Subject: How was your weekend?

Life's Greatest Adventure!
June 26th 2013
Hi Friend,

This past week the Sun entered Cancer; we had Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere; Winter Solstice in the southern hemisphere; and at the weekend we had the biggest, most intense, Full Moon of the year (known as a SuperMoon because it is the closest the Moon will be to the Earth for quite some time - the next time the Moon will be this close will be August 2014). I wrote quite a bit about the SuperMoon on my Facebook page over the weekend, but how does it affect each of us personally?

Periods of such intense energy bring our 'issues' up to the surface. The 'deeper' stuff that we don't usually talk about. It will be different for each of us but you can be sure that whatever your issues are, they will surface at times like this and can be quite taxing on our physical bodies. It is an opportunity for release and healing.

This weekend the Sun had just entered Cancer and the Full Moon was in Capricorn - in ancient times the mid-summer Cancer festival was known as the 'triumph of the light' while the mid-winter Capricorn festival was known as the 'return of the light'. One of the higher spiritual purposes of Capricorn is to bring light into the darkness, and (as an earth sign) this goes for our physical bodies too.

The whole purpose of practices such as 'cleansing' and 'purification' is to allow us
to release denser energy patterns that have been retained in our energy field from this and past lives, so we can increase our
capacity to hold the light in our physicality.

Whenever we experience physical symptoms, be it a headache, joint pains, nausea, fatigue or whatever, the temptation is to immediately think something is going wrong in the system.
But before we think we're getting sick it might be worth checking the cycles of the Moon!

According to nutritionist
Barbara Wren, our bodies have a natural healing rhythm that synchronizes with Nature's cycles of day and night, and the Moon's cycles. At times of the New and Full Moon our body is in a 'cleansing' cycle - a bit like a natural 'detox' where we release denser energy.

If you have ever experienced a detox you will know that during these times our bodies can exhibit 'symptoms' as the body releases what is no longer needed.

Even though I followed Barbara Wren's methods many years ago when I experienced poor health (and found them to be very helpful), this weekend when I was experiencing 'fleeting join pains' and a persistent headache, my first thought was still 'oh what now..'! Then I remembered the Full Moon... and Barbara Wren.

So I drank more water and relaxed into the idea that my body is just releasing and it knows what it's doing. Oh... and I ordered her book - it's about time I had a copy!

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.