Subject: FaithWriters Newsletter April 2020 Newsletter

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FaithWriters - April 2020
Our Year of Clear Vision

Let's agree to take our eyes off our worries and fears and 
focus our 2020 vision on Jesus, His Word and promises.
This will allow us to walk in His peace in any storm.
His peace will let us love, help and encourage others,
being a light for all to see. This is the time for our faith
to shine. God is on the move and victory will be His.
Be still and know that He is God.

News & Information for the Write Brained Christian
Growing Christian Writers and Spreading the Gospel in over 230 Countries 
                                                   Devotional & Newest Member E-Books Included

Pray for those affected and a cure for the Corona/Covid 19 virus.

Let's keep His peace that is ours by taking our eyes off our fears and worries and keeping them
laser focused on Jesus and the new creation we are in Christ.There is no more room for double-mindedness.
It is time for all of us to believe God's word and trust our Father totally. God is for us and not against us. He will never leave us or forsake us. We can rest in His unending love. 

There is also much good news and hope in this fight. Let's be aware the news but not overwhelmed by it. Take much time to read God's word, listen to some great Christian music, look for hopeful stories, love others, help others, encourage others and pray. Be bold and share Christ with those you love. Let's be the light of faith God has called us to be.

HOPE- There is very hopeful news from many doctors using hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin Read this article HEREHERE and HERE for example. Here is one more worth watching that is a YouTube message made directly for President Trump by the Hasdic Jewish doctor in New York who has had amazing success with these medications. Here are some updates from the same doctor HERE. Let's pray theses promising medications continue to have great success. Google hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin for up to date news.

Here is a great article that reviews good news about virus situation. 

Free e-book to share with non-believers and struggling believers. The information in this book has encouraged many believers and led many atheists to change their mind and believe. Get it free HERE.

We are praying for your great victory in Christ!

January - March 2020

BEGINNERS/INTERMEDIATE: Crashing Castles by Chiazo Obiudu (Tower Challenge)

ADVANCED: The Run by Debra Brand (Tower Challenge)

MASTERS: Dad by Leola Ogle (Tower Challenge)

Love getting comments and critiques on your articles? We all do.

We are asking all members to commit to being a blessing by commenting on at least one Challenge entry per day?  It just takes a few minutes, and there are some great entries to read every week. 

Be a blessing today by clicking the links below and leaving at least one comment.

We also encourage you to comment on regular articles now and then. Think of the encouragement we can be if many of us commented on one article per week or even per day! Just look at the newest 200 titles and choose a few that draw your attention. 

Reading the work of others and critiquing them on a regular basis, helps us grow as writers. Both parties benefit. 

You Are Just One Comment Away From Being and Receiving a Great Blessing.

A special thank you to all our members who do leave comments on a regular basis. You will reap what you have sown. 
The Challenge Will Improve Your Writing!
Masters Quarterly Winner

Previous Challenge Entry (Level 4 – Masters)
Topic: TOWER (01/16/20)
By Leola Ogle

Shadows deepen and lengthen, light fades, and still I linger. The smell – hay, livestock, feed – invade my nostrils. A gust of wind blows through the door, kicking up hay and dust around my feet.


They found his body in the spot where I’m standing, the same spot where he was born. I close my eyes and sense my father’s life that started and ended here. Farming was all he knew. Born during the Great Depression when the Dust Bowl decimated farms, Dad knew poverty.

Born seventh of nine children, Grandma said Dad was a strange boy from his birth. “I was in the barn, praying while I tended to the livestock. One giant pain gripped me as my body released my baby. Were nothing like I ever experienced in childbirth. I fainted from the pain. When I came to, Molly the cow was licking Thomas. People think I’m lying when I say Thomas was smiling and cooing. My biggest baby ever, must’ve been eleven pounds and twenty-five inches long. All his life, he towered over everyone. He didn’t talk ‘til he was five. We thought he couldn’t. His mind was always elsewhere, with the animals, nature, God. Our community was starving. All that dust and no rain. Crops failed. Thomas’s first word was God. He’d been down by our dried-up pond. Weren’t more than a mud hole. I’s a-praying for something to feed my family when he walked in the kitchen carrying this big catfish. I was dumbstruck. I asked how he got a fish like that from that nothing-pond. He said, ‘God.’”

