorpio season on October 31st.

The astrological point of Halloween is 15º Scorpio, which is one of the Avatar points. I have written about the Avatar points in previous newsletters but to briefly recap:

The points at 15º of the fixed signs are known as "Avatar Points" and they correspond with the ‘cross-quarter’ celtic festivals of:

• Beltane (Sun at 15º Taurus)
• Lammas (Sun at 15º Leo)
• Samhain (Sun at 15º Scorpio)
• Imbolc (Sun at 15ºAquarius)

The cross-quarter festivals mark the half-way points between the solstices and equinoxes. These sacred points not only marked calendar days for the celtic people but are considered important energetic points where we may be more conscious of subtle spiritual energies, and spiritual influences are more able to support us in the evolution of human consciousness. They are gateways, or portals, through which we can access higher realms of consciousness. We have retained some diluted idea of this notion around Halloween, but we seem to have forgotten that the other Avatar points are equally powerful.

Why Avatar?

Well it's nothing to do with the movie of that name, although there is a loose association: the dictionary definition of avatar is “the embodiment of an archetype”. So what is an archetype? Usually an 'ideal' human, a template or blueprint for a future human. In this case a spiritual ideal. So the avatar points are points when we can reach our highest spiritual intention, possibly even enlightenment, if we focus our attention on our spiritual path.

The deeper message of Scorpio Season is a powerful message of deep spiritual insight and transformation. The message that, once we align with our highest light through awareness, we can re-direct our energy to transform even the densest physical matter into light. No accident that in the hindu tradition the festival of Diwali - the sacred festival of light - also falls during Scorpio Season. 

Scorpio Season brings us the power to transform darkness into light. The key to unlocking this power lies in the realisation that energy follows our attention, and we can re-direct our life-force energy, by appropriately directing our attention. 

This Scorpio Season is a good time to meditate deeply on where you are focusing your attention, and where you might need to re-direct your attention so you can benefit from the transformative, regenerative, powers of Scorpio.

That's all for now! See you next time and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


PS You can read more about the Soul's journey through Scorpio in my book "Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose" You can also watch the video "Scorpio Rising: The Scorpio Soul" on YouTube.
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, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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