Subject: Rigaku Oxford Diffraction eNewsletter

Crystallography Times eNewsletter

We have begun organizing a second virtual crystallography school that will hold in December. The exact dates have not been finalized, but this iteration of the school will focus on advanced topics in crystallography. We have already run a survey of participants of the first school to help select the topics. If there is a specific topic that interests you, please let me know, and we will consider it.

In this edition of Crystallography Times, we are highlighting the XtaLAB Synergy-S diffractometer and spotlighting the laboratory of Professor Daron Janzen of St. Catherine University. You will find the usual useful information, survey, and videos of the month. The video Clarice Phelps’ TEDx talk is incredibly inspiring.  Finally, this month’s review is on Capital and Ideology, a book that provides thought-provoking solutions to inequality.

Be safe, be sane,

Joe Ferrara


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