Subject: FREE Telepathy Playground This Saturday - Zoom Details inside ❤️


Hi Friend

Exciting News!

You’re invited to join us THIS Saturday, 9/2, from 11a-12:30p ET for a FREE Introduction to Anya's TELEPATHY Playground.

Here’s the Zoom link to join:

Meeting ID: 870 3103 1116

Passcode: 257680

Just email and let her know you’re coming.

Telepathic communication will prove highly beneficial going forward, in advancing your own understanding and experience of Soul Astrology.

If possible, I highly recommend you take advantage of this rare opportunity offered by Anya. (scroll down for details)


With very best wishes,


P.S: You can join the three month pilot group for half price so feel free to invite friends and family. Check the logistics below.

Message From Anya:

Hi EveryONE,

When you access, communicate, and work at the level of telepathy, many personal and professional expressions and forms of communication arise out of it. Some of the many, include:

Medical Intuition

Spirit Mediumship

Animal Communication

Autism Whispering

Remote Viewing

Empathy (because of telepathy we have the ability to sense the feelings of others, which is empathy)

If you can’t do Saturdays, I am considering another day in addition, so let me know.

I look forward to being there with you on Saturday, to explore this fascinating topic...

Warmly … Anya

P.S: If you already registered, the Intro. is a FREE extra. See below for Pilot dates.

Dates and times for 3-month Pilot:

Saturdays 11:00 - 12:30p ET:

Sep 9th & 16th

Oct 7th & 21st

Nov 4th & 18th

Audio recordings of each call will be sent.

Registration Details:

Pilot Group fee: $297 in full or 3 payments of $99

We support people who are parenting children on the spectrum by allowing them to attend on a donation basis. Your payment supports that.

If parenting a child on the spectrum, pay by donation one-time or as you go. If you can’t contribute right now come anyway – donate if and when you can. Just reply to this email and let us know that you’re coming so we can send you the Zoom link.

To make your payment or donation go to:

(The full fee if you choose to continue after the 3-month pilot group will be $199 monthly for 2 x 90 minute Zoom calls)

Audio recording will be sent, however you are encouraged to attend whenever possible since this is an invitational, experiential, participatory group.

TELEPATHY: feeling from afar

TELEPATHY Playground

Welcome to the TELEPATHY Playground!

We are delighted to invite you to join us on an exciting journey of exploration and discovery.

The TELEPATHY Playground is a safe and supportive space to practice and develop your telepathic skills. This is an environment to connect with like-minded people and explore the possibilities of what telepathy can bring to our lives.

Our group is designed to facilitate your learning and growth. We provide a safe and supportive environment for people to explore the potential of telepathy. With guidance and support, you can learn techniques to help you develop your skills and expand your knowledge and experience of the heart-to-heart connection.

You’re already telepathic. It’s a normal human ability that we all have, but we just don’t know how to recognize and come to know it. The TELEPATHY Playground will include a blend of teaching, coaching and mentoring to support you in understanding what telepathy is, recognizing it in yourself, and enhancing your abilities.

There are a lot of misunderstandings about telepathy. Some people think it’s mind-reading. It isn’t. Some people think it’s a mental idea - it’s not.

"Telepathy is the language of oneness

- the natural language of your heart."

-Anya Sophia Mann

Facilitation of telepathic development will be the high point of this group.

We look forward to welcoming you to the TELEPATHY Playground and exploring the possibilities of telepathy together.

Join us today and embark on an exciting journey of discovery! Open to all - share with friends and family.


The Benefits of Telepathic Communication

The practice of telepathy and telepathic communication has the potential to be one of the most powerful tools of communication available. Telepathy is the ability to connect with another person, or group of people, on a level that transcends language, physical distance, and other factors. By engaging in telepathic communication, we are able to connect on a deeper emotional and spiritual level, allowing us to share our thoughts and feelings in ways that are far more meaningful and impactful than mere words.

Telepathic communication can help us to understand our own feelings more deeply, as well as the feelings of those around us. It can also be used to strengthen our relationships with our friends and family, by allowing us to better comprehend and express our emotions. Additionally, telepathy can be used to help us gain insight into the perspectives of others, allowing us to develop greater empathy and understanding.

The practice of telepathy and telepathic communication can also be used to better understand our own intuition and to gain more control over our lives. By opening ourselves up to the spiritual energy that flows between us and those around us, we can better understand the path that we are meant to take, and the decisions that we should make. This can help us to become more in tune with our true selves, and to make choices that will lead us to true happiness and fulfillment.

Finally, telepathy and telepathic communication can be used to help us connect with the divine and to gain insight into the deeper spiritual realms. By communing with the divine, we can gain a greater understanding of our place in the world and our purpose in life. We can also gain a greater appreciation for the beauty and mystery of the universe, and can gain a deeper sense of connection with nature and the divine.