Subject: Friend☑The 3 Main Reasons Layers Fail (And how YOU can profit from them)

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The 3 Main Reasons Why LAYERS Fail (And How YOU Can Profit From Them)

Dear Member

This week we'd like to share with you the 3 main reasons why most LAYERS fail. (And how YOU can profit from them)

1 - They know very little about what they are betting on

Probably the number one reason punters fail to make regular cash form betting is they rarely change the betting habits, which are usually undisciplined and unplanned.

If your betting on a horse, make sure you at least know something about that animal and the rivals it faces in its current race?

Don’t bet on hunches, because a tipster says so or based on the fact the mass`s are lumping on a selection. Use your own judgment creatively based on the facts presented to you in your chosen daily form guide.

2 – They fail to learn from past mistakes

Behavior patterns reoccur and continue to reoccur until certain lessons are considered to be learned. Knowledge is superficial unless it is accompanied by personal experience.

If you don’t apply self awareness to your betting decisions your actions will often determine the results.

In simple terms if you don’t adhere to a set of proven betting principles, no matter how good your selection system/methods are you will loose over any period of time, because your betting actions and stakes are likely to be random.

Unfortunately a lot of punters can’t be bothered to learn what’s really needed to make money from betting, simply because to do it properly takes time initially, and there is a learning curve.

They are just not interested in putting a little extra effort in, and finding out the necessary information from accurate sources, to help them succeed.

Most end up relying on tips or poor quality systems created by dubious marketers, which ultimately leads to uncertainty and losing on a regular basis.  

Many punters fall victim of clever marketers when looking around the internet. Reading so much miss-information eventually means they start to believe it. Unwittingly creating a false subconscious belief about how easy it is to create regular profits from betting on horses.

It`s hardly surprising that people fall for manipulative marketing garbage, after all it does sound very convincing.

These people pay clever marketing gurus to produce hypnotic sales adds, that are spun to make you feel like you will be missing out on a very profitable trick if you don't jump straight in and buy.

Often they know very little about racing! They are bandwagon merchants!

Here at false favourites blog all our PRO-METHODS have taken years to perfect. We are not marketing guru's but REAL betting pros who know whats required to win.

Simply changing a belief can have a profound effect. Don't become a victim of what you believe? Explore all the possibilities and don't judge information as absolute.

"Simply challenging what you first thought was fact can lead too life changing discoveries"

Now YOU know what to avoid
 let's look at something that really does work...

EXPLAINED: How to examine the days race cards and quickly identify short-priced favourites that have a (very slim chance of winning)

The odds compilers take a lot into consideration when pricing up a race, the betting forecast is a surprisingly accurate reflection of each horse chances. This PRO METHOD shows you by example which races to select so, you are no doubt which qualify.

DEFINED: Properly structured betting methods combined with some mechanical style system rules

This PRO METHOD method comes complete with time saving Race planners, and clear 9 point selection process sheets, which makes the whole method easier to use.

You will be shown exactly how to build a professional approach to your betting, which will eliminate careless mistakes and save tons of time when implementing the laying methods described.

We will teach how to structure your lay betting to suit your own preferences. Our step-by-step guide, walks you through the exact steps you should take if you want to become a consistent and profitable lay bettor. 

REVEALED: Why, obvious information instantly found by the punting masses in the Racing Post is non profitable

The Racing Post is on the wall in every betting shop in the UK. If picking winners, or losers was a simply a case of following the first bit of information to jump off the page of the RP, the bookies would go bust!

This Method will teach you which information to assess and which to ignore.

Doing the complete opposite to the masses is where the money really is!

EXPOSED: Racing Post - Postdata Table Myths

85% of the most popular lay systems use the Postadata table to quickly assess the vital form information. What they don`t do is teach the correct way to analyses and extract that information in the context of the race being assessed.

In simple terms you will learn how to oppose a horse that is the Postdata selection or Racing Post (NAP) on many occasions.

This very profitable information took us a long time learn and virtually nobody uses it.

EXPLAINED: Factual based professional tips through the manual to help you avoid many of the costly mistakes most layers make

Important Information that hardly any punters pay attention too, such as...

Why Turf and All Weather form don`t mix and so much more you haven't even considered.

These professional tips took us years to learn and knowing how to spot them is very profitable, as often you'll oppose a horse that every one else is supporting so the odds are based around hype and unrealistically low.

Tips, "secrets" and hard-learned lessons that I've had to experience the traditional way (wasting time & money).

You can instantly benefit from my experience, doing what works and avoiding things that will waste your time and potentially drain your wallet, with little or nothing to show for it...

You can download the system from THIS LINK link, rignt now 

Don't have time to find your own selections? We can do it for YOU, for just £44 for the next 6 months!

These are the type of tips members of the false favourite tipping club receive each day.
  • BACK TIPS FOR every day
  • SIRE STATS (Lays) most days
  • SYSTEM LAYS every day
  • WILSON'S members ONLY Forum lays - everyday

Your Editor

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Gambling is risky and Knowledge 4 Success Ltd and its writers cannot be held responsible for any losses. Any bets you place are at your own risk. Never bet with money you cannot afford to lose, always use a betting bank. Please gamble responsibly. For further information and advice visit the gambleaware website at:


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