Subject: Life's Greatest Adventure Newsletter

Life's Greatest Adventure!
  January 2nd 2013
Hi Friend,

Thank you to those of you who take a moment and reply to this newsletter - it is always good to know which pieces you are finding most helpful for your journey.

I've just completed this month's Soul Astrology article for Life Coaching Magazine (LCM) - "Saturn, and The Inner Journey of Capricorn". You can also watch the video version HERE.

Capricorn is all about managing resources, but if this is done without the balance of her  emotionally intelligent opposite sign Cancer, it can lead to the ruthless excesses that we often see in the political, corporate and financial arenas today. This is why balancing polarities is important and in the case of Capricorn, the balance is through emotions and the use of emotional intelligence.

This week it was heartening in the shadow of the Newtown, Connecticut shootings to hear of President Obama's call to place empathy higher on the political agenda than the economy. Although it was met with the habitual cynicism of the press let's hope this is part of a continued trend towards greater compassion and emotional intelligence in politics.

Those emotional intelligence people at 6 seconds posted a fun yet informative article on "The (un)Happy Neuroscience of New Year's Resolutions" inviting us to go deeper in our self-exploration to understanding our relationship with desire.

And finally, did you know that Whales have spindle cells in their brains? These cells that contribute to emotional processing, were once thought to be the 'brain cells that make us human' yet scientists are increasingly discovering their presence in other mammals such as apes and dolphins.

Which makes this heartwarming video even more moving. The emotional connection between whales and humans is beyond words, but can be seen in this 8 minute video that was posted by Anya Sophia Mann this week on Life Coaching Magazine. Watch "Saving Valentina" on LCM, it is worth it for both the inspiration and the feelgood factor!

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your own greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.
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