Subject: The Supermarket

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Calvary Family News

Some people love the supermarket. I do not! Going there is very difficult for me. I seem to turn into another person. So many people in the way, items you can’t find, checking out, bagging etc…

The worst is when you are in a rush and you get in the wrong line and now you are there way longer than you expected. How do you react? I start to mumble, complain, count how many items are in the persons cart in front of me. You name it, I lose site of what my real purpose is!

The supermarket is my "mission field, where I can make a difference in someone’s life. Imagine all the opportunities God has for me in this situation. Maybe the person in back of me is hurting and a smile and “God bless you” could change their whole day. Or there could be a person that I will encounter because they prayed today and I could be God's vessel to answer their prayer.

There are so many missed opportunities!  My prayer is that God would call us to new levels of understanding, then we would truly know what it means to be His disciples.  In 2 Timothy it says, “Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season”

Let us be true disciples that Live for God and Love like God!

Pastor Connie Salerno
Project Hope

Project hope is the hands-on missions ministry here at Calvary. Not only do we support our missionaries with our money, but we also invest our time and hearts into each of these ministries. We hope you will join us in getting involved!

And of course, please don't forget your monthly Faith Promise commitment.  Click here to give now.
This week at Calvary!
Sunday, April 3rd - New Believer's Class Begins
9:00 AM 
- Conference Room

6-7:30 PM
Youth Band Practice

7:30-9 PM
Worship Team Practice

7:30 PM
H2 Group
- Roselle

9:00 AM
(April 3rd)

9:00 AM
New Believers Class - Conference Room 

9:45 AM
Communion & Devotional - Sanctuary

10 AM  
Worship Service, 
Kid's Church
and Remnant Rising Grades 

12 PM
- Cafe' - 

7 PM
H2 Groups 
- Various Locations

10:30 AM 
Daytime Prayer Mtg 
- Cafe

7 PM
H2 Group
- Roselle

7:30 PM
Young Adults   Cafe' 

Wednesday Night Family 
7 PM
- Prayer Service
- Remnant Rising
- Kingdom Kids

6-7:30 PM
Youth Band Practice

7:30-9 PM
Worship Team Practice

7:30 PM
H2 Group
- Roselle

9 AM 
COFFEE and the WORD 
"Book of Daniel" Begins - April 10th 

New Believers Class - Conference Room

9:45 AM
Communion & Devotional  - Sanctuary

10 AM
Worship Service,
Kid's Church and Remnant Rising Grades 6-8th  

12 AM
Keenagers Cafe'

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1. You can serve with your time and talents. 
2. You can give regular tithes and offerings. 

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Our goal is to keep you aware of the opportunities we have to grow together in ‘Living for God and Loving like God'. 

Contact us if you have questions at 908-709-9600. 