Subject: Are You Serious About Your Website


NOTE: If you don't have — and never plan to have — a website, then you can just delete this and sorry for the inbox intrusion!'

OR, if you have a website but don't enjoy writing, then this isn't for you, unless you can afford to hire a writer from the beginning, which many do. You also don't have to be a professional writer. You just have to enjoy writing about your topic, and be open to learning and implementing what you learn.

You know we RARELY send promotional things, and if we do, it's well vetted and proven, like this one.

If you do have a website — or plan to — then this is highly recommended to read and consider. This will help ANY business, farm, crafter, professional, hobby site, etc., improve traffic and income opportunities if you employ the lessons.

Did you know that over time your website can actually be a money generator, just as a website with good information on your topic?


But only if you learn and employ proven strategies in addition to writing about your business or hobby niche.

This is something we've wasted many years not knowing or learning properly. Subsequently, we've been working extraordinarily hard to turn that around.

The message below is from the one guy whose course and content I can definitely recommend as some of the best. It's a reasonable price, and now on sale through midnight Monday. Sorry for the short notice, we just found out about it.

If we had found Jon years ago, it would've saved countless hours and years of seven day work weeks and hundreds of thousands of dollars lost by not doing it the right way first. Truly.

And I like that Jon doesn't use the unpleasant marketing and backlink tactics that many other website building courses do.

So if you're serious about growing your website (current or future), around your existing, new or future business or area of interest, this small investment will save you inestimable money, time and grief while empowering you with the tools you need to succeed.

And compared to comparable products by less reputable creators, this is definitely the best course for the best price that we've seen, at 6x LESS than the average comparable course price.



If you're serious about your website (current or future), and making it profitable for you and your business, you either play ball with Google or you don't rank.

Sometimes it really sucks.

For example, far too often content needs to be a way longer than is necessary to provide the key info in order to rank. Not always, but often. More often than not.

And then there's schema markup, sitemaps, site speed, internal linking, content analysis, keyword-friendly titles (instead of fun titles), in some cases content promotion, etc. 

In other words you can't merely write the article as you see fit, click publish and expect to rank. Sure, this can happen but in the long run you'll get better results doing what Google wants.

My approach is to write the article I want first, then run it through the Google pleasing process. I (and writers that work with me) write for readers first, then apply Google's requirements.

I'd be foolish to ignore Google.

Another "play ball with Google" lesson is keyword research. You can ignore keywords and just write fun stuff but chances are you won't rank for much.

Instead, you're far better off looking for topics and keywords that people actually search for. They don't have to be popular or have a ton of search volume. But there needs to be some interest in the topic and keywords or else you're just spinning your wheels.

If writing for Google, your readers and finding great topics is something you could use some primers on, get my bundle of courses on blogging ($100 off) through midnight Pacific time TODAY, Monday, 11/30/20.

I've been doing this for years and I've learned a ton.

I've learned how to get a ton of Google traffic to niche sites (and make money like clockwork from that traffic.

Like almost every other outfit hawking stuff online this weekend, I too am throwing my bundle of courses in the discount ring.

Right now you save $100 off my entire bundle of courses. It's a great deal. The price will be going up in the next few months. 

This sale ends Monday at midnight Pacific time.

=> Save $100 on my blogging course bundle here​

FYI, the amount of detail and novel insights are many because it's based on how I go about things.

And yes, my bundle also sets out how to grow and then outsource much of your work.



BTW... Jon is an attorney but left his law practice to do website publishing full time in 2012. So he's tried and proven in this field and successful enough to be lured from a lucrative job he enjoyed to financial and time freedom doing what he loves even more.

If this is something you've been thinking about doing, it could be the #1 best thing for growing your audience, opportunities and profit, whether for business or hobby. If you're going to do it, might as well do it well!!

I can't tell you how many bloggers there are that started out on fire with a website only to see it flounder from tons of work but no traffic. I know many and we were one of them!

Jon teaches us how to do it right from the start, or how to update and improve that which you've already started.

Wishing you the very best success at whatever your enterprise!!


P.S. This IS NOT a get rich quick scheme. Building online properties is more like planting a fruit or nut orchard. It takes time upfront to buy, plant and tend, and it takes many years to bear fruit. But once the orchards starts producing, it does so prolifically for many years... a "planting for retirement" kind of thing.

P.P.S. If you're still reading, thank you for taking the time to and let us know if you have any questions or comments on this other-than-usual kind of email from us.

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