Subject: ♊ Soul Astrology Newsletter - The Art of Observation ♊

The Journey of Your Soul IS Life's Greatest Adventure!

June 2024 Newsletter

Hi Friend

Last month we explored the Soul-centered meaning of Taurus in Awakening Through Our Senses. This month it's time to look at the Soul-centered meaning of Gemini.

Remember, whether you we have personal planets in Gemini or not, we all have an opportunity to contemplate these themes for ourselves ... and if you do have personal planets in Gemini, or Gemini Rising, then this time of year will be especially significant for you.

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Now let's go to this month's Soul Astrology exploration - The Art of Observation ...


You can read more about Gemini and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology -  and get the video "Gemini Rising The Gemini Soul" HERE - enjoy! (Remember to use code READER15 for your 15% reader discount)

"The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology" builds on the first Soul Astrology book, by including the Soul-Centered meanings of the planets and houses, plus offering deeper insights into the 12 Zodiac Signs. Available in paperback and Kindle - CLICK HERE for details.

Gemini - The Art of Observation

The Art of Observation

" [Gemini] is the great symbolic constellation of the Two Brothers, expressing the interplay between the dualities. Because it is governed by Mercury and Venus, you have the light of the intuition and of the mind blended together into one illuminated whole, typical of the fusion of spirit-matter and the demonstration of their essential oneness ... Gemini is, therefore, one of the most important of the twelve signs and its influence lies behind every one of them"

- The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology

As we continue our Soul's journey through the twelve zodiac signs, the sentient 'spark' of light that ignited in Aries and became a conscious beam of light in Taurus, now becomes multiple rays of intelligent light in Gemini. Conscious light is perceiving, connecting, and communing with myriad worlds.

So what does this mean for us personally? Gemini is said to be one of the most observant signs, which is an essential skill on our journey of spiritual awakening. In fact, we might even say the whole of our spiritual path is simply observation.

The highest teaching in Tibetan Buddhism is Mahamudra (the Great Seal). In Mahamudra one practices being in one's experience exactly as it is. With no story, no narrative. Simply observing. Observing our mind and it's tendency to want to label our experience and make a story out of it. 

Simply observing, purely, without any additional overlaying from our ego-mind, is the key, and this is the path of Gemini.

In Esoteric Astrology the Tibetan says that Gemini is unique in that it's influence touches all the remaining eleven signs. Gemini is the most flexible, adaptable and changeable sign. Gemini can enter into worlds created by any of the other eleven signs, but due to their nature those signs in return cannot enter into Gemini's world. It is in the nature of Gemini to be able to enter into any experience, in order to deeply know it from the inside out. To remain in any one world, or experience, for too long would limit Gemini's search for wisdom.

As the mutable air sign, Gemini is a sign of the mind and a sign of change. It is the changeable mind. This can be a challenge at the level of the personality, but if we can become skilful as exquisite observers - if we can remain in the space of observing - we will experience the calm at the eye of the hurricane and not get tossed around by the raging winds of the thought-storm at the edge.

Worlds, galaxies, indeed entire Universes are created by mind. By observing the activities of mind, the constant change, and the relationships between thoughts, actions and our energy, Gemini develops a deep understanding of how we create worlds of experience. It is Gemini's job to be able to continuously travel through and between worlds of experience, in order to develop greater knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Gemini can be said to be the most experiential sign. 

However, genuine wisdom does not always follow from experience, unless we enter into our experiences with the appropriate mindset and a clear motivation that we will use our experiences to further our path to spiritual awakening.

The caution is not to allow the experience to be hi-jacked and turned towards the ego's purposes. The purpose of our spiritual journey is to lessen the grip of the ego (our false sense of self) so that we may experience liberation and realize our true self, or true nature. Our ego keeps us from realizing truth. If we find that our spiritual activities, meditations and practices are actually strengthening our ego, this is known as spiritual materialism

If that happens we need to do something to change, and the most powerful thing we can do, is to observe the process as it is happening, stop struggling (that would be ego trying to keep it's grip), and let go. Keep letting go,  observe, and ride the change.

Constant change, relaxing into that change, letting go, and all the time observing. This is the key to releasing ego's grip, and it is the spiritual path of Gemini.

As the grip of ego lessens, and we become more aligned with our heart and Soul, we begin to understand the Tibetan's keynote for Gemini more deeply:

"I recognise my other self

and in the waning of that self

I grow and glow"

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Optional Fieldwork for those wanting to go deeper:

That's all for now! See you next time and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


PS> You can read about Gemini and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology - and get the video of "Gemini Rising The Gemini SoulHERE

Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. is an author and teacher of Soul Astrology. She specializes in teaching how to use Soul Astrology as a map to guide your own inner journey of Self-exploration.

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A unique, one of a kind, astrology report with Soul-Centered interpretations integrated with an eBook, and customized to your chart. 

The only official astrology report based on the Soul Astrology books by Ruth Hadikin. It is an invaluable tool for ongoing deeper contemplation and study of your own Soul Astrology.


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Your Soul Path and Life Purpose

by Ruth Hadikin

“Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” are the biggest questions that you will ever ask yourself as you walk though this journey of life. The answers are hiding in plain sight and can be revealed through your birth chart. You just need to know how to look, and this book is about to tell you... 

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For lovers of astrology, Soul Astrology is a powerful addition to your toolbox for your ongoing journey of spiritual awakening.

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A valuable addition to your

Soul Astrology library...

The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology builds on Ruth's first Soul Astrology book, by introducing the Soul-Centered meanings of the planets and houses, AND offering even more insight into the Soul-Centered meaning of the twelve zodiac signs. Read more...

The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology not only deepens your knowledge of how Soul Astrology works, but also uses astrological principles to help you to understand your own true nature, your Soul's path, and your life purpose.

A priceless read for those on a spiritual journey.

Available in paperback and Kindle...


by Ruth Hadikin

A simple guide to your Soul Sign, based on the teachings of The Tibetan.

This Soul Sign guide includes:


Your Soul Sign

Personality and Soul

Soul Recognition

Personality and Soul Expressions of Your Soul Sign


A unique meditation specific to your Soul Sign.

"My daughter said she had never read a description of the Leo Soul that resonated with her the way yours did. Thank you so much for the work you do!" - Charlotte, Ohio, USA

Choose the title that matches YOUR Soul Sign.

Note: The Soul Sign descriptions in this short guide are from the book:

"Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose"

The Soul Sign meditations are unique to this edition.

How To Read A Birth Chart

A simple, easy guide for beginners.

  • Ever had your birth chart (horoscope) done?

  • Ever wondered what all those symbols are?

  • Ever wondered what it all means?

Now this simple, easy, guide is here to help you understand a birth chart. Written in an easy to understand style, you will learn how to recognize the signs, planets and houses on your chart.

NOTE: If you bought a combined Birth Chart and Forecast you already have this - it is included - so you don't need to get it again! - Ruth

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