Subject: Life's Greatest Adventure Newsletter

Life's Greatest Adventure!
  February 13th 2013
Welcome To The Year Of The Snake!
Hi Friend,

This week marks the beginning of the Chinese and Tibetan new year, and this year it's the year of the Water Snake. I find that very interesting as later this year we also have a Grand Trine in the watery signs. This means a major theme this year is our collective emotional development. Read more in my astrology blog.

Make a note in your diary:
THIS FRIDAY (Feb 15th) we’re discussing the
importance of empathy and you’re invited!
The Emotional Intelligence and Consciousness Group meets on an international teleconference on the third Friday of each month. If you would like to learn more about the practical power of emotions in transforming our lives, why not join us? In addition to our monthly calls we have a substantial archive of emotional intelligence links and resources, that members have shared over the years, on our Yahoo group home page ...and it's all free!

Speaking of the transformative power of emotions, this week I was really moved by this powerful video (as were many people). "Embrace Life" is a pro-seatbelt information film made in the UK. Since nothing actually happens (the actors are miming) we can clearly see that it is the power of our own minds that moves our hearts. There's an important lesson in there somewhere about the power of our heart-mind!

Finally I'm really looking forward to meeting some of you in the Soul Astrology Group for 2013. Remember to take advantage of the discount by registering before February 28th. Visit my website now for details. Not only is this a fantastic opportunity to learn more about yourself through Soul Astrology, but it will be fun to be part of a focused group with you to see what this watery year of the snake has in store for all of us in terms of our emotional growth.

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


Soul Astrology Group 2013»
To support you on your journey...
Soul Astrology Group
Learn Soul Astrology simply and easily, from the inside out, by observing yourself and seeing how your own Soul Astrology plays out in your life.

Come to a deeper understanding of the reality of the Universe, through a deeper understanding of yourself! read more
Soul Sign / Life Purpose Written Report
This report describes your Soul's essence as your Soul Sign, and the characteristics of your personality in your Sun and Moon signs. This helps you to distinguish between personality and Soul, to see what you can do to change limiting patterns and align with your Soul’s essence and purpose.
Knowing this helps you to understand what you have come here to do in this lifetime, and how you will do it...
 read more
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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your own greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.