Subject: Did you miss the big reveal at Keeping the Promise last night? Check this out!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us
Keep the Promise!

Last night's Keeping the Promise and 5-year Anniversary Celebration was a huge success! Thank you to all who purchased tickets, sponsored tables or silent auction items, purchased silent auction items, and otherwise made contributions to the cause! We are over the moon with the turnout and the support you have shown!

 Not able to attend our Keeping the Promise event last night? No worries!

You can still watch our new video (thank you Spot-On Productions!) for a peek at what you missed, and to learn about our big announcement!!

That's right, we are moving into a permanent home of our own! 

We are so excited about the future of Family Promise of Butler County and all of the families that we will be able to help moving forward. If you would still like to make a donation to this worthy cause, click the "Keeping the Promise" button below. From the home page, you may click on the "Items" tab and scroll down to purchase items from our wish list, or you can choose the "Donate" tab to make a straight monetary contribution of any amount.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your ongoing support of Family Promise of Butler County, because
every child deserves a home!!! 💜💛💙🏠

Family Promise of Butler County is a 501(3)(c) non-profit charity. Donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for your continued support!

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