Subject: FaithWriters September Newsletter for Friend

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WIN The Page Turner Publishing Contest.
September 2015 

"News & Information for the Write Brained Christian" 
Devotional & Newest Member E-books Included
Congratulations Xulon Publishing Package Raffle Winners

Xulon Raffle Winners - 1st Place - J. Clark, 2nd - C. Carter, 3rd - G. Arbuckle   GO HERE

Our first place winner receives a Xulon Best Seller package valued at over $4,000.00 retail. 

Looking to self publish? As a member of FaithWriters Platinum members receive a 10% discount off Xulon's best advertised price and Gold members receive a 5% discount. GO HERE and download a publishing guide. 
BIG NEWS - Great Opportunity to be Published - 10-31-15 Deadline

Ninth Annual Page Turner Contest

Winner to be Published! 

One Winner:

1. A fabulous cash prize of $500 (US);
2. The offer of traditional publication of their winning manuscript by Breath of Fresh Air Press;
3. Final editing of their manuscript (through Breath of Fresh Air Press);
4. Free publicity and marketing of their book on all FaithWriters' sites for twelve months following publication;
5. A special Page Turner Champion award plaque.

Two Page Turner runners-up will each receive:

1. A cash prize of $50 (US);
2. A special Page Turner award plaque; and
3. Consideration for future publication by Breath of Fresh Air Press

For more information on this opportunity go HERE.
The Writing Challenge Will Improve Your Writing!

A Child's Shoe
By Amy Michelle Wiley

Previous Challenge Entry (Level 3 – Advanced) 
Topic: Beach (07/04/05) 

The waves rolled steadily onto the Sri Lankan shore, falling just short of the woman’s toes. This was the water in which her husband had spent his days fishing, the waves her children had played among. But in the end, it was this same water that had taken all that away.

A wave caught her feet and panic constricted her throat as she scrambled desperately backward. But, loosing its power, the water drifted back into the ocean.

But the wave left a piece of its guts at her feet. A tiny child’s shoe lay before her. Shantha picked it up. Emotions suffocated her. She wondered if this child’s mother was alive and if she, too, was standing with empty arms, full of despair and guilt.

All her memories were overpowered by one day. One surge of water that had washed everything away. If only she had seen the rising water sooner. If only she had been able to carry all three girls. If only she had not tripped, maybe little Rani would not have been wrenched from her arms by the waves.

“What have I done to deserve this?!” She fell to her knees, arms outstretched. No answer came.

Tears filled her, great sobs that threatened to wrench her very soul from within her. Spent, she finally rose, half-consciously clutching the shoe. As she plodded back to the refugee center in Ampara she tried to ignore the empty stretches that had once been forest, now scattered liberally with litter. The putrid smell of dead bodies filled the air and Shantha gagged, quickening her steps toward camp. Finally the smell of death gave way to the sent of the living--sewage and sweat.

Reaching the camp, she awkwardly shoved the shoe into her pocket and scanned among the white tents for her one living son. She spotted Marudu unloading bottled water from a truck.

Shantha jumped when she felt an arm around her shoulders. It was her new friend, Danika. “Shantha, will you help me hand out food?” Danika smiled.

Shantha nodded wearily. She followed Danika toward the makeshift kitchen, grateful to have something to do. She marveled that she had become friends with a Sinhalan. Who would have imagined that it would be the Tamil people’s worst enemies who would come to their aid when disaster struck?

They worked alongside missionaries late into the afternoon, preparing food packets. One of the missionaries turned to Shantha and Danika, “A local church is having a service tonight. Would you like to come?”

A longing stirred inside Shantha. Perhaps the pastor could give her assurance that her family had gone to a better life. Their bodies had not been recovered. They had not been cremated. Shantha shuddered at the thought of their souls trapped forever under the cold water. “My son and I will come.”

Shantha, Marudu, and Danika listened as the pastor preached, telling of one God, the creator of the world. He spoke of a man named Jesus, of the miracles He had done, and of heaven. But he did not tell Shantha what she wanted to hear.... Continue Reading

Amy has been a FaithWriters member and moderator for years. Find more of her work HERE.
Take Full Advantage of Your Membership
Improve Your Writing Skills in 2015

We love Jan's courses. "I absolutely must add to these comments my own deep appreciation for the hard work you put in for us week by week. You enable people to grow and find true expression for their faith in the will of God. I've learnt so much already in such a short time, and that's because of your great advice and loving direction. Trace P.

Prepare now for the book God wants you to write. 

If you are a Silver member and have never entered, make sure to give it a try HERE.

Read Great Christian Books Free In Exchange For A Review
Many already have multiple five star reviews on Amazon. 

New to the Free Reads Program.