Grandma smiled at the memory. “He’s always talking to God. And animals. He loved animals, probably from Molly licking him. He claimed him and the animals talked to each other.” Her smile faded. “People made fun of him, bullied him all his younger years. Kids called him T-T-Towering T-T Thomas, ‘cause he stuttered and ‘cause he was so tall. Sadly, some feared him because of his abilities.”

Dad never stuttered around family and kept quiet around others. He grew to 6’ 8” and was homely – big ears, orange hair, and bone-skinny with a shuffling gait. His abilities were strange. He’d stroke an animal while whispering to it and tell you what ailed the animal. He’d put his ear to the ground, and tell you where to dig a well. If he stared at someone long enough, he’d know their secrets – but it didn’t happen with everyone. He’d climb to the top of the silo and just sit, then tell you what the weather would be that week.

While some feared him, others sought his help. “Thomas never said or done an unkind thing in his life,” Grandma said. “There was something different about him. Special.”

Leola is a long time FaithWriters member and a winner of our annual Writing Challenge Best of Best contest. Finish reading and comment on Leola's winning entry HERE.
Support Fellow Christian Authors - Free Reads for Reviews

Read Great Christian Books for Free in Exchange for a Review
Many already have multiple five-star reviews on Amazon.

These are all free to read for you while others pay full price on Amazon. Plus you receive the bonus of helping a fellow believer and FaithWriters member. It takes reviews to sell books these days, and other members appreciate your help.

We have some great books for you to read for free! 

Second: Choose a book. Here are three of many.      

One Last Wave
Jack Taylor

One Last Wave explores life rediscovered when regret and disappointment shuts off our past. Remembering is a powerful tool in freeing us to move forward. Katie Delancey is an MK resurfacing to discover love and faith and hope one more time. Great scenes of Africa mix with complex life in America.

A Place in the Son: Fitly Joined Together in Love and Growing in Christ
Clarence Ogle

"A Place in the Son: Fitly Joined Together in Love and Growing in Christ" is a guide to growing in Christ in harmony with other true believers.

Find this book HERE

Grace Trumps Guilt
Donna Cole

Tormented by your past?
Insecure about future?
Unable to forgive yourself for repeated sins?
Think God will never forgive you?
Grace Trumps Guilt is the fascinating memoir of author Donna Cole's journey from debilitating feelings of guilt to triumphant gratitude

There are several member books you can read for free in exchange for a review. Many already have multiple five-star reviews. One book is running just below five stars with over 200 reviews online, and it is listed in the top ten books of its two categories on Amazon. Another with over 40 reviews is running close to five stars and was honored as the book of the year by a major theological website. Another has over 30 reviews and is running almost five stars. Read one of these or one that has just joined the program and desperately needs reviews.

Go HERE to find other great books to read for FREE for a REVIEW.

Hurry and choose one while they are still free to read! The authors can take their books out of this program at any moment.

Have you written a book and need reviews? Learn about submitting your book to this program HERE.

Devotionals submitted from members publish on thousands of websites worldwide!

Great Multitude Daily Bible Devotional 
Receive it by email or place it on your website HERE

Joy to You - Jennifer Woodley

‘And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads, they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.’ Isaiah 35:10 (NRSV)

True joy transcends the rolling waves of circumstance. Joy comes not from externals, but a consistent relationship with Jesus Christ. When our lives are centered on Him, Jesus will help us walk through difficulties without sinking into debilitating lows and manage prosperity without moving into deceptive highs. The joy of living with Christ will keep us on a constant even-keel, despite how high or low our circumstances.

