Subject: Friend Fiction lovers get False-Favourites or Race-Specialist for £1.99

Do you like crime fiction?
Pre-order my debut crime novel The Killer Shadow Thieves today, for only £1.99 and I'll gift you a FREE copy of either:  False-Favourites £27 or The Race-Specialist  £27! Read below for details.

Dear Friend

Most of us like a good murder mystery, especially if there is a lovable protagonist fighting against the forces of evil. We want to be part of their journey, help them solve the riddle, one clue at the time.

We love to be surprised when the killer turns out to be who we least expected. Best of all, unlike a movie, a good book will keep you going for days, depending on how fast you read that is of course.

"The intention of this email is to find out which of you keen horse racing fans like to read crime fiction? This is something I've been an avid fan of for years." 

So much so, I have been writing crime fiction for a few years. Finally, my debut novel The Killer Shadow Thieves has received recognition, and some great reviews from Goodreads and other book bloggers. Read those here

So... if you read crime fiction, and would like to pre-order an eBook copy my compelling thriller The Killer Shadow Thieves (out on 18th November 2018) I'm prepared to to gift you either of my highly acclaimed laying manuals at no cost.

False-Favourites - value £27 
Race-Specialist - value £27 

To get your copy, simply follow these steps...

  • Step 1. Click on this Amazon link: and pr-order my book from the £1.99 pre-order payment button

  • Step 2. Email me here and put 'The Killer Shadow Thieves fiction lover' in the subject line. 

  • Step 3. My Amazon sales stats will reflect how many fiction lovers pre-order the book, and all those people will get to choose one of the lay manuals. (They'll be sent via the email address supplied) 

The Killer Shadow Thieves - Synopsis

A cleverly plotted, gritty, Ocean’s eleven-type heist, with a ruthless murder lurking in the shadows

Widowed detective DI Tom Blake sets off a chain of events that change his life forever - when the brutal murder of an alcoholic skinhead and arrest of a vicious Turkish loan shark, unwittingly disrupts an international gang’s daring plans to steal the world famous - Staffordshire Hoard.

Hope you enjoy the book?
Kind regards 
Jon Burgess

84 millrise rd , stoke on trent, staffordshire st2 7dn, United Kingdom

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