Subject: How Is Your Journey So Far?

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
February 4th 2015
Hi Friend,

After our journey through the outer planets over the past few weeks it feels like it's time to return to earth and check in with where we are up to on our own journey!

First a big thank you to everyone who contributed questions for the new simple guide to Soul Astrology (if you didn't do so yet there's still time to add your questions here). This is very helpful to make sure we cover everything that is relevant to you in a short and simple guide.

It will be ready within a week or two and if you already receive this newsletter you'll get your free copy as soon as it's complete. (If you received this email from a friend make sure you add your name to the list to get your own copy).

There have been many great questions and some deserve longer answers than can be given in a short guide, so I will address some of them here and in future newsletters (and in a forthcoming book). One such question came from Kate who asked:

"I have an outline of my soul purpose but how to follow that in my everyday life is still a mystery. How do we apply our soul purpose in our everyday life?"

This question goes straight to the heart of what Soul Astrology is all about for me, and it is also why it is directly related to our own journey of self exploration. The answer is self-observation. We might also call this meditation but many people are turned off by the idea of meditation, because they think it means sitting still for hours on end navel-gazing!

What many of us in the West think of as meditation (sitting on a cushion and observing your breath or your chakras) are actually various techniques for training attention and cultivating patience and focus. Once you 'graduate' from these practices, you might still 'sit' for some time each day as 'training' but your real meditation becomes your life. Just like a footballer might train in the gym but his real 'game' is on the football field.

Your 'real game' is the mystery of your life, and you learn it through self-observation. The great astrologer and mathematician Pythagoras referred to this as 'self-exploration':

"No-one is free who has not obtained
the empire of himself"

- Pythagoras, c570-495 BC.

Self-discovery is a process that unfolds over time. I will give an answer to Kate's question here, but notice that this is only words! The real understanding comes from your own experience. There is no substitute for experiential learning which is why, as much as I respect and value all the education I have received and everything I learn from books, my greatest insights come through personal experience. Words can't convey the depth of insight that you gain from your own experiential learning.

To help us understand this point, my mentor Anya Sophia Mann uses the example of ice-cream: You could read a whole book about ice-cream yet if you have never tasted it, even if you read the book from beginning to end, will you be any wiser? You may possess a wealth of facts about ice-cream, it's history, the different types, the different ingredients, you may even be able to make it, but you will not know it's taste. Only by eating ice-cream will you know it's taste. Only by eating ice-cream will you know the experience of it for yourself.

Through the process of self-observation we come to know the energies of life as they flow through us moment to moment as we go about our day. With more experience comes more knowing: we may become a connoisseur of 'ice-cream' in that we notice subtleties between flavors. In other words we notice subtler and subtler distinctions in how we flow our energy at different times.

Astrology simply gives us language to describe distinctions between the energy we are observing. For example, we may notice the energy of the elements flowing through us: when we are more mental (air), when we are more energetic (fire), when we are more emotional (water), and when we are more grounded (earth).

The more obvious energies we call 'gross' energy. This means it's more tangible and easier to observe. What are our main activities throughout the day? What do we find ourselves 'doing' most of the time? That may relate to how we flow our prana or life-force energy, and be related to our Sun sign.

When someone pushes our emotional buttons and we find ourselves reacting, that is likely to be in the character of our Moon sign. When we know more about our Sun and Moon signs we can learn about the energy and watch for it as it plays out in our own life. We might also learn why we experience ourselves less as our Sun sign and relate more to our Moon or Rising sign.

The Sun and Moon are our most personal planets because their energy is the most gross, tangible, and direct, which means it is usually the most obvious and easiest energy to observe in our everyday lives.

Then there are subtle energies which we become aware of with more experience. The energy of our Soul will be much more subtle but can be detected with experience. At first it may come to us as an altruistic idea. For example if you have Cancer Rising you might have a simple idea that everyone should just be kinder to each other but this doesn't seem realistic in what seems to be a fast-paced 'dog-eat-dog' world. However with time, self-observation, and experience you may come to realize your own power to access the tangible energy of compassion and flow it into the world in ways that can transform the world around you from 'dog-eat-dog' to a kinder, more compassionate experience for everyone.

So with regard to Kate's question, self-observation is the key to accessing the mystery of "how to follow that in my everyday life".
We need to be able to 'listen' to the energy of our Soul, to know where it is guiding us, so that we can follow. This insight comes through self-observation and your own experience. This is your opportunity to check in now with your own journey... how is your self-observation coming along?

Through experience we will then come to know the answer to the second part of Kate's question, "How do we apply our soul purpose in our everyday life?" With experience comes skill and once we recognize what subtle quality is wanting to be expressed through us, for example flowing compassion, we will skilfully create more situations in our lives for that to happen.

That's all for now! and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

To support you on your journey...
An overview of your soul's essence and what wants to be expressed through the 'lens' of you in this lifetime!

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Buy Ruth's eBook:
Soul Science

A succinct yet comprehensive overview of Soul Astrology and why it can be considered a truly holistic science for this forthcoming Soul Age.

What's included:
  • A Spiritual Science For An Evolving Humanity
  • Music and Celestial Harmonics, The Origins of Soul Astrology
  • Soul Astrology As A True Holistic Science
  • Developing The Intuitive Faculty To Access Higher Mind
  • Seven Creative Forces
  • The Importance of Your Rising Sign ... and more!

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Soul Path Astrologer and Coach Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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