For those of us who are weary and tired, fearful and despairing, we need the joy that is found in staying close to Christ. Our Savior said in John 15 that if we keep His commandments and abide in His love, His joy would fill, strengthen and move us onward to do whatever we are called to do. As we do our part, Christ does His.

This joy keeps us going despite struggle and pain. This is not a ‘put on my happy face’ type of joy: that is fleeting and varying depending upon life situations. This joy goes much deeper. It fills our inner being, and remains even when life looks bleak. Is this what we need right now? Be encouraged because Christ, through the power of the indwelling Spirit, liberally and freely gives us the joy that the world can never offer.

‘Father, only the joy you offer keeps me going through the hard times. I ask that your joy will enable me to face and overcome whatever lays ahead today. Amen.’

Jennifer is an Australian freelance writer who enjoys encouraging others on their journey with Christ through writing and mentoring. Contact

Help us spread the good news of Jesus around the world. The FaithWriters devotional is on thousands of websites, plus thousands go out by email and Twitter daily. They are also published about 90 days after FaithWriters on IDisciple HERE Members are encouraged to submit an edited devotional for publication HERE. Submissions are a maximum of 300 words, helping you learn to write to topic and word count. You never know how your writing may inspire a brother or sister in Christ or impact a lost soul. 
We can learn and improve our own writing by reading the winners. 
While you are there, sow some good seed by leaving a comment.
Increase Sales With an Audio Book 
Make a Nice Income From Home

Recently, I had an email exchange with Dave Walker, a longtime FaithWriters member. Dave's book, God in the ICU, has done very well. But, Dave was happily surprised to see a significant increase in sales due to the addition of an audio version. You can view Dave's book and listen to a small audio portion HERE. Dave's book was perfect for an audiobook.

Dave did his narration, and for some, that might work out great. But there is an easier way and it is not that expensive. You can learn about it HERE. ACX is an Amazon company, on their site you can place your book up for narrator auditions. You then get offers from narrators who read a sample for you, posting it on ACX. You choose the one you like and make a deal. This is all done online.

I recently had an audiobook done of Gravity on ACX, by a great narrator and believer named R.F. McCoy. You can hear a sample HERE. If you like R.F. McCoy's voice, make sure to request an audition from him. He was professional, diligent and on schedule. You can find his profile on ACX. It costs nothing to request auditions and you will probably get several. I paid Bob $500.00 and keep any profits myself after Amazon's cut. You can also offer to split profits and pay nothing if a narrator agrees.

When your narration is complete and you have paid the bill, your book is automatically loaded for sale on Audible and other outlets. Everything is professional and that's what you want for your audiobook.

Another thought for some readers is to apply to be a narrator. ACX will show you how to do this on their site. If you have a good voice, you could make a nice income from home.
Do This Today!

Do You Always Keep a Copy of Your Articles? 
We STRONGLY recommend you do this today and occasionally in the future as you add more articles

We appreciated your patience when FaithWriters was down for over two days a few months ago, due to issues with our service provider. The issue we experienced makes this message of even more importance. We do not want you to lose your articles. Therefore, we have been pushing this for over a year and hope you have already taken advantage of it.  You can download a copy of your articles in mass, with one click on the site.

We back up the site regularly but cannot give you a 100% guarantee of there safety. Things happen online as you know. Hackers are a big issue and some out there would like to take a Christian site down. If you log into the site and look in the middle left column of the My Account page under Update and Manage Your Profile/Account, you will see the following link on the website.

Click Here to Download a Copy of Your Articles in Mass

When you are logged into the site, click on that link on the website and a copy of your articles will be downloaded to your computer in a zip file. It will be fairly quick depending on your internet speed and number of articles. Save them to your computer or a thumb drive.
While this should download all of your articles, sometimes a couple are missed for some unknown reason. Therefore, double check the downloaded articles by opening each one on your computer. If an important one is missed, you will need to manually copy it to your records from the site. Then going forward, make sure to keep a copy of each new article you post. 

Make sure to do this today to protect your writing. Log in HERE.

