Subject: Reframing - The Art of The Turnaround

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
April 27th 2016
Hi Friend,

Have you noticed that skills you learn in one area of life, can be carried with you and applied to other areas?

One example is 'reframing' - or the art of the turnaround.

I learned this tool during life coach training, and found it very useful simply in applying it to my life, but I'm also noticing that it is especially useful in interpreting astrology.

So what do I mean by turnaround?

Basically you take a 'negative' expression and you turn it around so you get to see the positive in it.

The example I often use is 'bossy'! When I was a teenager people said I was bossy and I would get quite upset about it.
When we reframe something - we try and get to the root and then use different language to describe the higher qualities of that energy. Although other people were using a negative expression (bossy) what was the underlying energy they were picking up on?

Drive? Motivation? Determination? Will? Leadership?
Once you identify the underlying energy, you can ask yourself: "in what situations would this be a good thing?"

You can see in this example that the energy itself - drive, motivation, will - is not negative.
It is simply a question of learning how and when to apply it appropriately. If as a teenager I'm just unskillfully telling my friends what to do all the time, then it makes sense they'd think I was bossy - but when I became a Community Midwife, managing home births, those same qualities were very much needed to get things done and manage the environment safely, provided they were applied appropriately with care and respect for everyone concerned.

So how does this relate to astrology?
Well I'm very glad I learned how to look at the nature of the underlying energy (with the help of my intuitive mentor Anya Sophia Mann) and then learned the skill of reframing - because this is how we can discern how the highest vibration of an energy wants to be expressed, rather than being focused only on the negative expression.

Our horoscope is a snapshot of our own personal energy field - the energy that we came in with.
All our karmic traits, tendencies, talents and predispositions are set out before us, however it is NOT a life sentence. Through our life experiences, we change and grow.

Am I bossy?
In terms of my astrology, I have Mars in Aries (you might have guessed THAT from the keywords - drive, motivation, will) in my 11th house;
squaring my Saturn in Capricorn in the 7th, forming a T-square with my Cancer Ascendant (ouch)! So it makes sense that people would sometimes perceive me as bossy and/or controlling!

Now I could retire to a cave and avoid people for the rest of my life, or I could take this as an opportunity for growth.
Squares in our chart are fantastic catalysts - the tension inherent in the square causes us to take action to move to a resolve. So understanding relationships, emotions, and why we do what we do (motivation) has been a great interest of mine for most of my life.

It has led me to teaching in the fields of healthcare and counseling and to even study bullying and write a book on the subject.
(When is it bossy and bullying and when is it leadership?) It's all a question of skill, discernment and developing empathy (Cancer).

When we learn the art of the turnaround, we can not only apply it to ourselves, but to the charts of friends, family and clients that we might be interpreting.
It helps us to bring forward the positive attributes of chart factors so that the individual can see the potential for growth and learning, rather than feeling as thought they have just been given a life sentence!

Practice the art of the turnaround for yourself. What negative ideas might you be carrying around about yourself, that you can turnaround to see the positive side?

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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