Subject: Reader question: Why is birth rather than conception the important factor?

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
August 31st 2016
Hi Friend,

This week Alexis asked a couple of great questions. Since these are questions that many people often ask, I thought now is as good a time as any to address them here (because many of you are probably also wondering the same thing)!

Here's what she wrote:

Why is 'birth minute' so important now, were astrological charts 100 years ago wildly inaccurate?

Why is birth rather than conception the important factor?

Hi Alexis,

Great questions! With regard to the birth minute - first of all, a hundred years ago astrology was very different - looking for different answers than we do today from astrology.
People were less interested in psychological astrology, less interested in the astrology of the individual personality, and it was more about prediction - looking at events and situations. They also didn't have the capacity to measure time as accurately as we do on a global scale.

With each era, each generation, astrology evolves - along with the collective consciousness, to meet the needs of the situations that people face. So it's not that astrological charts were wildly inaccurate a hundred years ago, but they simply served the needs of the people of the day and their questions.

In the modern era we have psychological astrology: people are more interested in astrology for what it can tell us about our personality, and even our soul.

When it comes to individual personalities, a few minutes can make a big difference in terms of important aspects and aspect patterns. For example, I have twin cousins born fifteen minutes apart and the older twin has an aspect pattern called a 'minor grand trine', which indicates a specific theme in her life, that the younger twin doesn't have!

Also the Ascendant changes about every two hours, and this is important for calculating your Soul Sign. So when it comes to the astrology of the individual, knowing the accurate birth time can make a big difference in understanding specific energetic patterns.

Birth time vs. Conception

Which brings me to your second question, about why we use birth instead of conception. First of all we wouldn't normally, for the majority of people, be able to pinpoint conception accurately. (Having said that, sometimes highly sensitive people can actually feel the precise moment of conception).

If we are dealing with the psychology of the individual, we want the point at which the being first individuates, and that is the precise point at which the umbilical cord is cut. In the example of the identical twins, the point of conception would have been exactly the same, and the 'splitting' into two separate embryos would have been later.

Cutting the umbilical cord marks the 'point of individuation'. That single event marks the beginning of your separate existence: your individual existence,
where you are separate from your mother for the first time.
It is the beginning of your journey to independence.

Thank you Alexis for these great questions. Keep exploring, it sounds like you have a wonderful mind!

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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