Hear Their Tiny Cries
David Keyser

One man has a new perspective after discovering a tiny baby in a trashcan. He sets out on an adventure which blossoms into many treasures. Endearing, touching and poignant, this novel reveals a calling to all, stop the mass murder called abortion. All children are gifts from God.

This is just one example of over 30 books you can read for free in exchange for a review. Many others have multiple five star reviews too. One book is running just below five stars with 82 reviews and it is listed in the top five books of its two categories. Another with over 30 reviews is running close to five stars and was honored as the book of the year by a major theological website. Another has over 20 reviews and is running almost five stars. Read one of these or one that has just joined the program and desperately needs reviews.

These are all free to read for you while others pay full price on Amazon. Plus you receive the bonus of helping a fellow believer and FaithWriters member. It takes reviews to sell books these days and other members really appreciate your help.

Go HERE to find a great book to read for FREE.

Hurry and choose one while they are still free to read! The authors can take their books out of this program at any moment.

Have you written a book and need reviews? Learn about submitting your book to this program HERE.
This Months Writing Lesson Preview


Called to "Write His Answer"

And the Lord said to me,

"Write my answer on a billboard, large and clear, so that anyone can read it at a glance and rush to tell the others."
—Habakkuk 2:2 TLB

• Press on to know the Lord (Hos. 6:3)

• Make time to allow the Lord to speak to you through his Word (Ps. 1:2; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; James 1:25).

• Seek his counsel and wisdom (Pss. 16:7; 32:8; Prov. 2:3-10; Isa.50:4; James 1:5-8).

• Wait for God’s answer (Hab. 2:1).

• Let his words sink into your heart first (Ezek.. 3:10-11); then write what you've experienced (1 John 1:3).

"Write my answer"

• Diligently study the Word (2 Tim. 2:15).

• Remember the promise that his Word does not return void (Isa. 55:10-11).

• Put on God's armor (Eph. 6:10-18).

• Make the most of your opportunities (Eph. 5:15-17; Phil. 2:14-16; Col. 4:5-6; 2 Tim. 4:2), knowing that the doors may not always be open (Amos 8:11-12).

Make it "large and clear"

• Write to be understood and to make the Gospel clear (1 Cor. 2:1-5).

• Let the Holy Spirit do the convicting; don’t preach (1 Cor. 2:4; Heb. 4:12).

• Know your audience (1 Cor. 2:6).

• Work hard (Col. 3:23-25), and enthusiastically (Rom. 12:11) so you do not need to be ashamed of your work (2 Tim. 2:15) or to compare it with others (Gal. 6:4).

Write "so that anyone can read it"

Continue reading lesson and find more lessons.
New Release: Trials and Triumphs II 
Rooted and Grounded in Love

The Powerful and Personal Testimonies of Fifty FaithWriters Members

Support fellow members by getting a copy of this inspiring book, which contains Fifty unique true stories from members around the world. These testimonies are powerful and encouraging. Makes a great book to leave on your coffee table for a conversation starter. Check it out HERE! 

Limited Offer: Read for free in exchange for a review on FaithWriters and Amazon. Email and request a copy. 

Support FaithWriters

We now offer Silver members the ability to pay as little as $2.00 per month for their benefits to support FaithWriters. Go HERE and look for the Bronze membership option.

Fishers of Men in Over 230 Countries
Together We Spread the Gospel on The Net

Together we are working to improve the writing skills of many Christian writers who will publish an innumerable number of articles and books pointing to the lost to Jesus. At the same time we are casting a net on the web, an extremely important field ready for harvest. The enemy knows this and he is working hard on the internet to publish false and misleading material that leads people away from Jesus. As followers of Jesus we can make a difference by publishing the true message and pointing people to Jesus. Men and women from over 230 countries (View Countries Here) are drawn to the FaithWriters site by the various articles on the end of our virtual fishing pole. Many have no other way but the internet to find out about Jesus. They are able to learn a lot from our site and the sister-sites to which we have provided links. Many click on the sites we link to that offer in-depth information on Jesus because they are able to get more information in their native language.

Hundreds of people from around the world have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior directly through FaithWriters. Plus, as we refer many people to other sites to help answer their questions and accommodate their language. We know it is not about just about numbers. We also know that accepting Jesus and confessing Him is just where it starts. It is honor to consider the fact that God would use us in this way. The numbers are encouraging for us though and we will love encouragement. 

We contact every person who leaves an email address, and provide them with more information. Sometimes we correspond with them several times. We even offer to place them in contact with another believer (FaithWriters member) in their country.
Consider how much time people --- especially kids --- spend on the internet these days. Watch this two minute video on how Kimberly found God on the internet.

Recent email we received: "I will do so and find a good Bible-believing church to worship with other believers at. Thank you for helping in my new walk with Jesus, since I accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. I'm very grateful to know and have new life in Jesus to lead me on the road to recovery from my sins. I will update you every so often to share what the Lord is doing with my faith and new life." Roger P.

