Subject: Olympic sized food fraud happening in Beijing?

Yes, is the answer. And it wouldn't be the first time.
Hey Food Slayer!

This week we're talking about the food at the Olympics. Specifically, pork. Serendipitous. 

You know why?

Well, last week, my sow delivered nine adorable piglets.
Thanks for being here...let's keep the conversation going so we can all have clean, healthy food on our plates!
Yeah...they're super cute and already very rambunctious.

Coincidence, maybe. But that's not the point...

This month marks the start of the Olympics in Beijing, China, and already, there's been so much controversy. I won't get into any political discussion because that's not what we do here.

But I will say...what the FLOCK is going on with the food over there? An Olympic sized food fiasco...that's what.
This might be a "touchy" subject for some, but it really turns my stomach.

Most of us will never have a shot at going to the Olympics. The closest I ever got was competing for my high school swim team against a neighboring school. I didn't get far, especially after I rammed my noggin' into the tiled pool wall trying to do a flip turn in the 400 relay...but that's a story for another day.

Almost 3,000 athletes (plus everyone in their entourages) are in Beijing right now, amidst the distractions regarding the human rights issues that many athletes are concerned about, amidst covid protocols and to top it off...they have to be concerned about what and where they eat!

Check out the full episode here :

The problem can any of us know for SURE what we're eating if we're eating food produced in China?

This is a curious question, because we SHOULD be able to be sure. There should be protocols in place that ensure food safety. We should be able to trust that our food isn't tainted with melamine, clenbuterol or methyl bromide, right?

Sadly, the reality is, the food produced in China has been up to no good for decades, so why should things be any different now?

That's the question....

Almost every ingredient you can think of that is produced there, seems to be embroiled in a food fraud scandal. 

Everything from fish, to pork, to grapes, garlic, rice, bean sprouts and even friggin' salt. For flock sake...

Here's the irony...the government officials ONLY eat highly monitored, exclusively organic food. Some of the rural populations that grow food for the rest of the world goes largely unregulated (or barely until it reaches our shores) and it has harmed millions of people - babies included.

It's tragic, but it goes to show that knowing where your food is grown and who is growing it, is good practice.

The good news is, now you know. The sad news is...many athletes just can't be sure. We can only hope that the food they eat over the next few weeks, doesn't jeopardize their performance.

Finger's crosssed.

Well, that's all for now. Next week, I think we'll dive into food waste. It's a major pet peeve of mine...however, this trucker convoy that's got the supply chain and the Canadian government all over the news is pretty interesting too...we'll see.

In the meantime, remember to eat the best you can and let's free ourselves and our food from corporate control, chemical contamination and marketing manipulation, and I'll see you on the other side of the plate.


p.s. This week's free seeds are....#drum roll#

Red Russian Kale! Why not get some free seeds from me? If you want to win some organic, open pollinated heirloom seeds (that I have saved from my garden) to start YOUR garden this year, head on over to my farm's Instagram page, like, share and spread the word. #freeseeds #foodfreedom
