Subject: Roses; Believe; Fleabane; Moles; Okra

Garden Greetings!


FIRST: Apologies for sending you an email intended for LeAura's creators group earlier this week. It was a late night, sleepy head and bleary eyes accident. 😳😔🤦🏼‍♀️


As we think of what to share with people all over the country (and beyond) relative to what's pertinent for you, there's always the challenge of regional weather differences. Invariably, we'll be delighting in spring's wonders and someone will write or post on social about being in snow.

So... if that's you, know that we feel for you and the good news is that SPRING will arrive for you too❣️


We're sharing our most popular posts from this week on GardensAll website and social.

As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts, tips, questions and feedback any time, via reply.


Rose Symbolism and Meaning by Colors

Do you have a favorite color of rose? If you like to get into the meaning of colors of roses, you may enjoy this article.

To Plant a Garden is to Believe in Tomorrow!

We believe!!! One of the most popular quotes shared on gardening by gardeners is this quote by Audrey Hepburn: “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”

Whether it’s setting in spring or fall transplants, sowing seeds, planting daffodil bulbs, or planting a sapling, Ms. Hepburn’s oft-quoted remark is spot on. By taking up gardening, we initiate a relationship with God, gratitude, nature and the future.

Are you seeing any daisy fleabane popping up yet? We are and this year we have some pale pink one, which is a first. Usually we just have the white star shaped blossoms with yellow centers

Moles... they can destroy an entire crop, but not because they eat the plants.

Last week we posted about voles, this week it's the "m" word. Wherever there's one, there's often the other, but they do different things that have a similar destructive effect.

DID YOU KNOW... that every part of the okra plant is edible, from seeds to flowers, leaves and the unique vegetable – okra pods.

This Week in Our Gardens, We...

  • Planted a row of heirloom tomatoes-Hillbilly and Cherokee Purple

  • Planted a 12 ft row (another one) of Jersey Knight asparagus

  • Renovated a raised bed

  • Weeded and refurbished two long raised beds

  • Planted tree collards (more on this next week)

  • Set posts for a solar electric fence system (more on this next week)

  • Mulched our 1,300 sq.ft blueberry patch with pine needles

All for now. Thank you for reading. We look forward to hearing from you!

Let's keep on growing!

From our hearts and gardens to yours...

Coleman and LeAura Alderson

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