Subject: How Pinterest Can Increase Traffic & Make More Sales


Using Pinterest To Drive Traffic &
Sell More Books


My Jaw Dropping Success With A Pinterest Experiment

Hi everyone,
Are you missing out on a HUGE source of free traffic to your website/blog? Are you missing out on advertising your BOOKS to an audience of hungry buyers.
Many of you know I am a long time fan of Pinterest and consider it to be one of my top 3 Social Media marketing sites.  I use it to help market books and to drive traffic to my websites.  I have over a dozen Pinterest accounts, each with a different theme and focus.
A few months ago, I was discussing our Pinterest goals with my Virtual Assistant.  We had been testing various strategies and were specifically focusing on getting traffic to my  website. 
Our strategies were working and website traffic had increased significantly to the point where traffic from Pinterest was outranking traffic from twitter and SEO. 
I was looking at our Pinterest engagement.  We were getting about 35,000 visits ON Pinterest a month.  I told my VA that I would love to get that to 50,000 in the next few months and to 100,000 in the next six months.  And I proceeded to teach her a new technique I had developed to see if that would help.
Two months later, my VA was giving me some status reports and she said … "You'll never believe how many visitors we are getting on our  Sugar Free Zone account."   I held my breath, hoping we were at 50K.   Then she dropped the BOMB.  "Over 500,000 visitors per month."    Here's the link: 
Instead of fainting.  I did a little victory dance.    Not only were we getting eyes on our Pinterest account, we were also getting huge amounts of traffic to our website.  
AND that is ONE of the reasons every book author NEEDS a Pinterest account … specifically a Pinterest BUSINESS account.  Setting up an account is FREE.
If you already have a Skillshare Premium account … you can view my course here:
IF  you don't have a Skillshare account  … THE FIRST 25  subscribers can get my course for FREE.  (All you need is your name and email  … NO credit card required)    Here's the direct link.
If you want thousands of FABULOUS online courses … here's a link that gives you TWO FREE MONTHS when you sign up for a Skillshare membership.
 I'd really appreciate a review  AND be sure to add the link to YOUR new Pinterest account in the Project Section.  That way I can like your account and repin some of your pins to help you get started.
In less than 90 minutes you will not only have registered a new Pinterest account, but you will have created enough content so that you can start telling your friends about it.
Happy 4th to my American friends … have a FABULOUS DAY everyone!

PS  And YES,  I will be adding more Pinterest courses in the next few months.  With over 175 million ACTIVE users, you simply can not afford to NOT be on Pinterest any more.


Book Marketing Services

My mission is to help independent publishers and writers market their books and services. To that end I offer inexpensive services on Fiverr and the following services on my website.

15-Day and 30-Day  Kindle E-Book Marketing

One Year Twitter Feeds

Book Marketing Fiverrs 


, 1128 Quebec St., Vancouver, BC V6A4E1, Canada
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