Subject: Life's Greatest Adventure Newsletter

Life's Greatest Adventure!
  February 27th 2013
Hi Friend,

This week I have been contemplating the following quote, by Rumi:

"You are not a drop in the ocean;
You are the ocean in a drop"

One of the things that excites me about this journey of self-discovery, is having some personal experience so that when we read quotes like that we can relate to it from the place of "what does that mean to me?"

When I was younger my Dad said I was too easily influenced by other people. My Leo Moon didn't like THAT one bit! Now, as I practice self-observation, I can see what he meant. For the astrologers among you I have Cancer on the ascendant and Cancer relates to mass consciousness: a sense of the energetics of the crowd. I'll give you an example from my own experience of how this might show up in life.

One day I was at Euston Station, London's busiest train station, with one hour to go before my train departed. Yup. I'd checked the board and my train was definitely not until the next hour. I found one space to sit on a bench with about eight other people. Next minute, there was an announcement about a train leaving, and all eight people stood up and moved
en masse to the platform. I felt such a strong compulsion to get up and go with them! Even though I was thinking "what are you doing? Your train doesn't leave for another hour!" The feeling to move with the crowd was so strong, so compelling, that I had to check the board again to make sure I had the right time for my train!

So what's this got to do with Rumi? To me it speaks of the evolution of consciousness, and our individuation process. Consciousness happens through individuation. First we are unconscious, compelled to move with the herd, like me at Euston! However it is our individuality that allows us to stop in our tracks, check in, and say "no, this is not for me". With continued awareness we eventually arrive at a third stage where we realize the whole of it (the ocean) is still within us, as individuals. 

Neitzche referred to these three stages of consciousness as the Camel, the Lion and the Child. During these turbulent times it is important that we each continue our journey of self-exploration because it is vital to our own individuation process, and this is vital for the evolution of human consciousness.

You can read about this evolutionary process in depth, including why your individuality is so important, in this article I wrote some time ago for Life Coaching Magazine: "Evolving Consciousness, Soul Astrology and the Aquarian Age"

It is vital during these times that you keep your spirits up, don't lose hope, and don't lose sight of your Self, in the crowd.

YOUR individuality is vital for the evolution of human consciousness, THAT is how important you are!

See you next time, and in the meantime...

happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your own greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.