Thank You FaithWriters! 

Many Blessings from the FaithWriters Staff

FaithWriters really needs your financial support. In doing so you gain access to more tools to improve your writing. At the same time you are helping foster the growth of new Christian writers and spreading the gospel in over 230 countries online. If you already support FaithWriters, we greatly appreciate it. Platinum is only .37 day and Gold is .20 day. Please Upgrade Here
Great Multitude Daily Bible Devotional 
Receive it by email or place it on your website HERE

Doing Life God's Way by Susan Barnes

I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. 1 Corinthians 2:1

Perhaps Paul would have liked to have used his eloquence or his wisdom to proclaim the gospel. In Acts 17:16-34 we read about Paul's time in Athens and it seems he was quite capable of reasoning with the great minds of his days and even the philosophers were interested to hear what he had to say. However Paul knew that this wasn't God's way in Corinth so he resolved to know nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified (v.2). He had learned to follow God's direction rather than his own preferences.

Sometimes we assume that a message that would excite us will do the same for our listeners. Perhaps sometimes we would like to impress others with our eloquence or superior wisdom. However the only way to see lasting fruit is to follow God's promptings.

As we seek God's direction he will lead us to share those things which will be genuinely helpful to our listeners. As we seek to follow Jesus' example we may find ourselves staying silent or asking questions or even being confrontational. As we seek to stay attune to the Spirit, God may use our words to touch lives but it may not be in the way we expect.

Like Paul, let's be sensitive to God's leading and not rely on our own understanding of people's real needs.

Susan, an Australian pastor's wife, regularly writes devotional thoughts on Bible passages, book reviews and inspirational articles. Contact

Our devotional is now on over 22,000 websites/blogs plus 15,000 by email and Twitter. FaithWriters members are encouraged to submit a devotional for publication HERE. Submissions are a maximum of 300 words which teaches you to write to topic and word count. Plus you will be spreading the news of Jesus with us. 
Submit Articles to The 
Critique Circle

We have paid editors who visit the Critique Circle on a regular basis and they are telling us they need more submissions

To help them out and see if you are paying attention, Michael is giving away free Critique Circle credits to all Platinum members who read this and respond. This limited offer means you do not need to provide a critique, you just get two, three or more critiques on a piece you submit. Just email and ask for a free credit. This is a real chance to receive some very constructive and private critiques of your writing. 

This is a real chance to receive some very constructive and private critiques of your writing

This offer available to Platinum members who have not been given a free credit in the last 90 days.

Be a blessing to someone today by letting others pray for 
you or by praying for them!

Don't Skimp on the Editing 
Hire a FaithWriters Approved Editor Today!

Joanne Sher is one of several editors offering editing services. 

Click Here to choose an editor.

  This Months FaithWriters Great Reads Selection
 We have some excellent writers and many topics to choose from at FaithWriters. Bless your fellow members by reading one or more of their books occasionally. Just imagine how you would feel if they did the same for you. Many of these books have multiple five-star reviews on Amazon. 

Books added in the last month as described by each author.

Caged Sparrow
Rosemarie Fitzsimmons
Your Price: $9.95
True story of hardened undercover narcotics chief, Joseph Tuttolomondo, who finds himself facing a 7-year prison sentence for a crime he did not commit. As he enters New York’s prison system alongside many he put behind bars, he must place his faith in a God he has only just met. Will it be enough?

Biblical studies

The True Justice of a Just God: Discovering God's Redemptive Plan for Mankind
Larry Panarello
Your Price: $12.95
Is there really a God who is composed of love and true light? Are catastrophes, natural disasters, and calamities—what we consider acts of God—examples of God’s justice or the result of spiritual warfare?


The Panic - Omnibus
Gary Ritter
Your Price: $2.99
This Omnibus version consists of 3 shorter volumes: The Panic (1), Flying Dollars (2), Spa Treatment (3). It is a collection of short stories written with a Christian worldview in response to the Faithwriters Challenge.

The Causes Which Impel Them
David Keyser
Your Price: $4.95
This is a novel about a possible future on the North American continent. The United States has divided into five nations. Each of these nations has its own beliefs and priorities. This novel is about one family and how they strive for the reunification of the American nations.
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The Story of Marriage
linzy bruno
Your Price: $10.95
Enjoy a lovely story with your child while addressing that all-important question: "Where do babies come from?" at the same time; God's way.

Free Reads For Reviews

Hear Their Tiny Cries
David Keyser
Your Price: $5.95
One man has a new perspective after discovering a tiny baby in a trashcan. He sets out on an adventure which blossoms into many treasures. Endearing, touching and poignant, this novel reveals a calling to all, stop the mass murder called abortion. All children are gifts from God.
Login to Buy!
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Thanks for your Membership and Support!
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