Subject: Lesson #2: Build your email list effectively.

Get ready for a journey into the world of email marketing. View this message online.
Hello Friend!
The Strategic Email Marketing course is not just another set of materials on how to send newsletters.
During this course, you'll get to know email marketing, landing pages, marketing automation, and webinars – how GetResponse core features interconnect and how to use these connections effectively.
So, let's bring it on!
Marketing is a contest for attention
Strategic Email Marketing: intro video
The modern inbox gets buried in marketing messages.
And attention is scarce – an average person has 3000 brand exposures per day!
And only 153 brands get noticed. So with email marketing becoming one of the most important and widely used communication channels, we need to understand the hooks that attract attention.
In this course, we'll cover strategies on how to make your email marketing:
  • Cost-effective
  • Engaging
  • Connecting
  • Designed for humans - your subscribers
  • Deliverable
  • Compelling and converting
Types of newsletters and their functions
Newsletter types.
Below are examples of newsletters in three general categories.
These are the types of newsletters you could send with GetResponse email marketing and marketing automation:
  • Informational emails are one-to-many emails sent to your contacts to bring them up to speed on some interesting updates regarding your latest content, product announcements, and more.
    Note: Send them only to people who have opted in to receive emails from you. These could be product updates, webinar or event invitations, an RSS blog feed, or content updates.
  • Transactional emails are one-to-one emails triggered by specific actions, such as completing a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.
    Note: You'll need to set up marketing automation sequences or autoresponders to trigger these notifications. Think of an order confirmation email, welcome email, or thank you message for form submission.
  • Dedicated sends are emails to a certain group of people. For example, if you're hosting a conference or event, you might want to send a dedicated email to event registrants.
    Or you could think of a promotional offer accessible only to a segment of your subscribers. 
Over to you
Start your first campaign by drafting your first newsletter, choosing from one of 500 available templates. And get to know the Guide to Email Marketing KPIs. It will help you prepare for the next lesson.
Stay tuned for the next lesson:
Inbox Manners and Language.
Got questions? Simply reply to this email. We're happy to help.
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