Subject: Let's talk about farmland and fake boobie milk, shall we?

Fake boobie milk is a THING...
Hey Food Slayer!

Here's a question for you...what do farmland, fake breast milk and less sun all have in common?

I'll give you a hint...

They are all linked to one billionaire who is turning out to be the "Gates Keeper". Next question...

Why should we care?

I'll give you a few reasons in a sec...but check out the full episode here :
Thanks for being here...let's keep the conversation going so we can all have clean, healthy food on our plates!
So...If you haven't already guessed, we're talking about a billionaire who's name rhymes with Gill Bates. 

Regardless of what you think about him and what his philanthropic organization is doing all over the world, I'm going to humbly ask you to put whatever opinions you have, aside. But only for 32 minutes. :)

Check out the full episode here :

The reality is, this farmland gates keeper is now America's largest farmland owner - to the tune of 242,000 acres. He's also heavily invested in lab grown meat companies, as well as invested in an artificial breast milk company, AND a company that is testing a calcium carbonate aerosol that will block out the sun...all in the name of climate change.

Look...I'm not a "climate denier"...I believe there are many things we can do better, smarter, cleaner...and the food supply chain is one of those things. But shouldn't we be asking the right questions that hold people accountable?

I would think so, especially with billions of dollars being invested in farmland, fake meat and milk, and sun-blocking technology with the intent to "eliminate the meat industry in 15 years" (those are not my words). Not to mention, there is money invested (by guess who) in global food systems that will influence global food policy, regulations and governance. 

And if we're being intellectually honest, this seems like a strategic move to stomp out competition, make it difficult for farmers to grow food and ultimately control what we eat, when we eat it and how much of it we can have.

Farmland is the genesis of our entire food system. Family farms and ranchers feed all of us - 24/7/365. And they have for generations. This isn't about meat. Or breast milk. Or less sun. 

It's really about control and choice...and all those other things too.

If there was ever an episode I hope you listen to, it's this one. And please share it with someone you love. Right now. Do it. Just copy and paste the link onto your Facebook feed, or forward this email to a friend. Please...

Welcome to Season Five. Thanks for sticking around, reading my emails and listening in. I am SO grateful for your listening support. Sincerely. 


p.s. Next week, we're talking to a meat CSA farmer. I know it seems like I'm focused on meat these days but there's so much to talk about. It's kinda funny, coming from a former vegetarian!