Subject: Life's Greatest Adventure Newsletter

Life's Greatest Adventure!
  December 5th 2012.
Hi Friend,

How has your adventure of self-exploration been this week? It seems during the past week half the known world, myself included, has come down with a cold. Interesting that I phrased it like that 'come down'. I just caught myself as I typed it and it fits perfectly with what I'm looking at in myself this week. Why is it that some things 'bring us down' while others don't?  I'll be exploring this in this week's blog so look out for that in your inbox on Friday.

This week I completed this month's article for the
Living Soul Astrology section of Life Coaching Magazine (LCM). Called "Jupiter, Earth and the Inner Journey of Sagittarius" it relates directly to this issue of our power and inner strength. Since part of LCM's vision is to present information through mutlimedia, I also had fun reading the article to record it on video and mp3 so check it out!  At the end of the video there is extra commentary that's not in the written version.

The 'emotional intelligence and consciousness' special interest group will be taking a break during December so if you haven't done so already, add yourself to the mailing list to make sure you receive details of our first call of 2013 in January. It's a great place for self-explorers to hang out!

Much of our 'power' is lost in habitual reacting and the reason self-observation can be so powerful is that it allows us to break the pattern. The ability to interrupt existing patterns is vital to making any kind of change in our lives, whether we do this through coaching or self-observation, but why does it work? This  video clip from one of my favourite movies What The Bleep highlights the brain science, so we can understand how emotional states can become 'hard-wired' into our physiology. Listen carefully, because it also explains how long established patterns can be interrupted (and so changed) through self-observation. This is why meditation is such a powerful tool for changing our inner emotional states.

So that's all for now. Be in touch and share your own experiences of this great adventure that we're on. I'd love to hear from you.

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your own greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.