Subject: Free Live Webinar: Employee Benefit and Strategic Planning

Free Live Webinar

Employee Benefit & Strategic Planning

When It Comes to Employee Benefits STOP Making

1-Year Decisions and FOCUS ON THE NEXT 3-5 YEARS

Presented in Conjunction with Peachtree Benefit Group

Date and Time- May 20th 11:00am - 12:00pm

Presenters: Archie Lowe, Rebecca Richie and Brett Virgin

Basic Overview of Webinar:
Every employer has faced at least one challenging health insurance renewal that surpassed annual budget projections, leaving them forced to make a quick and often impactful benefit decision. No employer wants to be forced, in a tough year, to make these types of decisions. Creating a 3-to-5-year plan may help employers avoid, contain, and proactively address these issues before being forced to make a reactive benefit decision.

Simply receiving carrier quotes each year is no longer enough. The purpose of a long-term benefit strategy is to position yourself in a proactive way to get ahead of challenging claims years. A strategic plan focuses on analyzing your company-specific data to evaluate different plan funding options, benefit designs, and strategic wellness initiatives. Understanding how these areas work together is crucial for long-term cost stability within the benefit plan.

Long term disability insurance is an important, yet somewhat overlooked, employee benefit. When an employee can’t work due to an accident or illness this insurance supplements their lost income. How much do you understand your group disability plan? These policies can be confusing based on their definitions. Does your policy cover all employees equally? What gap(s) does your policy not cover?

What will you Learn?
- Health insurance strategic planning steps
- Plan data and how to use it
- Important definitions of disability insurance
and how they impact your plan
- Options to strengthen your disability plan
- A strategy to control disability costs over time

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