Subject: Life's Greatest Adventure Newsletter

Life's Greatest Adventure!
  March 13th 2013
Hi Friend,

This week I've been creating a Book Store on my website. Being a 'virtual' store it's like moving house without the heavy lifting, as I transfer the 'books' from the 'store' on my old website to the new one! (although of course I'll be adding some new titles along the way). 

This has been on my 'to do' list for some time but what prompted me to focus on it this week was a friend asking where to find a copy of "NOW Discover Your Strengths". In turn this got me thinking about psychological profile tests in general and how they relate to astrology. I wonder about the relationship between our strengths and our birth chart.

For example, if you have a chart dominated by fire are you more action oriented? And, if so, how does this show up in your strengths? If any of you have taken the strengthsfinder profile, get in touch - I'd be very interested to compare your strengths with your natal chart!

Birthday Offer
To coincide with the beginning of the new astrological year (which begins March 20th), there is a new deal on soul astrology consultations, offered in association with Life Coaching Magazine. Check it out HERE.
Last week I mentioned the importance of trusting our own inner wisdom, yet this is easier said than done. With all our conditioned thoughts and behaviour, learning which 'inner voice' to trust is part of our lifelong journey. In this informative article,"Stop Shooting Arrows", Thanissaro Bhikku eloquently shows us how we can observe our mind with discernment so we can become clearer on where we might actually be perpetuating our own pain and suffering.

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


Soul Astrology Group 2013»
To support you on your journey...
Soul Sign / Life Purpose Written Report
This report helps you to distinguish between personality and Soul, to see what you can do to change limiting patterns and align with your Soul’s essence and purpose.
Knowing this helps you to understand what you have come here to do in this life, and how you will do it...
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Relaxation Tutorial
A vacation only lasts a couple of weeks but once you have this technique, you've got it for life...
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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your own greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.