The Challenge WILL Improve Your Writing!
GO HERE and sign up in the right hand column for a weekly topic email.
We Always Respond to Emails

If you do not receive a timely response to an email, we did not receive your email, or you did not receive our reply. We are constantly battling overwhelming amounts of spam and sometimes emails we should receive end up in our spam by accident.

You should check your spam and make sure that,, and are on your email providers approved list.

If you have tried more than once and did not receive a reply, click on a contact link at the bottom of most FaithWriters pages and send us a message telling us of the issue. We will try and email you from another email provider.

Article Comment Emails Not Getting to Your Gmail?

In the past, some members have had issues receiving notification emails when their Challenge or other articles receive a comment. We just did a test of the system and placed a Gmail test address in my profile. I then posted a comment on one of my articles. I also did this test on a Challenge article for a member who said she was not getting the emails. In both tests, the email notification of the comment did come through to the Gmail address, but in both cases it went to the junk file in Gmail. So, FaithWriters automatic email system is working to Gmail but may be going to your junk. 

If you have not been receiving notifications of comments on your articles, post a test comment on one of your own articles and then check the junk tab on your Gmail. Be aware, my junk tab in Gmail showed there were no junk emails until I clicked on it and found the comment notification email from FaithWriters in there.  If you find any emails from FaithWriters in your junk, move them to your inbox and hopefully next time they will not go to junk. Make sure to check your junk on a regular basis and click on the other tabs just to check. Each time move them to your inbox. There is also a tab titled "view all email" that should be checked. Sometimes Gmail divides email up into different tabs, so check all the tabs once in awhile just in case. This is something you should check if you have Hotmail or others too. 

The Challenge WILL Improve Your Writing!
GO HERE and sign up in the right hand column for a weekly topic email.

Support FaithWriters Spread of the Gospel 

Fishers of Men in Over 230 Countries
Together We Spread the Gospel On the Net

Not all of us can go around the world as missionaries in person, but we can reach the world online. We can even reach many places missionaries cannot go in person. The world needs sites like FaithWriters, prepared Christian authors and as many Christian articles and books that point to Jesus as possible. The web especially needs your Bible studies, apologetic articles, calls to salvation, nonfiction and fiction articles and books leading people to Jesus. Together we attract lost people from all over the world who need Jesus along with believers who need their minds renewed and encouraged. God has given us a great opportunity to reach many people who may have never heard of Jesus. The image above marks the location of our visitors.

Numerous people from around the world have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior directly through FaithWriters. We contact every person who leaves an email address and provide them with more information. Sometimes we correspond with them several times. We even offer to place them in contact with another believer (FaithWriters member) in their country. Consider how much time people --- especially kids --- spend on the internet these days. Watch this two-minute video from Kimberly on how she found God on the internet

A few unedited emails from people who have accepted Jesus on the site.

1) This first one was from a person who hacked FaithWriters a few years ago. We feared the entire site might be lost. We prayed for our hackers and posted articles letting them know that their salvation was more important than the website. The shutdown of the site stopped and we received this message through our evangelism page. I am certain is was our hacker. 

Type of prayer : first time prayer
Your work occupation : Other Religious background : Muslim

2) "Hi my name is Collin I live in Utah heber I know that we are n the last days and I want to be saved so please I need help I've been going to site to site I'm tired of going home from school a sinner I'm stressed with all my homework I cry more than ever sometimes I need Jesus." (This message was obviously from a young boy)

3) "I felt the the holyspirit lead me to you and that God's message of love drew me here."

4) "I want Jesus to be the number one in my life."

5) "I'm saved from sin and I've rededicated my life to HIM who owns me. I'm now free from lies, exam malpractice etc. Pray for me to believe that indeed "It is finished "

6) "I accepted Jesus as Lord and Need A Bible." (We sent Roger a Bible.)

7) "I have accepted Jesus and prayer not continue to commit sin any more." Matthew

8) Recently had a deputy police chief from a major city accept Jesus on the site. He is responsible for over 1,500 officers and staff and could be a big influence for Jesus. Please pray for J. Ramar.

