Subject: UK VAT & International Trade (1-day online training event)

UK VAT and International Trade: rules to follow and the effect of Brexit

Correctly submitting your VAT return as an organisation is vital. Not only can it save your business money, but it can also lead to legal trouble if you don’t do so correctly. Maximising what you can claim in terms of VAT, and reducing any possible delays with regard to processing your claims is an essential part of running an efficient business.

This online 1-day training event is designed to explain the importance of applying and following international rules surrounding VAT. The crossing of goods and services across international borders is a vital part of the global economy, and even the smallest of mistakes and errors can cause expensive delays and other issues in the supply chain.

The course has a focus on the effect of Brexit on the rules surrounding UK VAT and International Trade, covering the effects on both goods and services.

The course will cover:

  • Import VAT and applying postponed VAT accounting to goods

  • Import One Stop Shop (IOSS)

  • Evidence requirements and zero-rating for goods

  • The general rules and exceptions to those rules for the sale of services

  • Determining the place of supply and when to apply the reverse charge

This is a key area of confusion for exporters following Brexit, and alongside a day of training, you will be able to ask your own specific questions to host.

Upskill your team, enhance your own understanding or just check that your current practices are compliant.

Tickets are £250 and the event is on Tuesday 7th December, starting from 9:30am GMT.

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