Subject: Indoor Crops + When you can't garden...

Indoor Crops + When you can't garden...

Greetings Gardener!

It’s rain on top of rain and not much to do in the garden until we dry out a bit here in central North Carolina, zone 7a.

  • Starters of chard and broccoli are more than ready to be set out. It’s just too wet to do so.
  • Longevity spinach (gynura procumbens) is thriving in pots at windows and under LED grow lights. We did have to treat them for aphids not long after they came indoors and their natural predators were left outside (for the most part ;-))
  • The Meyers’ Lemons are blossoming beautifully and oh-so-fragrant, but there’s some kind of blight beginning on the leaves, so we’re adding fertilizer and treating that as well.

So where to let the “gotta grow something somewhere” urge go? 

Now is the prime time to order and be ready to plant before the trees come out of dormancy. This actually applies to all trees from mail order, but especially the ones that ship with bare roots.

We gardeners are creative, co-creative, and in terms of raising our own food from seed, procreative. Our sister site, iCreateDaily, (run by my wife, LeAura, and daughter, Devani) is dedicated to creating, connecting and contributing to those aspiring to cultivate more consistent creativity.

I’ve just signed up for their 30 Day Writing Challenge. That’s about committing to write something every day for 30 days, March 1 through March 30. My own quest is to focus on getting the last novel in the Mountain Whispers Trilogy well underway.

If you’re interested in taking on this challenge, there’s still time to sign up here. We’ll see you there!

So that’s all we have to report for now as we cozy up with our books and laptops to enjoy another rainy day. We’re always glad to receive your comments and photos, so just hit ‘reply’ to let us know what you’re up to. We’re especially keen to learn what you’re doing with fruit trees or if you have plans for starting a backyard orchard.

Wishing you a fine and restful Sunday!

Coleman for GardensAll

CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States
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