9) "Jesus is my Lord and Savior, please save us from witchcraft, sorcery, divination, polygamy, immorality, astral projection, pride, all sin iniquity fathers, false religion, false gods, show me your way, give me purity, holiness, give me Jesus true, save me from work of devil, and evil spirit, kingdom of darkness be destroyed, give me holiness, save us from Satan and his work, premature death, I need to serve Jesus, thank You Jesus, Amen." Anna S.

We wish you many blessings in Christ and thank you for your support!  Michael & Bea Edwards and everyone at FaithWriters

Free E-Book to build up your faith and help your friends and family members come to Christ.
Platinum Member Books
Now Appear in Over 100 Site Ads

Promote your Christian book on FaithWriters, and you will help support our mission to grow Christian writers and spread the gospel in over 230 countries online. You will not find more exposure for your Christian book anywhere at this price.

Watch this short video HERE.
Another Great Way to Improve The Critique Circle

Fellow Members Need Your Help. 

Providing comments and critiques for fellow members is of great encouragement to them. It is also the perfect way to improve your writing skill.

Tips on Giving Critiques

Critiquing the work of others requires balance. Being too nice will not help your fellow writers develop their work; being too harsh can crush a writer’s ego (particularly new writers, who tend to be shy about sharing their work). How can you achieve the right balance? Here are some tips:

Take care to point out both what works, and what doesn’t. If you’re new to critiquing, a good hint would be to point out one thing you like (a phrase, a description, an idea) for each thing that bothered you.

Whenever possible, be specific when pointing out things that you didn’t like (don’t just say “I didn’t like this part” or “I’d cut that,” say “I didn’t like this part because…” or “I’d cut that because…”).

Try to offer suggestions when you think a change is needed. Suggestions, even to the point of an offered rewording, can be very helpful; even if the suggestion isn’t exactly right for the author to use, he or she may get a good idea from it, or at least a better understanding of the point you are trying to make.

Be honest and direct, but in a polite and caring way. Holding back your feelings about a piece because you’re afraid to share your thoughts isn’t going to help anyone. Just be mindful of how you share your opinions!

We Also Need Your Article to Critique!
Members and paid editors provide the critiques in the circle. You can even submit your judged Challenge entries to the circle.

"I have a few, very few, trusted friends who will edit me with a scowl. Most people want you to feel good so they give you compliments about your writing, and these don’t help at all (except emotionally). Really, you need some grouches to edit your work." Philip Yancey in a FaithWriters interview.

This is a real chance to help others and receive some very constructive and private critiques of your writing. 
Please Change Your FaithWriters Password

If we are going to be online, we need to protect ourselves. It only takes a few minutes to change your most important passwords. Always use different passwords for each place you log in and keep them in a safe place. A great way to remember a password is with a sentence. For example, I am a 35 year old Christian writer. Using the first letter in each word plus the numerals and the period, the password is: Iaa35yoCw. Make up a sentence with your pets or kids names, or whatever sentence you can remember. Make sure to include a numeral or two, upper and lower case and a symbol like the example shows. Here are a couple more: 1) I live at 4533 Canyon, Wonderful, AZ. The password ends up being: Ila4533C,W,AZ. 2) I graduated from Alhambra high school in 1977. The password ends up being: IgfAhsi1977.

The world's system is placing all of their faith in the internet, even when they can see how vunerable it is. Thankfully, we know the only place where our faith belongs.

Don't Skimp on the Editing 
Hire a FaithWriters Approved Editor Today!

Noel Mitaxa is an Aussie storyteller and one of several editors offering editing services. He has syndicated his weekly Good News column in Australian secular newspapers for over twenty years; a syndication that's recently expanded into Australia's armed services and to the USA and the UK.

Click Here to choose an editor.

