Subject: Does Your Moon Come Out At Night?

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
April 15th 2015
Hi Friend,

First just a quick reminder that I finally completed the simple guide to Soul Astrology that I was working on. If you didn't get your free copy yet you can download "Your Essential Guide To Soul Astrology" here. (remember this link is only for readers of my newsletter - if you want to send a copy to your friends please send them this link )

This week I thought we'd visit the Moon to have a look at some more of the things we can learn from understanding our Moon sign qualities.

There is so much that can be said about the Moon, we could talk about the Moon every week and still have something new to say!

The Moon is associated with our instincts, our emotions, past lives, mass consciousness, our Mother - how we perceive our mother and what we learn about mothering.

It is also associated with our own inner child and we might even say early childhood 'wounding'. Our emotional reactions are also likely to be in the nature of our Moon sign. (See the overview of the Moon reactions for all 12 signs in appendix 'B' of "Your Essential Guide To Soul Astrology")

If we take a review of our lives, we might notice a pattern where our personality is more in the nature of our Moon sign when we are children. As we grow older we are said to blossom more into our Sun Sign, and then in mid-life (35 to 40) it has been said that we 'grow' into our Rising Sign. I would say that this is because it is our Soul Sign and we are awakening to the calling of our Soul ... but that's a conversation for another day!

Of the two sides of our personality, the yin and yang, the Sun is in the light, that which we are conscious of, while the Moon is in the dark, that which we are unconscious of. At least at first.

It is through our interactions with others that our Moon Sign qualities 'come to light',
and not through a conscious, considered, response, but more often through our unconscious reacting.

The Moon can indicate our conditioned emotional reflexes and show us how we unconsciously react when we feel hurt.
Do we lash out (verbally or physically)? Do we brood and sulk? Do we withdraw and lick our wounds?

Part of our journey of becoming conscious is to bring loving awareness to these unconscious reactions,
and understanding the attributes of our Moon sign can be helpful because we can start to watch out for them.

Often when we have been in the grip of a strong emotion we aren't always able to remember what we said or did.
So it's not the best way to get to know and understand our Moon sign attributes.

A better way is to observe yourself as you go through the rhythms of the day. Who are you in the morning? Then around lunchtime? At dinner? In the evening? And especially who are you late at night? Or if you are awake at night?

We are often very different at 3am than we are at 3pm in the afternoon.
Spend some time this week observing the different versions of 'you', and see if you can notice when your Moon creeps in!

That's all for now! Enjoy going deeper in your meditation and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

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Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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