Subject: Superhero!

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Calvary Family News

Superhero movies are big money makers today. Whether it’s toys, movies, or merchandise, it’s all big money makers. Why are we drawn to superheroes? We live in a world looking for a hero. Looking for a savior. This is a good time to share with others about what Jesus did for them. He is our Hero and our Savior. Sounds easy right? People don’t want to just hear about Him they need to see Jesus. That’s when we come in. I heard a phrase a couple of years ago that really inspired me to go and help others. It was “People don’t care what you know, they want to know you care”
Hebrews 13:16 “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God”.
We can be Jesus with skin on. We can be heroes for God and change people’s lives. A couple of days ago I was thinking about the heroes in my life that have helped shape my life and in some cases saved my life. Incredible men of God like Pastor James Tate, Pastor Wayne Tate, Mike Hartz and Pastor Clem. They are my heroes. They had no special powers. They don’t fly or have super human strength. But they were filled with one of the most powerful things on earth. God’s love for his people. Be a hero to someone today. Be an answer to prayer. This will open more doors for people to receive Christ then the best sermon ever will.

In His Service,
Dennis Arroyo - Youth Minister
Project Hope

Project hope is the hands-on missions ministry here at Calvary. Not only do we support our missionaries with our money, but we also invest our time and hearts into each of these ministries. We hope you will join us in getting involved!

And of course, please don't forget your monthly Faith Promise commitment.  Click here to give now.
This week at Calvary!
Remnant Rising Retreat

9:00 AM
COFFEE and the WORD - The Book of Daniel
- Cafe'

New Believers Class - Conference Room 

Prophecy Class - Room 103

9:45 AM
Communion & Devotional - Sanctuary

10 AM  
- Worship Service, 
- Kid's Church
- Remnant Rising Grades 

12 PM
- Cafe'  

7 PM
H2 Groups 
- Various Locations

7 PM
H2 Group
- Roselle

7:30 PM
Young Adults -  Cafe' 

Wednesday Night Family 
7 PM
- Prayer Service
- Remnant Rising
- Kingdom Kids

6-7:30 PM
Youth Band Practice

7:30-9 PM
Worship Team Practice

7:30 PM
H2 Group
- Roselle

9 AM
Band of Brothers Breakfast - Cafe

Mother's Day!
9 AM 
COFFEE and the WORD 

New Believers Class - Conference Room

Prophecy Class - Room 103

9:45 AM
Communion & Devotional  - Sanctuary

10 AM
- Worship Service,
- Kid's Church
- Remnant Rising Grades 6-8th  

12 AM
Keenagers -Cafe'

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Our goal is to keep you aware of the opportunities we have to grow together in ‘Living for God and Loving like God'. 

Contact us if you have questions at 908-709-9600. 