  This Months FaithWriters Great Reads Selection

We have some excellent writers and many topics to choose from at FaithWriters. Bless your fellow members by reading one or more of their books. Just imagine how you would feel if they did the same for you. Many of these books have multiple five-star reviews on Amazon.

Recently Added Books as Described by the Author

A Tale of Two Sisters: Reluctant Caregivers
Linda Lawrence
Your Price: $2.99
This memoir is transparently told by two sisters caring for family members with Alzheimer’s. Their tales are intertwined, yet each stands alone, as they tell how God cared for them as they cared for their loved ones. It’s an inspirational story of how God brought blessings out of Alzheimer’s.


Kept By The Word: Unveiling God's Purpose of Prayer
Lynet Winfrey
Your Price: $6.99
When The Father Instituted Prayer, He righteously designed it to be equipped with His purpose to accomplish His will. Satan knowing this, has tried to redefine prayer to have us think that prayer is based on our purpose—not God’s. This has led to a misunderstanding and misuse of prayer.

Spiritual Journey: 40 Days of Encouragement, Reflection, & Self-Examination
Greg Nembhard
Your Price: $5.99
Spiritual Journey: 40 Days of Encouragement, Reflection, & Self-Examination by Greg Nembhard is an inspiring devotional that takes the reader on an important experience in his or her spiritual walk. Readers will walk away after finishing the book encouraged and refreshed.

Family matters

Help for Single Christians
Jacky Hughes
Your Price: $5.00
Help for Single Christians is wisdom for you to build a brilliant foundation for life. Whether you marry or not you will benefit from reading this book. Chapters include money management,dating, courting, as well as abuse, codependency and family and cultural issues. With helpful notebook tasks.
Login to Buy!


Ham is the father of Canaan? But I thought that Noah was!
John Townsend
Your Price: $4.99
Just a few years after the Flood something quite remarkable happened that would affect the world up to this day; and today we need to know this more than ever. Only through Bible exegesis can this remarkable event be evinced.

CHANGE YOUR HEART, CHANGE YOUR LIFE: Rewire the Brain for Positive Intuition Bringing Peace to Change the World
Nenita Shannon
Your Price: $2.99
Did you experience in a realm on a changing process of your conscious heart and mind in a higher level? If you haven't known this subject, here is a book that tells on awareness of this change from the old life morph to a newborn again in spirit.


Strategic Insights - Managing by the Book
Marvin Pirila
Your Price: $9.99
Long-term, lasting success is built on the foundation of moral behavior and actions that embody trust, respect, and confidence ─all traits influenced by Biblical teachings. A great leader, while operating from a solid foundation, demands weighted calculations and risks.


Rapture Of The Ready
Phil Jellerson
Your Price: $1.00
Jesus said, "The truth shall set you free." HERE IS HIS HARD TRUTH. Not all Christians will be in the rapture. The Bible clearly teaches a Rapture Of The Ready. Are you ready? This short 30-page book will let you know.
Login to Buy!

Free Reads For Reviews

The Spirtuality Puzzle
james rondinone
Your Price: $8.99
This book is about accepting a salvation message that proclaims if we respond to it, we will enter into a personal relationship with God, and be admitted to a better place at death.

However, in most cases what we have found is, we become busy doing this or that in the name of some supreme being and one day come to the realization that our life really hasn’t changed at all, and the place we are promised to go when our time is up, we begin to have doubts as to whether we will actually go there.

We will be introduced to four different salvation messages and come to an awareness that our eternal destiny is not based on what we do or don’t do in the name of some supreme being, but that there is one and only one supreme being who has done something for us, which if we accept what this is our life will be changed from within and this spiritual reality will provide for us verification of the future eternal life that is to come.


Seeking Wisdom or Seeking A Sign: Becoming A Spirit Led Writer
Nenita Shannon
Your Price: $2.99
God is the centerpiece of relationship in a spirit led writing putting up together on a knowledge of history and prophecy. It happened in a long process of time in building a true and basic foundation of faith.

Thanks for your Membership and Support!
Faith Writers, PO Box 272, 49808, Bath, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.