Subject: Unique Opportunity For Kids to Learn Fly Fishing

Fly Fishing Camp For Kids
Boys and girls ages 6 to 17 are invited to experience a full day of fishing activities, competitions, and prizes.

Learn how to tie flies and cast a fly rod. Get streamside instruction from local guides, and fish from a stocked pond all day.

Pond opens at 8am with classes from 9am to 4pm
Hourly streamside instruction
Casting competition at 4pm

What is BOJC? 
It stands for Brotherhood of the Jungle Cock, and it's an organization that has been teaching kids conservation through fly fishing since 1939.
The name of the Organization comes from the waxed neck feather of the Indian Jungle Fowl which was worn as a symbol of the group.  This chicken-like bird is on the endangered species list. 

A brief history goes like this…. In the late 30’s a group of men had formed a tradition of a Spring outing to fish Maryland’s Hunting Creek.  They would stay in a small cabin on the upper portion of the stream.  In 1939 the meeting was set for mid-April, but on Friday the 21st a snowstorm hit keeping the men indoors.  Now, these men were fly fishermen.  They shared common feelings about their sport.  They wanted to protect it and ensure that future generations of anglers would be able to enjoy fishing as they had.  They were determined to pass on the knowledge, skill and ideals of conservation to the youth of their generation.  How best to do so was the topic of conversation on that Friday night.  Finally, they  composed a CREED to define the goals and guide their organization into the future.  Clarke Venable wrote the CREED on Saturday morning, it was accepted and remains unchanged today.

Now--75 years later-- the tradition continues.  The Brotherhood of the Jungle Cock still meets near Hunting Creek in the Catoctin Mountains of Central Maryland the weekend after Mothers Day to hold their annual Campfire...a three day weekend designed to pass on to the youth of today the knowledge, skills and love of our sport.

To download a Registration Form to write out and mail, click here
To register online, click here

If you cannot attend, but wish to support Virginia BOJC with a donation click here:

Questions about the Campfire or BOJC:  Please contact Justin Fischbach at or call 540-280-3815.

Friends of the Middle River, PO Box 131, Verona, Virginia 24482, United States
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