Subject: The Time for Change is Here!

The Time for Change is here!

Times are crazy right now. Uncertainty reigns. Prices are rising and the world seems upside down. We are all feeling it to some degree or another. At times like these, we may want to tighten our belts and stay close to home. Understandable!

The question that nags at the back of our minds though, is this-

If rising gas and food prices are making us think twice about leaving our homes, what about those who don't have a home to stay close to? What about the parents who were already struggling to pay the rent, put gas in the car so they can get to work, and buy food to feed their family?

Times are hard everywhere. But time marches on. And this weekend we will spring forward again, as we always do at this time of year. Changing our clocks reminds us to change the batteries in the smoke detectors. What if it also stood as a reminder that we can change lives in our own community, simply by giving some change to those worse off than ourselves?

Won't you help us to ensure that every child and their family in Butler County has a home?
A little change goes a long way. How much can you spare?

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