Subject: All Our Relations

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
June 24th 2015
Hi Friend,

As Gemini Season draws to a close and Cancer Season is almost upon us, it's time to reflect on what we may have learned in terms of 'right relationship'.

The highest esoteric meaning of Gemini is to teach right human relations, but what does that mean? For many of us when we hear the word relationship we think in terms of love and romance, yet relating really goes much deeper than that.
Consider all the relationship roles you have had, currently have, or ever will have in your life. You may be son, daughter, brother, sister or parent. You may be friend, colleague, co-worker, boss employee.

Yes each role brings with it certain expectations and responsibilities, but each relationship also has an underlying energy dynamic, which is unique to each and every relationship.

Consider a situation when one boss leaves and we get a new boss.
Our relationship could become easier or more strained. The roles of boss-employee haven't changed but the energy dynamics between two individuals has!

In astrology there are different ways to look at the underlying energy dynamics between any two people.

Synastry, sometimes called chart compatibility, is the process of comparing two people's chart to see how compatible (or not) they may be.
This is most often used for love relationships because it shows the inner workings of the relationship and how you are likely to experience each other.

In synastry the charts of the two individuals concerned are compared to see where the points of ease and/or tension may be.
It can be helpful in a new relationship where you have little experience of one another, in seeing the areas where there may be an easy ride or where there might be bumps in the road.

Composite and Davison Charts

With composite and Davison charts we are looking at something else entirely.
They are based on the idea that when two people come together a third entity is created - the relationship - which takes on a life of it's own beyond the two individuals concerned.

Have you ever wondered why you might act a certain way with someone and you're not like that with anyone else?
How about that difficult relationship with your Mother? Or boss? Your child or a sibling? When we experience tension in our relationships, we tend to blame the other person, yet they could be having a difficult time in the relationship too.

This is because the relationship itself has it's own energy and sometimes two people can get caught in acting out behavior patterns that do not reflect the highest of who they are, as individuals.

Composite and Davison charts look at the horoscope of the relationship itself as a third entity and can show where unconscious patterns are being repeated between the individuals concerned.

Composite charts became popular after they were introduced to the USA by relationship astrologer John Townley.
The composite chart is created using the mutual mid-points between planets in the natal charts of the two individuals concerned, creating a third and unique chart. Davison charts also create a chart for the relationship itself but are created differently by taking the exact middle point in time and location between the two individuals.

Where a relationship is long-standing, such as family relations or a long working relationship or business partnership,
composite and Davison charts can shed light on ingrained repeating cycles that we may be acting out consciously or unconsciously.

In healing any relationship it can be particularly helpful to take a step back, be objective, and take it out of the arena of 'blaming' either individual, by simply look at the dynamics of this third entity: the relationship itself!

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!
25% discount
limited offer
25% discount on composite and Davison reports with interpretations by the 'father' of composite reports himself - John Townley! Take advantage of this limited offer to explore some of the relationship dynamics in your life!
Offer ends midnight UTC Friday June 26th and is available only to readers of this newsletter.

Read more about these reports and view samples HERE but remember to place your order through this email to receive your discount!

Please include birth dates, times and locations for both people when ordering... (if birth time is unknown 12:00 noon can be used)
Composite Report Offer
Normally $38  USD
- this week only $28.50

Normally £25 GBP
- this week only £18.75

Davison Report Offer
Normally $38 USD
- this week only $28.50

Normally £25 GBP
- this week only £18.75

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Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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