Subject: Friend🐴 False Favourites LAY Selections for Today!

Here's YOUR chance to get our highly acclaimed lay system RACE-SPECIALIST r.r.p £26.99 (FREE for the next 24 hrs only)

Dear Friend

Here are you FREE Saturday lay selections form false favourites tipping club...

LAY SELECTIONS: Saturday 8/6/19

4.55  BEVERLEY - Strawberry Jack  (Beryl The petal and Clem A must race for this to be a bet)

1.25 BEVERLEY - Elerfaan (Love Dreams and Qaysar must race for this to be a bet)

FREE copy of RACE SPECIALIST, and BACK & LAY TIPS tips for TWO months from false-favourites
This offer is only available for the next 24 hrs

To join us, simply follow these steps:

  1. click this link , or any of the other links in this email.
  2. on the offer page, click the £14 two month PayPal button 
  3. fill out the simple PayPal form. 
I`m sure you`ll agree, at just £14 for two months, we are with out doubt the cheapest tipping service online, but still one of the most profitable!

After joining, you will get immediate access to our members dashboard page, where you will find daily back & lay selections along with a link to our Exclusive lay staking plans designed to reduce liability on each bet. 

If you join today we'll even give you a free copy of the Race Specialist, our Highly acclaimed laying system worth £27!

"Remember these tips will only cost you £1.75 a week. We can guarantee - YOU won't find anything as good as this,  anywhere online!"
Click here to get 2 months PROFITABLE BACK & LAY tips and a copy of our highly acclaimed lay system worth £27 for just £14

84 millrise rd , stoke on trent, staffordshire st2 7dn, United Kingdom

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