Subject: Are Your Ideas Taking Root?

Life's Greatest Adventure!
April 3rd 2013
Hi Friend,

Can you believe it's April already? As Aries season continues to unfold, this is a time of great inspiration and potential creativity, but if our inspiration and ideas are going to bear fruit at a later date, it is also time to pay careful attention to the underlying process and relationships that nurture our ideas into reality.

Just having seeds (our ideas) isn't enough. It's a great start of course, the seeds are essential  (we can't grow anything without them), but what happens next is equally vital. If we really want to give our seeds the best chance of success, we also need to create the best conditions for them. We find the best kind of soil, the best position, sun or shade, not too much water, not too little. We carefully tend to the seed
in relation to the environment being mindful of the balance of nutrients.

Astrologically Aries represents the seed: our unique individual package of potential, while everything else: the delicately balanced eco-system with which the seed must interrelate for it's survival and success, is Libra. Self (Aries) and other (Libra). We can see from our example that one doesn't exist without the other, they go hand in hand. Esoterically Aries and Libra are not separate but are considered to be one energy:
Aries-Libra. (read more here)

As Aries season unfolds, it is the perfect time for all of us to not only nurture our unique potential and creativity, but to see where we are in relation to the eco-system of our planet and our human family.

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.