Subject: Pluto Transits: Breaking Down To Break Through

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
January 11th 2017
Hi Friend,

We are experiencing a transit of Pluto through Capricorn which began in November 2008 and lasts until 2023. This has very powerful effects for humanity on a personal and collective level (and you only need to watch the news for a few minutes to see how).

If you have personal planets in Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra you will experience challenging aspects as Pluto conjoins, opposes or squares those planets. If you have planets in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces you will experience the 'easier' sextiles or trines, nevertheless you will still feel the effects. As you can see, this is almost all of us!

So what can we expect from these major transits of Pluto?

"You Are The Universe" - Alan Watts. Click above picture to watch the video on YouTube
Pluto is associated with death and destruction. It is associated with power, uses and abuses of power, especially nuclear power. It is associated with degeneration, and also regeneration. 

These are very important times we are living through. Many of the political and Governmental upheavals that we are experiencing are as a result of the transformational energy of Pluto being in the sign of Capricorn. Pluto is the great revealer. It breaks down old systems that are no longer working, and reveals that which is hidden by bringing it to the light for healing.

Pluto is revealing to us where we have created governmental and financial systems from a low vibration Capricorn perspective, which was so off balance that it became possible for us to ‘use’ and ‘abuse’ Earth’s resources ruthlessly for personal gain. During this transit we have the opportunity to transform by accessing the highest octave of Capricorn, which pioneers new ways of sharing and relating to Earth’s resources, by bringing in the compassionate energy of her polar opposite Cancer.

Collectively (at the time of writing) we are currently experiencing the healing and balancing of the Capricorn-Cancer polarity. The Pluto-Capricorn transit is calling us up to heighten our awareness and access the highest octave of Capricorn for the good of all. At the end of this transit, Capricorn-Cancer will have created new ways of being in the world that honor, respect, and nurture all sentient beings, ensuring everything is taken into account (including the needs of the Earth herself) to build healthy, harmonious, sustainable futures for Mother Earth and all her creatures.

Acknowledgement of the oneness of all beings, is an essential stage in our spiritual development. It will heal the unhealthy split that separates humanity from the rest of Nature, and restore our true place in creation. Understanding the importance of our role in the whole of creation, and in particular as custodians of the Earth and our environment, is an important part of the higher wisdom of Capricorn.

On a personal level, Pluto carries a very deep esoteric message. In her book "Chiron and the Healing Journey" Melanie Reinhart gives a higher vibration keyword for Pluto as 'emptiness'. In the Buddhist tradition the 'emptiness teachings' are considered to be the highest teachings of all and for many years were kept secret because it was thought that people dd not have the consciousness to comprehend their profound message. 

The emptiness teachings are summed up in this profound line from a classic Buddhist text "The Heart Sutra" in which the Buddha tells his disciple Sariputra:

"O Sariputra, Form does not differ from Emptiness
And Emptiness does not differ from Form.
Form is Emptiness and Emptiness is Form."

This is quite difficult for us to comprehend from a conventional perspective. We have to step outside of our normal way of looking at things to be able to comprehend it.. The underlying meaning, is that consciousness is everything, and everything is consciousness, and this is the message that Pluto ultimately brings us but before we can really deeply experience this for ourselves we have to break down all the illusions that we create, which keep us from our deepest spiritual truth.

I probably quote this line from Kalu Rinpoche more than any other, and it is always worth deeper contemplation:

"You live in illusion and the appearance of things. 
There is a reality, but you do not know this. 
When you understand this, 
you will see that you are nothing, 
and being nothing you are everything. That is all." 

- Kalu Rinpoche

This is not to deny the painful effects of Pluto. Pluto brings change and the destruction or degeneration of 'form' so that ultimately we understand that consciousness is everything, and it is our consciousness that remains and continues, when all forms are lost. It is important to remember this as we witness the massive upheaval social and political change on a global level.

Pluto transits break down our illusions so we may break through to the truth of our underlying reality. The ultimate message from Pluto is most succinctly put 
in the above video from Alan Watts: you cannot 'not exist'. 
Existence IS you, and existence continues through your conscious awareness.

That's all for now! See you next time and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

Soul Astrology
How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose

by Ruth Hadikin

“Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” are the biggest questions that you will ever ask yourself as you walk though this journey of life. The answers are hiding in plain sight and can be revealed through your birth chart. You just need to know how to look, and this book is about to tell you... 

Drawing upon Esoteric Astrology, the Greek myth of Hercules, and ancient principles from spiritual masters, the author describes the journey of your Soul through the twelve signs of the Zodiac. This book offers a way of using your birth chart to answer life's big questions by recognizing the energy that you were born with and how it is wanting to be expressed in this lifetime.

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Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

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